PKW, TOYOTA, C-HR, Motor generator (MG)

Motor - Motor generator (MG) - 0


Total distance traveled: 4660

Total distance traveled: km



Fehlercode löschen


Airbag collision detection history: EIN

Motor/Generator cooling oil pump motor revolution: 4641 UpM

Motor/Generator cooling oil pump motor power relay request: EIN

Target motor/generator cooling oil pump motor duty: 68 %

Engine control mode: Stopp

Motordrehzahl (Nockenwelle): 4129 UpM

Motordrehzahl (Kurbelwelle): 8513 UpM

Generator temperature sensor: 4.67 V

Generator temperature: 159 °C

Generator temperature just after ignition ON: 161 °C

Generator maximum temperature: 114 °C

Motor maximum temperature: 45 °C

Motor temperature sensor: 1.68 V

Motortemperatur: 45 °C

Motor temperature just after ignition on: 14 °C

Automatikgetriebeöl-Temperatursensor: 0.31 V

Automatikgetriebeöl-Temperatursensor: 45 °C

Boosting converter temperature (upper): 69 °C

Boosting converter temperature 1 (lower): 69 °C

Boosting converter temperature 2 (lower): 69 °C

Boosting converter temperature duty (upper): 6072.4 %

Motor inverter temperature duty: 25.6 %

Motor inverter temperature: 202 °C

Motor U current AD value (lower resolution): 4.684905 V

Motor V current AD value (lower resolution): 4.646987 V

Motor W current AD value (lower resolution): 4.627380 V

Motor V current AD value (higher resolution): 4.607772 V

Motor W current AD value (higher resolution): 4.588165 V

Motor U current (lower resolution): 2812.6 A

Motor V current (lower resolution): 2377.4 A

Motor W current (lower resolution): -2821.1 A

Generator U current (lower resolution): 2812.6 A

Generator V current (lower resolution): 2812.6 A

Generator W current (lower resolution): 2426.6 A

Motor ECU power supply (for 31V): 0.352 V

Motor ECU power supply (for AD0): 0.684 V

Motor ECU power supply (for 2.5V): 1.308 V

Motor ECU power supply (for 2.5V sub): 1.660 V

DC/DC converter status: 1.37 V

DC/DC converter output: 1.39 V

DC/DC converter output: 34.5 %

Motor control mode: 65535

Motor carrier frequency: 255

Motor inverter shutdown: 255

Motordrehzahl : -28108 UpM

Motordrehmoment: -3579.875 N·m

Generator-Drehzahl: 28106 UpM

Generator-Drehmoment: 3513.250 N·m

Generator control mode: 4626

Generator carrier frequency: 170

Generator inverter shutdown: 154

Inverter coolant temperature AD value: 0.35553 V

Motor/Inverter coolant temperature: 96 °C

Inverter input current: -3263.2 A

Inverter water pump: 85 %

Inverter water pump: 9526 UpM

Reactor temperature: 45 °C

Collinear graphic engine revolution: 4626 UpM

Motor resolver after offset: 97.031 °

Motor resolver offset: -214.462 °

Generator (HSG) resolver after offset: 191.250 °

Generator(HSG) resolver offset: -214.439 °

Motor resolver supply voltage: 0.354080 V

VL voltage: 464.1 V

VH voltage: 849.8 V

Boosting converter PWM duty: 71 %

Boosting converter control mode: 72

Boosting converter carrier frequency: Niedrig

Boosting converter shutdown signal: 0

Generator torque request: -3509.500 N·m

Shift position: Keine Daten

Motortemperatur: 45 °C

Generator temperature: 161 °C

Short wave highest value: 2.656 V

Notlauf: -43

Gaspedalposition: 35.0 %

IGCT power supply voltage: 1.719 V

Win control power: 21.84 kW

Wout control power: 24.24 kW

Rear motor resolver after offset: 52.031 °

Rear motor resolver offset value: 217.071 °

Rear motor revolution: 2184 UpM

Rear motor torque: -3513.75 N·m

Rear motor control mode: 4643

Rear motor carrier frequency: 85

Rear motor inverter shutdown: 85

Rear motor ECU power supply: 0.723 V

Rear motor ECU power supply (for AD0): 1.035 V

Rear motor ECU power supply (for 2.5V): 1.348 V

Rear motor inverter temperature: 34 °C

Motortemperatur hinten: 45 °C

Rear motor inverter temperature duty: 25.6 %

