Bil, GEELY, Gleagle GX7, GX718, Delphi MT80 CAN 4G20 (ECM)
Motor - Delphi MT80 CAN 4G20 (ECM) - 0
On-board diagnostics: EOBD (Europe)
Manufacturer enable counter (MEC): 0
Versionskode: A0515404340434
Stel nr.: 123456789@ABCDEFG
Basismodel-delnummer: 01 B0 97 30
Supplier ECU software number: 28039847
ECU software version number: 22p1Eg46p0
Repair shop code or tester serial number:
Programming date: FFFFFFFF
P0106: Manifold absolute pressure (MAP)/barometric - pressure range/performance
P2110: Electronic throttle control (ETC) system forced limited engine speed
P2101: Electronic throttle control (ETC) system malfunction
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Fuel system status (bank 1): Open loop fault
Fuel system status (bank 2): Open loop fault
Calculated load value: 33.3 %
Motor kølevæske temperatur føler: 79 °C
Kortsigtet brændstofafstemning række 1: -96.1 %
Langsigtet brændstofafstemning, række 1: -33.6 %
MAP føler: 85 kPa
Motor Hastighed: 320 Omdr.
Køretøjets hastighed sensor: 85 km/h
Ignition advance angle at cylinder 1: -21.50 °
Intake air temperature sensor: 45 °C
Absolute throttle position A: 33.3 %
Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 1, bank 1: 0.42 V
Short term fuel trim O2 sensor 1, bank 1: -33.59 %
Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 2, bank 1: 0.42 V
Short term fuel trim O2 sensor 2, bank 1: -33.59 %
Engine running time: 4626
Distance since check engine telltale on: 4626 km
Kommando til magnetventil til rensning af EVAP (fordampningsemission): 33.3 %
Fuel level input: 33.3 %
Number of warm-ups since DTC cleared (OBDII): 85
Afstand siden fejlkode slettet: 4626 km
Catalyst temperature sensor 1, bank 1: 4586 °C
ECU supply voltage: 14.00 V
Absolute load value: 1807.1 %
Kommando for ækvivalensforhold for luft/brændstof: 0.424
Throttle valve relative position: 33.3 %
Absolute throttle position B: 33.3 %
Accelerator pedal position D: 33.3 %
Accelerator pedal position E: 33.3 %
Commanded throttle actuator A control: 33.3 %
Time since check engine telltale on: 4626 min
A/C request: Nej
Throttle position at idle position: Nej
A/C clutch: Sluk
Catalyst protection mode: Nej
Kommando til brændstofpumpe: Sluk
Power steering switch: Nej
Low fuel telltale: Sluk
VIM valve 1 (optional): Sluk
Deceleration brændstoflukning: Tænd
Check motor fejllampe: Sluk
Service vehicle soon telltale: Sluk
Forøget strømtilførsel: Nej
Closed loop: Nej
Knock control: Nej
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 ready for operation: Nej
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 rich to lean switches: Mager
Tyverisikring deaktiveret indtil bilen er lukket: Deaktiveret
Indlæring af brændstofafstemning: Nej
Cooling fan low speed: Sluk
Cooling fan high speed: Sluk
Park/Neutral relay: R-4321
Reduceret motorstrøm: Tænd
Kommando til magnetventil til ventilation af EVAP (fordampningsemission): Nej
EGR valve position (close): Nej
Idle recognition test: Nej
Rough road misfire ignore data: Nej
EGR flow test counter: Ja
Error in camshaft signal: Nej
Tændingsspænding: 10.20 V
A/C pressure: 1.67 V
Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 1, bank 1: 369.00 mV
Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 2, bank 1: 369.00 mV
Linear EGR feedback: 1.67 V
Trykføler til brændstoftank: 1.67 V
Linear normalized EGR: 33.3 %
Brændstofniveauføler: 1.67 V
Engine speed (Camshaft): 85
Vehicle speed input: 85 km/h
Coolant temperature at engine start: 45 °C
Evaporate purge control solenoid valve PWM: 33.3 %
Target EGR duty cycle: 33.2 %
Term fuel trim cell: 85
Target idle speed: 263 Omdr.
