Bil, JAC, S4, Immobilizer (IMMO)

Startspærre - Immobilizer (IMMO) - 0


Active diagnostic session: Default mode

Vehicle manufacturer spare part number: B123456789AB

Systemidentifikation: C123456789AB4DEFGHIQR

Fremstillings dato: 44313233

ECU serial number: VWX3456789ABCDEFGH

Stel nr.: Z8PFFEA5XEA069212

Supplier ECU hardware number: --

Supplier ECU software number: --

Motortype: FD23445

ECU installation date: 47313233

Vehicle equipment code: 4831323334353637383941423444454647484951



Clear DTC

Levende Data

Ignition switch: Sluk

Anti-theft system: Not in delivery

Stel nr.: Ikke programmeret

Sikkerhedskode: Ikke programmeret

Number of learnt keys: Ikke anvendt

IMMO last authentication with key success: Pass

IMMO last authentication with ECM success: Pass