Motor - Europe V EMS (ECM) - 0
Application data identification: 123456789@ABCD
Manufacture software version number: EF3456789@ABCDEFDHI
Herstellungsdatum: QU34
Vehicle manufacturer ECU hardware number: 26e4567D9@"BCDEFDHI
Supplier ECU hardware number: UTe4567D9@
Supplier ECU software no: abf4567D9@
Typenzulassungsnummer: 33D4567D
Motortyp: GHD456
Repair shop code or tester serial number: U564567D9@
Umprogrammierungsdatum: 6684
Part number alpha code: AC84567D9@"BC
Variantencode: vus4
P0602: Steuergerät (ECU) - Programmierungsfehler
P1652: Unbekannter Fehlercode
P1651: Service vehicle soon telltale - circuit short to ground
P2123: Sensor/Schalter "D" Drosseklappen-/Fahrpedalstellung - Spannung niedrig
P1000: Luftmassenmesser, Bereich: untere physikalische Grenze unterschritten
P0012: Nockenwellenspätverstellung Einlass, Bank 1
P0054: Lambdasondenheizung 2, Bank 1 - Widerstand
Fehlercode löschen
Maximum engine torque: 8.2 %
Real engine torque: 7.1 %
Indicated engine torque: 7.1 %
Geber für Kühlmitteltemperatur: 15.8 °C
Motordrehzahl: 1156.5 UpM
Time counter at end of start: 462.6 sec
Geber für Fahrgeschwindigkeit: 36.1 km/h
Ambient pressure: 180.7 hPa
Batteriespannung: 1.81 V
Geber für Ansauglufttemperatur: 15.8 °C
Umgebungslufttemperatur: -34.5 °C
Throttle valve upstream pressure: 361.4 hPa
Fahrpedalwinkel: 7.1 %
Standard engine torque: 850 N·m
Lambda control value bank 1: 54
Luftmassenmesser: 72.0 kg/h
O2 sensor 2, bank 1 output: 0.24 V
Relative air charge: 63.8 %
ETS-path as environmental condition for diagnosis of function monitoring: 85
Torque path in function and function monitoring as environmental condition of diagnostic: 85
Actual torque at response of torque comparison in the function monitoring: 7.0 %
Model-based substitute value for engine temperature signal in case of error: 15.8 °C
Throttle angle with respect to lower mechanical stop: 33.3 %
Exhaust temperature downstream catalyst: 375.0 °C
Model-based reference value for plausibility check of engine temperature signal: 12.0 °C
Calculated actual torque in function monitoring: 33.2 %
Eingelegter Gang: 54
Relative fuel mass: 216.8 %
Soll-Zündwinkel: 63.8 °
Correction factor for air mass flow: 0.3
Throttle blade position dependent on potentiometer 1: 112.9 %
Throttle blade position dependent on potentiometer 2: 112.9 %
Target throttle actuator control: 7.1 %
Diagnosis: 8 bit copy of wdknlp_w as ambient value: 21.2 %
Voltage DK-Poti 1 at the NLP-position: 5.65 V
Automobile acceleration in the longitudinal direction: 18.4 m/s²
Absolute intake manifold pressure: 190.7 hPa
Number of clutch operations detected: 85
Batteriespannung (ADC): 296.16 V
Motoröltemperatur: 236.9 °C
Lambda controller output: 0.1
Multiplicative correction of the mixture adaptation due to ethanol: 0.2
Sensorspannung vom Drosselklappenpotentiometer 1: 5.65 V
Sensor voltage from throttle potentiometer 2: 5.65 V
Additive correction of the mixture adaptation: 228.9 %
PWG potentiometer 1: 22.59 V
PWG potentiometer 2: 22.59 V
Doubled PWG potentiometer 2: 22.59 V
Actual value internal res. Ri-Nernst cell lambda sensor downstream cat: 9252.0 Ohm
Exhaust gas temperature in front of precatalyst out of model: -164.7 °C
Effective injection time: 59.2 ms
Effective steady-state idle speed: 850 UpM
OBD requirements for which this vehicle is designed: 85
Zurückgelegte Strecke seit Motorleuchte an ist: 4626 km
Temperatur bei Motorstart: -32.2 °C
Standardized mass flow from canister purge control: 1.8 kg/h
Zündwinkel: 60.0 °
Total counter of emission relevant misfiring of all cylinders: 4626
Motordrehzahl Mindestbereich der Fehlzündung: 2160.0 UpM
Motordrehzahl maximaler Bereich der Fehlzündung: 2160.0 UpM
Misfire range, minimum load: 21.1 %
Misfire range, maximum load: 21.1 %
Target torque change from the idle speed control (PD-part): 14.1 %
Tankentlüftungsventil: 8.6
Manifold absolute pressure sensor: 22.59 V
Absolute intake manifold pressure: 180.7 hPa
Lambdasonde 2, Bank 1: 22.59 V
Lambdasonde 2, Bank 1: 22.59 V
Soll-Drosselklappenstellung: 7.1 %
Relais 1 für Kühlgebläse: 54
Relais 2 für Kühlgebläse: 54
Ignition-timing retardation for dynamics cylinder 1: 63.8 °
Ignition-timing retardation for dynamics cylinder 2: 63.8 °
Ignition-timing retardation for dynamics cylinder 3: 63.8 °
Reference level knock control, cylinder 1: 0.35 V
Reference level knock control, cylinder 2: 0.35 V
Reference level knock control, cylinder 3: 0.35 V
Verbrennungsaussetzer Zyl. 1: 4626
Verbrennungsaussetzer Zyl. 2: 4626
Verbrennungsaussetzer Zyl. 3: 4626