Bil, CHANGAN, CS35 Plus New, Power back door module (PTS)
Dør moduler - Power back door module (PTS) - 0
Network protocol version information: B123
Function defined version info: B123
Diagnostic defined version info: B123
Calibration version: --
Changan defined ECU hardware version number: B1234567
Changan defined ECU software version number: B123456789ABCDE
Dele nummer: --
Leverandøridentifikation: B123456
Stel nr.: B123456789ABCDEFG
Software partnumber: --
Fingerprint identification: 3456
Serie nummer: --
FBL specification version: B123
FBL software version number: B123
Software nummer: B1234567
Supplier ECU hardware number: B12345678
Supplier ECU software reference number: B123456789
B1D8016: Supply voltage too low
B1D8017: Supply voltage too high
U1F0088: Ukendt fejlkode
U1F0187: Body control module (BCM) message timeout
U1F0287: A/C message timeout
U1F0387: EPBi/ESP message timeout
U1F0487: Ukendt fejlkode
U1F0587: Ukendt fejlkode
U1F0687: EPBi message timeout
U1F0787: Ukendt fejlkode
B1D8112: Strut motor short to battery
B1D8111: Strut motor short to ground
B1D8113: Strut motor circuit open
B1D8212: Ukendt fejlkode
B1D8729: Ukendt fejlkode
B1D8829: Ukendt fejlkode
B1D8929: Ukendt fejlkode
B1D8A12: Ukendt fejlkode
B1D8A11: Ukendt fejlkode
B1D8A13: Ukendt fejlkode
B1D8B12: Ukendt fejlkode
B1D8B11: Ukendt fejlkode
B1D8B13: Ukendt fejlkode
B1D8C71: Ukendt fejlkode
B1D8E71: Ukendt fejlkode
B1D8F71: Ukendt fejlkode
Clear DTC
Levende Data
PTS monitoring information 1 - KL30 voltage sampling AD value: 561
PTS monitoring information 1 - self-priming lock drive current AD value: 563
PTS monitoring information 1 - left pole diagnostic current AD value: 53
High side output - hall sensor power supply output: Ugyldig
Lock system output - self-priming lock terminal a relay drive output: Sluk
Lock system output - self-priming lock terminal В relay drive output:
Hall sensor movement direction: Åbner
Hall sensor signal 1: Lav
Hall sensor signal 2: Lav
Electric pole system output - KL30 relay control: Ugyldig
Electric pole system output - brake relay control: Gyldig
Electric pole system output - shunt CNTRL: Sluk
Digital input 2 - lock detent switch signal: Sluk
Digital input 2 - lock ratchet switch signal: Tænd
Digital input 2 - lock reset switch signal: Sluk
Digital input 1 - instrument panel back door open/close button: Gyldig
Digital input 1 - tailgate interior switch: Ugyldig
Control port enable - power diagnosis enable: Sluk
Control port enable - pull-up power supply 1 enable: Tænd
Control port enable - pull-up power supply 2 enable: Sluk
Control port enable - VCC switch output: Sluk
Control port enable - VDIAG enable: Sluk
Remote trunk : Deaktiver
Brændstoftype: Fuel
Somatosensory control enable: Deaktiver
Ul control enable: Aktiver
Buzzer state: Beep 4
Buzzer output drive: Ugyldig
Udgangs test
Self-priming lock terminal A relay drive output
Self-priming lock terminal В relay drive output
KL30 relay control
Break relay control
Electric pole terminal A relay drive output
Electric pole terminal B relay drive output
Hardware reset
ECU Reset