Bremse system - ESPMK100 - 0
PSA reference: 98 12 84 78 80
ECU manufacturer: Teves
Additional number: 98 08 05 38 80
Diagnose version: 13
Calibration version: FF FF
Softwareversion: 04 01
Udslip: Ikke defineret
ECU production date: --
Software reference: 91 85 29
U1209: Lost communication with gearbox ECU
Clear DTC
Dynamic information
Venstre baghjuls hastighedsføler: 0.0 km/h
Højre baghjulshastighedsføler: 0.0 km/h
Venstre forhjulshastighedsføler: 0.0 km/h
Højre forhjulshastighedsføler: 0.0 km/h
Køretøjets hastighed sensor: 0 km/h
Systemspænding: 12.10 V
Yaw rate sensor: 0.0 °/sec
Brake fluid pressure sensor: 0 bar
Lateral acceleration sensor: 0.0 m/s²
Motor Hastighed: 0.0 Omdr.
Engine clearance: Dialogue correct
Longitudinal acceleration sensor: 0.1 m/s²
Network communication diagnostics: Dialogue problem
Levende Data
Systemspænding: 12.10 V
Brake lamp switch: Udløst
Brake fluid level: Tilstrækkeligt
ABS/ESP: Normal operation
Recirculation pump: Aktiveret
Brake fluid level: 7.00 V
Venstre baghjuls hastighedsføler: Tilstrækkeligt
Højre baghjulshastighedsføler: Tilstrækkeligt
Venstre forhjulshastighedsføler: Tilstrækkeligt
Højre forhjulshastighedsføler: Tilstrækkeligt
Temperature of the ABS/ESP solenoid valves: 13 °C
Yaw rate sensor: 0.0 °/sec
Brake fluid pressure sensor: 0 bar
Motor Hastighed: 0.0 Omdr.
Torque required by driver: -22.0 N·m
Gear engaged: R
Ratvinkelføler: -42.4 °
ABS deactivation switch: Deactivation of ABS/ESP not required
Handbrake status: Frigear
Steering column: 4923.5 °
Actual torque: 0.0 N·m
Accelerator pedal position sensor: 0 %
Changing gear:
Ratvinkelføler: betjenes
Calibration of steering wheel angle sensor: Kalibreret
Adjustment of steering wheel angle sensor: Adjustment
Steering wheel angle status interpreted by the ESP: Faulty
Torque converter:
Gear request: Bakning
Traction control (ASR +) dial counter: 255
Traction control (ASR +) dial status: Unavailable
Movement of the vehicle in progress:
Steering wheel angle sensor tolerance: 5480.5
Recording of the steering wheel angle sensor information:
Lateral acceleration without correction: 12.8 m/s²
Yaw rate sensor without correction: 155.0 °/sec
Lateral acceleration tolerance: 645.4 m/s²
Longitudinal acceleration tolerance: 645.4 m/s²
Yaw rate sensor tolerance: 18.5 °/sec
Indirect tire under-inflation detection system information
General status of the tire under-inflation detection system:
Status of the right-hand front wheel: Status of the wheel not known
Status of the left-hand front wheel: Invalid value
Status of the left-hand rear wheel: Invalid value
Status of the right-hand rear wheel: Invalid value
Programming of the tire under-inflation detection: 0.0 %
Tire under-inflation detection: 0.0 %
Tire under-inflation detection function reset: Button is pressed
Type of the last tire under-inflation detection function
warning: No alert
Distance since the start of the last tire under-inflation detection function warning: 150.0 km
Vehicle load estimated by the tire under-inflation detection function: Empty (Load equal to 33 % of the maximum
authorised load)
Indirect tire under-inflation detection system information memorised at the last reinitialisation without alert
General status of the tire under-inflation detection system: System ok
Status of the right-hand front wheel: Status of the wheel normal
Status of the left-hand front wheel: Status of the wheel normal
Status of the left-hand rear wheel: Invalid value
Status of the right-hand rear wheel: Status of the wheel normal
Programming of the tire under-inflation detection: 100.0 %
Tire under-inflation detection: 40.0 %
Tire under-inflation detection function reset: Button at the initial status or not pressed
Type of the last tire under-inflation detection function
warning: No alert
Distance since the start of the last tire under-inflation detection function warning: 40.0 km
Vehicle load estimated by the tire under-inflation detection function: Overloaded (Load more than 100 % of the
maximum authorised load)
Indirect tire under-inflation detection system information memorised when an alert is raised
General status of the tire under-inflation detection system: Invalid value
Status of the right-hand front wheel: Status of the wheel normal
Status of the left-hand front wheel: Invalid value
Status of the left-hand rear wheel: Status of the wheel normal
Status of the right-hand rear wheel: Invalid value
Programming of the tire under-inflation detection: 90.0 %
Tire under-inflation detection: 50.0 %
Tire under-inflation detection function reset: Button at the initial status or not pressed
Type of the last tire under-inflation detection function
warning: No alert
Distance since the start of the last tire under-inflation detection function warning: 140.0 km
Vehicle load estimated by the tire under-inflation detection function: Overloaded (Load more than 100 % of the
maximum authorised load)
Udgangs test
FL Valve (In)
FL Valve (Out)
FR Valve (In)
FR Valve (Out)
RL Valve (In)
RL Valve (Out)
RR Valve (In)
RR Valve (Out)
Limiting valve 1
Limiting valve 2
Switching valve 1
Switching valve 2
Gyrometer/accelerometer sensor calibration
Replacement ESP ECU