Bil, GEELY, Atlas Pro , Azkarra, Transmission 7DCT (TCU)

transakse - Transmission 7DCT (TCU) - 0


Software version bootloader: --

Fremstillings dato: F03101F0

Software refresh date: F03101F0

Calibration software version number: --

Repair shop code or tester serial number: --

ECU installation date: 55444241

Software nummer: 8mg10p3p41245678

Hardware number: @@@AAABBBCCCDDDE

Stel nr.: LV2DB24H0MD084764

ECU serial number: DDD10p3p4124

Supplier number: 456789

Dele nummer: --

Vehicle name: 12345678


U010087: Lost communication with engine/power control module (ECM/PCM)


Clear DTC

Levende Data

Supply voltage 5V N1: 32.26 V

Supply voltage 5V N2: 32.26 V

Supply voltage 5V N3: 32.26 V

Average battery module voltage: 32.51 V

Battery high power voltage (after CL filter): 32.51 V

Battery line 1 raw current: 32.51 A

Battery line 2 raw current: 32.26 A

Battery line 1 raw voltage: 32.26 V

Battery line 2 raw voltage: 32.26 V

Chip temperature signal NTC 2 (MOSFET): 13.3 °C

Battery low power voltage (before CL filter): 32.51 V

Chip temperature signal NTC 1 (ASIC): 25.7 °C

Chip temperature signal NTC 3 (MOSFET): 0.0 °C

Chip temperature signal NTC 4 (MOSFET): -0.1 °C

Clutch 1 midterm contact: 46.26 mm

Clutch 1 friction coefficient: 9215

Clutch 1 temperature: 16 °C

Clutch 1 torque: Unreliable

Clutch 2 midterm contact: 0.21 mm

Clutch 2 friction coefficient: 37

Clutch 2 temperature: 40 °C

Clutch 2 torque: Høj

Clutch coolant temperature: 465.8 °C

Clutch torque: 88 N·m

Fuel flow pump: 4.69 l/min

Fuel pump motor signal: 43.51 V

Pump hall sensor: 4.35 V

Pump motor operation current: 43.51 A

Fuel pump motor current signal status: 240.0 A

Fuel pump controller operation mode: Pre-configure mode

Fuel pump motor driving efficiency: 435.1 %

Fuel pump motor driving phase voltage: 4.35 V

Actual voltage of gear selection motor: 325.11 V

Gear selector actuator position: 82.25 mm

Gear selector motor average current: 43.51 A

Gear selector motor current signal status:

Gear selector motor current hall sensor voltage: 4.35 V

Gear selector motor driving efficiency: 435.10 %

Gear selector motor driving circuit working mode: Normal modulation mode

Position of gear shift actuator: 46.77 mm

Gear selector motor driving phase voltage: 4.35 V

Gear shift motor current hall sensor voltage: 4.35 V

Gear shift motor average current: 43.51 A

Gear shift motor driving circuit working mode: Normal modus

Gear shift motor driving efficiency: 435.1 %

Gear shift motor driving phase voltage: 4.35 V

Hydrostatic clutch actuator (HCA) 1 power supply signal voltage: 41.80 V

Hydrostatic clutch actuator (HCA) 1 circuit board temperature: 85 °C

Hydrostatic clutch actuator (HCA) 1 starting signal: Aktiver

Hydrostatic clutch actuator (HCA) 1 target position: 0.21 mm

Hydrostatic clutch actuator (HCA) 2 target position: 0.72 V

Hydrostatic clutch actuator (HCA) 2 circuit board temperature: 54 °C

Hydrostatic clutch actuator (HCA) 2 starting signal: Deaktiver

Hydrostatic clutch actuator (HCA) 2 target position: 0.37 mm

Tændingsspænding: 32.51 V

Transmission input speed shaft 1: 26948840.1 µs

Transmission input speed shaft 2: 1690906.0 µs

Input shaft 1 speed cycle time signal: 429496729.5 µs

Input shaft 1 speed signal: 258 Omdr.

Input shaft 1 speed direction signal: Ikke defineret

Input shaft 2 speed signal: 264 Omdr.

Input shaft 2 speed direction signal: Ikke defineret

Input shaft 2 speed cycle time signal: 0.0 µs

ODD shaft target gear: Ikke defineret

EVEN shaft target gear: Ikke defineret

Input shaft speed pulse width signal: 3381812.0 µs

Sump oil temperature: 46.92 °C

Output shaft speed direction signal: Ikke defineret

Output shaft speed cycle time signal: 429496729.5 µs

Parking lock position duty cycle signal: 6.9 %

Parking lock position cycle time signal: 25.6 µs

Output shaft speed: 273 Omdr.

Kilometer tæller: 1122867 km

Reference position research: Ikke komplet

Engine oil temperature (raw value): 32.26 V

TCU (Transmission Control Unit) actual running time: 4294967295 sek

Transmission off type: Ikke defineret

Transmission locking request: Ikke defineret

Transmission parking locked: Ikke defineret

Warm-up cycle: Sluk

Batteri spænding: 18.25 V

Udgangs test


Neutral gear request

Gear engaged

Open oil hole

Oil pump flow request

НСА1 actual position control

НСА2 actual position control

НСА1 actual pressure control

НСА2 actual pressure control



Software reset

Hardware reset

Vehicle Name Writing

Rediger stel nr.

Edit ECU installation date