PKW, SSANGYONG, Tivoli , XLV (X100), D16DTF (ECM)
D16DTF (ECM) - 0
Part number:
VIN no:
Software version:
Clear DTC
Data stream
Barometric pressure sensor: 2.6 bar
Engine speed (Camshaft): 0 rpm
Fuel temperature: 205 °C
Intake manifold pressure: 2.6 bar
Accelerator pedal position sensor 1: 100.0 %
Accelerator pedal position sensor 2: 100.0 %
Accelerator pedal position: 100.0 %
Fuel rail pressure: 2550 bar
Coolant temperature: 205 °C
Air temperature: 205 °C
Mass air flow sensor: 510 g/sec
Mass air flow sensor: 2550 mg/strk
Vehicle speed: 255 km/h
Ignition switch: On
Gear ratio:
Odometer: 131070 km
A/C pressure: 40.8 bar
EGR valve feedback: 120.0 %
Throttle position sensor: 100.0 %
VGT actuator: 100.0 %
Catalyst diesel particulate filter (CDPF) differential pressure: 5100 mbar
Catalyst diesel particulate filter (CDPF) temperature after diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC): 1000 °C
Intake air temperature sensor: 1000 °C
Exhaust gas temperature before turbocharger: 1000 °C
Fuel tank level: 100.0 %
O2 sensor 1, bank 1: On
O2 sensor 2, bank 1: On
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 heater: On
O2 sensor 2, bank 1 heater: On
Ambient air temperature: 205 °C
Lambda value: 10.0
VGT position: 100.0 %
Battery current (EEM): 2194240 mA
Raw Battery current (EEM): 65535 mA
Battery temperature (EEM): 16333.8 °C
Raw Battery current (EEM): 65535 °C
Raw Battery state of charge (EEM): 255
Battery state of charge (EEM): 100.0 %
Feedback alternator duty cycle (EEM): 100.0 %
Raw battery voltage (EEM): 65535.00 V
Battery voltage (EEM): 32.77 V
Battery state of health (EEM): 100.0 %
Battery capacity compensated (EEM): 127.5
Battery sensor Lin response error (EEM): On
Battery sensor invalidity flag (EEM): On
Raw battery range (EEM): 255
Target injection quantity: 25.5 mg/strk
Engine speed (Crankshaft): 8160 rpm
Indicated actual torque: 920 N·m
OBD maximum indicated torque: 920 N·m
Boost pressure demand: 5.1 bar
Target fuel rail pressure: 2550 bar
VGT duty cycle: 155 %
EGR valve duty cycle: 155 %
Electronic throttle control (ETC) motor duty: 155 %
EGR valve, target position: 100.0 %
Inlet meeting valve (IMV) current: 2550 mA
Engine state: STALLING
Catalyst diesel particulate filter (CDPF) soot load: 255 %
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 heater duty cycle: 100.0 %
Clutch switch:
Brake light switch: On
Brake safety switch: On
Brake pedal switch: On
A/C switch: On
Power supply relay: On
Glow plug: On
Cruise control "Off" switch: On
Cruise control neutral condition: On
Cruise control "Accelerate" switch: On
Cruise control "Decelerate" switch: On
Cruise control "Resume" switch: On
Catalyst diesel particulate filter (CDPF) regeneration mode: DOC light off
VGT duty cycle: 100.0 %
Generator duty cycle (EEM): 100.0 %
Target battery voltage (EEM): 32.77 V
Battery charge mode (EEM):
Battery performance mode(EEM):
Target throttle position: 155 %
Battery voltage: 25.50 V
O2 sensor 1, bank 1: 7.969 V
Engine load: 100.0 %
Engine running time: 65535 sec
Battery capacity (EEM): 255
Oil pressure: 65535 bar
VOP operation:
Sulfur mass: 4294967295 mg
O2 sensor 2, bank 1 heater duty cycle: 100.0 %
O2 sensor 2, bank 1: 7.969 V
Actuators test
Cooling fan low speed
Cooling fan high speed
Throttle valve actuator
VGT actuator
EGR valve control
Glow plug control
A/C relay
EGR cooler bypass valve
Fuel pump control
Starter relay
Variable oil pump
PTC heater 1
PTC heater 2
Immobilizer telltale
Fuel filter telltale
Check engine telltale
Oil pressure telltale
Battery charge telltale
Glow indicator
Cruise control telltale
GSI telltale
Generator check
Edit VIN
Injectors replacement
Electronic throttle learning
Main relay reset
EGR valve learning
Reset accelerator pedal position adaptation
Reset mass air flow sensor learned values
Load speed learning
RPC adaptation reset
A/F sensor 1 bank 1 adaptation reset
A/F sensor 2 bank 1 adaptation reset
DPF regeneration (while driving)
DPF regeneration (vehicle stationary)
A/F sensor 1 bank 1 cleaning
A/F sensor 2 bank 1 cleaning
DPF replacement
Pressure sensor replacement
LNT (Lean Nox Trap) replacement
LNT desulfurization
Particulate matter sensor regeneration (Idle)
Injector tip leak test
Hydraulic test
IMV test
Fuel rail pressure test
Injector correction
Edit configuration