Motor V current "Ach" AD value (lower resolution): 4.666595 V

Motor V current "Bch" AD value (lower resolution): 4.333267 V

Motor W current "Ach" AD value (lower resolution): 3.999938 V

Motor W current "Bch" AD value (lower resolution): 3.666610 V

Motor V current "Ach" AD value (higher resolution): 3.333282 V

Motor W current "Ach" AD value (higher resolution): 2.999954 V

Motor V current "Ach" (lower resolution): -2839.9 A

Motor V current "Bch" (lower resolution): -2403.0 A

Motor W current "Ach" (lower resolution): -1966.1 A

Motor W current "Bch" (lower resolution): -1529.2 A

Generator V current "Ach" (lower resolution): -2863.50 A

Generator V current "Bch" (lower resolution): -2425.10 A

Generator W current "Ach" (lower resolution): -2814.20 A

Generator W current "Bch" (lower resolution): -2426.70 A

Generator inverter temperature: 45 °C

Boosting converter temperature (upper): 13 °C

Boosting converter temperature 1 (lower): 159 °C

Motor inverter temperature: 45 °C

Battery discharge control circuit monitor voltage: 1.406 V

Battery discharge control circuit power switch: EIN

Rear motor U current (lower resolution): -2812.7 A

Rear motor V current (lower resolution): -2785.5 A

Rear motor W current (lower resolution): -2758.3 A

VH voltage: 465.8 V

Rear motor generate request torque: -3515.88 N·m

Generator inverter temperature: 170 °C

Motor U current "Ach" AD value (lower resolution): 0.355377 V

Motor U current "Bch" AD value (lower resolution): 0.354309 V

Motor U current "Ach" (lower resolution): 2810.6 A

Motor U current "Bch" (lower resolution): 1988.1 A

Motor inverter temperature AD value: 0.355606 V

Motor control mode: 18

Motor carrier frequency: 34

Motor inverter shutdown: 51

Motordrehzahl : -28637 UpM

Motordrehmoment: -3513.375 N·m

Generator-Drehzahl: -32768 UpM

Generator-Drehmoment: -4064.12 N·m

Generator control mode: 255

Generator carrier frequency: 255

Generator inverter shutdown: 255

Generator ECU power supply: 1.660 V

Generator ECU power supply (for AD0): 0.723 V

Generator ECU power supply (for 2.5V): 1.094 V

Boosting converter B temperature (upper): 11 °C

Boosting converter B temperature 1 (lower): 12 °C

Boosting converter B temperature duty (upper): 6069.0 %

Boosting converter B inverter input current: -2809.1 A

Boosting converter B PWM duty: 71 %

Boosting converter B input high current (CFINV2): EIN

Boosting converter B shutdown status: EIN

Rear motor inverter temperature: 45 °C

Inverter input current (Bch): -2811.00 A

Boosting converter B inverter input current (Bch): -2326.0 A

Charging and power feeding mode: 5140

Motor base temperature: 204.9999 °C

Ready ON status: AUS


Emergency shutdown: AUS

Generator resolver offset complete status: AUS

Generator inverter shutdown: AUS

Generator inverter high current (GFINV): AUS

DC/DC converter terminate signal: AUS

Motor inverter high current (MFINV): AUS

Motor inverter shutdown: AUS

Motor resolver offset complete status: AUS

PTC heater activate permission status/Prohibition signal (IDH): AUS

Boosting converter input high current (CFINV): AUS

Boosting converter input high voltage (OVL): AUS

Inverter input high voltage (OVH): EIN

Boosting converter shutdown status: AUS

Rear motor inverter shutdown: AUS

Rear motor inverter input high current (RFINV): AUS

Rear motor inverter input high voltage: AUS

Rear motor resolver offset complete status: AUS

Inverter temperature increase history: EIN

Generator-Drehmoment: -582.6 N·m

Hybrid/EV battery SOC: 78.82 %

M/C control torque: -3760.0 N·m

Batterietemperatur: 61356 °C

Rear motor U high current: AUS

Rear motor V high current: AUS

Rear motor W high current: AUS

Boosting converter shutdown status (generator output): AUS