Average fuel injection pulse width: 70.6 ms
EGR valve, target position: 33.3 %
Barometrisk tryk føler: 45.1 kPa
Luft-/brændstofforhold: 8.50
Knock counter: 85
Engine running time: 18:12:15
Beregnet katalysatortemperatur: 555 °C
Knock retard angle: 7.50 °
Beregnet luftstrøm: 36.1 g/sek
EGR valve position (close): 14.1 %
Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) pintle error: 28.2
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 lean to rich switches: 9509
Cylinder mode misfire index: 4626
Revolution mode misfire index: 4626
Misfire counts in driving cycle: 85
Total number of misfire: 85
Misfire historic, cylinder 1: 4369
Misfire historic, cylinder 2: 4626
Misfire historic, cylinder 3: 4626
Misfire historic, cylinder 4: 4626
Current misfire, cylinder 2: 85
Current misfire, cylinder 1: 85
Current misfire, cylinder 3: 85
Current misfire, cylinder 4: 85
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 rich/lean to lean/rich response ratio: 9.0 ms
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 rich to lean switches: 4626
Kilometer tæller: 46260 km
Misfire failures since first fail: 4626
Misfire failures since first fail: 8738
First odometer: 23130 km
Last odometer: 69369 km
Failure conditions fail counter: 85
Failure conditions pass counter: 85
Ikke kørt tæller: 85
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 lean/rich time: 108387.11 ms
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 rich/lean time: 34121.87 ms
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 lean/rich average time: 9.04 ms
Idle speed error: -1353 Omdr.
Weak cylinder: Cylinder 8
Accelerator pedal position sensor (ETC): 14.118 %
Electronic throttle control (ETC) throttle position: 18.573 %
Speeder pedal positions føler N1: 29.020 %
Speeder pedal position N2: 42.353 %
Gasspjældpositionsføler 1: 14.118 %
Gasspjældpositionsføler 2: 26.667 %
Fuel level output: 33.3 %
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 rich/lean average time: 9.04 ms
Intake air temperature at engine start: 45 °C
Manifold absolute pressure sensor: -85.34 kPa
G sensor: -2.67 V
Electronic throttle control (ETC) throttle position: 42.67 %
Rough road: 17772.0
TEC learned value cylinder 1: 4369
TEC learned value cylinder 2: 8738
TEC learned value cylinder 3: 13107
TEC learned value cylinder 4: 17476
Gasspjælds positions føler:
Accelerator pedal position sensor:
Cruise mode: Genoptag
Bank1 idle catalyst monitor O2 storage EWMA value: 72.3 sek
Bank1 idle catalyst monitor O2 storage fail threshold: 72.3 sek
A/C pressure: -2730.7 kPa
Intake CAM phaser desired position: -42.0
Exhaust CAM phaser desired position: -42.0
Intake CAM phaser actual position: -42.0 %
Exhaust CAM phaser actual position: -42.0 %
Inlet camshaft dephaser electrovalve duty cycle: 0.3 %
Exhaust camshaft dephaser solenoid valve duty cycle: 0.3 %
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 heater: 92.5
O2 sensor / Lambda sonde 2, bank 1 Varme element: 179.9
ICMD catalyst temperature minimum enable: -1197 °C
ICMD catalyst temperature maximum enable: -1759 °C
Catalyst monitor idle test status: Kører
Catalyst monitor idle enable reject reason: Maximum idle time exceeded
Catalyst monitor idle reason for test abort: Ukendt
Catalyst monitor idle last test result time: 149 sek
Catalyst monitor idle stage timer: 72 sek
ETC unpowered throttle position: 9.0 %
Cruise speed error: -219.9
Target cruise speed: 36.1
Torque request by cruise control: -1758.9
Cruise control disengagement 0 history: Before cruise brake
Cruise control disengagement 1st history: Before cruise brake
Cruise control disengagement 2nd history: Before cruise brake
Cruise control disengagement 3rd history: Before cruise brake
Cruise control disengagement 4th history: Before cruise brake
Cruise control telltale: Sluk
Cruise control set telltale: Tænd
Oil temperature for VCPC enable: 45 °C
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 heater: 0.2
O2 sensor / Lambda sonde 2, bank 1 Varme element: 0.2
Udgangs test
Check motor fejllampe
Cooling fan low speed relay
Cooling fan high speed relay
A/C clutch
Evaporative emission (EVAP) system, canister purge valve
Intake manifold tuning (IMT) system, solenoid
Electronic throttle control (ETC) motor duty cycle and direction
indsprøjtnings dyser
BLM learn disable
Fuel open loop
Catalyst monitor idle test status
O2 sensor response
Target idle speed
Canister purge duty cycle
Fuel level gauge
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 heater duty cycle
O2 sensor 1, bank 2 heater duty cycle
Inlet camshaft dephaser
Intake camshaft oil control valve B1
Exhaust camshaft dephaser
Exhaust camshaft oil control valve B1
BLM reset
TPS Min Learn Algorithm Reset
Rediger stel nr.
Crankshaft sensor adaptation