Bil, KIA, General, SPORTAGE (SL), 2015, D 2.0 TCI-R, D 2.0 TCI-R - Engine Control (ENGINE)

D 2.0 TCI-R - Engine Control (ENGINE) - 0


Vehicle manufacturer ECU hardware number:




Clear DTC

Levende Data

Ladetrykføler: 255 kPa

Accelerator pedal position sensor: 100.0 %

Fuel rail pressure control valve: 100.0 %

EGR valve: 100.0 %

Barometrisk tryk føler: 3500.0 hPa

Indsugningslufttemperatur: 200.0 °C

Water temperature: 200.0 °C

Brake pedal switch 1: Tænd

Blower switch: Tænd

A/C pressure low switch: Tænd

Ignition switch: Tænd

Clutch switch (M/T only): Tænd

A/C-kontakt: Tænd

Brake pedal switch 2: Tænd

Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor-1 Voltage: 5000.0 mV

Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor-2 Voltage: 5000.0 mV

Check motor fejllampe: Tænd

Glow plug relay: 100.0 %

Batteri spænding: 25.78 V

Køretøjs hastighed : 300.0 km/h

Luft masse måler: 1000.0 kg/h

Cooling fan low speed: Tænd

Cooling fan high speed: Tænd

Fuel pump relay: Tænd

VGT actuator: 100.0 %

Brændstoftemperaturføler: -- °C

Motor status: --

PTC heater relay: --

Immobilizer telltale: --

Fuel pressure set point: -- hPa

Motor Hastighed: 0.0 Omdr.

Output of fuel metering unit (MPROP): -- %

A/C pressure sensor: -- mV

A/C pressure sensor: -- psi

Variable swirl actuator: -- %

Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) differential pressure sensor: -- mV

Inlet throttle actuator: -- %

O2 sensor 1, bank 1 subtraction: -- mV

Equivalence ratio (lambda) sensor 1, bank 1: --

O2 sensor 1, bank 1 temperature: -- °C

O2 sensor 1, bank 1 heater: -- %

ECU adaption status: --

Oil level filtered value: -- mm

Oil level filtered value: -- mm

Oil temperature sensor: -- °C

Oil level average value: -- mm

Oil level: --

Exhaust gas temperature before catalyst DPF: 1300.0 °C

Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) charge state: 255

Calculated load value: 100.0 %

Mass air flow per cylinder: 3276.0 mg/slag

Control deviation of the exhaust-gas recirculation control: 1000.0 mg/slag

Undebounced raw value of feedback from glow control unit: Tænd

Check motor fejllampe: Tænd

Vehicle acceleration: 32.0 m/s²

Actual injection quantity: 100.0 mm³

Maximum rail pressure of the last 10ms: 2000000.0 hPa

Environment temperature: 6280.5 °C

Desired injection quantity (MI1): 100.0 mm³

Target injection quantity (Pilot 1): 100.0 mm³

Target injection quantity (Pilot 2): 100.0 mm³

Target injection quantity (post 1): 100.0 mm³

Target injection quantity (post 2): 100.0 mm³

LP EGR valve feedback position: 100.0 %

LP EGR valve target position: 100.0 %

LP EGR valve control duty: 100.0 %

Differential pressure for LP EGR: 1280.0 hPa

Differential pressure sensor voltage for LP EGR: 10.00 V

Exhaust pressure valve feedback position: 100.0 %

Exhaust pressure valve target position: 100.0 %

Exhaust pressure valve control duty: 100.0 %

Distance since check engine telltale on: 4294967295 km

Main relay error counter: 255

Time since check engine telltale on: 4294967295 min

Variable swirl position: 100.0 %

Variable swirl actuator - duty cycle: 100.0 %

Variable swirl actuator - first learnt value: 100.0 %

Variable swirl actuator - last learnt value: 100.0 %

Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) differential pressure: 32767.0 hPa

AMS stop reason - blower max switch (AMS): Ja

Gear is on neutral position: Ja

Battery current (AMS): -0.1 A

Battery voltage (AMS): 71.535 V

Battery temperature (AMS): 32727.5 °C

State of battery charge (AMS): 255 %

State of health of battery (AMS): 255 %

State of function of battery (AMS): 12.750 V

Desired Alternator Voltage Duty Cycle(AMS): 100.0 %

Duty Cycle from Alternator PWM Signal(AMS): 6402.8 %

Battery sensor in invalid condition (AMS): Ja

Flag status of battery charge (AMS): Ja

Response error flag from battery sensor (AMS): Ja

Flag status of battery health (Aging) (AMS): Ja

Flag status of battery function to crank the engine (AMS): Ja

Flag status of quiescent current (AMS): Ja

AMS stop reason - head lamp (AMS): Ja

AMS stop reason - wiper (AMS): Ja

Udgangs test


A/C compressor relay

Check motor fejllampe

PTC heater relay

Cooling fan high speed

Cruise Control Main Lamp(Connected by Wire)

Cruise Control SET Lamp(Connected by Wire)

Glow Control Lamp(Connected by Wire)

Glow relay 15%

Immobilizer Lamp(Option)

Boost Pressure Actuator 5%

Boost Pressure Actuator 95%

EGR valve 5%

EGR valve 95%

Throttle valve actuator

Variable swirl control actuator 5%

Variable swirl control actuator 95%

Cooling fan low speed

Engine speed 500 rpm

Engine speed 4000 rpm

EGR cooling by pass 5%

EGR cooling by pass 95%

Generator control

Fuel pump

Low Pressure EGR Valve 5%

Low Pressure EGR Valve 95%

Low Pressure Exhaust Flap 5%

Low Pressure Exhaust Flap 95%




Idle speed comparison

Injection quantity comparison

ECU Change (CPF option)

Lambda sensor change

Rail pressure sensor change

Air Flow Sensor Change

CPF Change (CPF option)

Differential pressure sensor replacement (CPF option)

Swirl control valve change

Throttle adaptation reset

EGR valve change

Low EGR valve change

Injectors replacement

Fuel line air removal

CPF Service Regeneration (CPF option)

ECU Tuning Data Confirm