Rear motor inverter shutdown status (generator output): AUS

Generator inverter shutdown status (generator output): EIN

Motor inverter shutdown status (generator output): EIN

Generator U high current: AUS

Generator V high current: AUS

Generator W high current: AUS

Motor U high current: AUS

Motor V high current: AUS

Motor W high current: AUS

Boosting converter overcurrent status: Normal

Generator rectangle control status: 0

Generator PWM control request status: AUS

Generator PWM control status: AUS

Generator PWM rate control request status: 0 %

Generator PWM rate: 0 %

Motor rectangle control status: 0

Motor PWM rate control request status: 0 %

Motor PWM rate: 0 %

Motor PWM control request status: Keine Daten

Motor PWM control status: Keine Daten

Rear motor rectangle control status: 0

Generator inverter temperature duty: 414.6 %

Interlock connect status: Nicht erkannt

Motor temperature sensor voltage: 0.35 V

Motortemperatur: 88 °C

Motor U current sensor AD value (lower resolution): 0.352936 V

Motor V current sensor AD value (lower resolution): 0.392151 V

Motor W current sensor AD value (lower resolution): 0.355377 V

Motor U current sensor AD value (higher resolution): 0.411758 V

Motor W current sensor AD value (higher resolution): 0.315247 V

A/F (O2) sensor heater monitor: Nicht verfügbar

A/F (O2) sensor monitor: Nicht verfügbar

Heated catalyst monitoring: Nicht verfügbar

Katalysatordiagnose: Nicht verfügbar

Verdunstungssystemdiagnose: Nicht verfügbar

EGR/VVT system monitoring: Nicht verfügbar

Sekundärluftsystemdiagnose: Nicht verfügbar

A/F (O2) sensor heater monitor result: Beendet

Catalyst monitor result: Nicht erfolgt

A/F (O2) sensor monitor result: Beendet

EGR/VVT monitor result: Beendet

EVAP monitor result: Beendet

Heated catalyst monitoring result: Beendet

Secondary air injection system monitor result: Beendet

Complete parts monitor: Nicht verfügbar

Kraftstoffanlage-Überwachung: Nicht verfügbar

Fehlzündung-Überwachung: Nicht verfügbar

Motorwarnlampe: EIN

Number of emission DTC: 64

Berechneter Lastwert: 22.4 %

Geber für Kühlmitteltemperatur: 17 °C

Motordrehzahl: 1160 UpM

Fahrgeschwindigkeit: 85 km/h

Ansauglufttemperatur: 48 °C

Drosselklappen-Positionssensor 1: 33.33 %

OBD Anforderungen: EURO5

Motor-Laufzeit: 4644 sec

Zurückgelegte Strecke seit Motorleuchte an ist: 4609 km

Warmup cycle clearned DTC: 0.0

Zurückgelegte Strecke seit Fehlercode gelöscht ist: 4661 km

Luftdrucksensor: 72 kPa (abs)

A/F (O2) sensor monitor ENA (current): Deaktiviert

A/F (O2) sensor monitor result (current): Beendet

Component monitor ENA (current): Deaktiviert

Component monitor result (current): Beendet

Fuel system monitor result (current): Beendet

Fuel system monitor ENA (current): Deaktiviert

Misfire monitor result (current): Beendet

Misfire monitor ENA (current): Deaktiviert

Catalyst monitor ENA (current): Deaktiviert

EGR/VVT monitor ENA (current): Deaktiviert

EVAP monitor ENA (current): Deaktiviert

Heated catalyst monitor ENA (current): Deaktiviert

O2 sensor heater ENA (current): Deaktiviert

Secondary air injection system monitor ENA (current): Deaktiviert

Catalyst monitor result (current): Beendet

EVAP monitor result (current): Beendet

EGR/VVT monitor result (current): Beendet

Heated catalyst monitor result (current): Beendet

O2 sensor heater monitor result (current): Beendet

Secondary air injection system monitor result (current): Beendet

Batteriespannung: 4.68 V

Außentemperatur: 33 °C

Time since check engine telltale on: 9522 min

Zeit seit Fehlerlöschung: 4643 min

Hybrid/EV battery SOC: 33.33 %

Glow indicator: EIN

PTO status: AUS

Shift switch status (N,P range): EIN



Rear inverter cooling fan

Control the Motor/Generator cooling oil pump