PKW, PEUGEOT, 508, 5FV (EP6CDT) - MED17.4.2
5FV (EP6CDT) - MED17.4.2 - 0
PSA reference: 96 63 71 15 80
Steuergerät-Hersteller: Bosch
Zusatznummer: 96 66 31 95 80
Softwareversion: 12 63
Software-Referenz: 78 90 37
FIN: VF30U5FEADS167087
Motortyp: 5FE
Modell: 3008
P0116: Engine coolant temperature (ECT) signal lack of range/performance in relation to the model
Fehlercode löschen
Geber für Kühlmitteltemperatur: 129.0 °C
Einspritzdauer Zyl.1: 0.4 ms
Einspritzdauer Zyl.2: 0.1 ms
Einspritzdauer Zyl.3: 1.7 ms
Einspritzdauer Zyl.4: 2.7 ms
O2 sensor lean/rich timing B1S1: Fett
Lambdasonde 1, Bank 1: Geschlossene Schleife
Lambdasonde 1, Bank 1: 1.3200 V
Lambdasonde 2, Bank 1: Fett
O2 sensor 2, bank 1 status: Geschlossene Schleife
Lambdasonde 2, Bank 1: 0.4656 V
O2 sensor 1 heater duty cycle: 2.9 %
O2 sensor 2 heater duty cycle: 9.8 %
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 dynamic factor: 7.3 %
O2 sensor 1, bank 2 dynamic factor: 20.2 %
Canister load estimation: 16 %
Richness reference: 0.0 mixture
Canister electrovalve duty cycle: 55 %
Optimum ignition angle: 28.0 °
Maximum ignition angle: 22.0 °
Minimum ignition angle: 15.0 °
Zündwinkel Zylinder 1: -66
Zündwinkel Zylinder 2: -77
Zündwinkel Zylinder 3: -70
Zündwinkel Zylinder 4: 94
Klopfzündwinkel, Zylinder 4: 30 °
Klopfzündwinkel, Zylinder 3: 19 °
Klopfzündwinkel, Zylinder 2: 20 °
Klopfzündwinkel, Zylinder 1: -64 °
Advance on base reference: 19 °
Außenlufttemperatur : 48 °C
Reference air quantity corrected: 28 %
Measured air quantity corrected: 100 %
Unprocessed reference air quantity: 768.5 %
Unprocessed measured air quantity: 27.0 %
Luftmassenmesser: 17.0 kg/h
Reference relative pressure in the manifold: 310 mbar
Measured relative pressure in the manifold: 980 mbar
Drosselklappen-Positionssensor - Bezugswert: 20 °
Throttle position sensor measured value: 170 °
Throttle position sensor voltage copy 1: 2.210 V
Throttle position sensor voltage copy 2: 1.330 V
Inlet camshaft dephaser position reference value: 33.0 °
Inlet camshaft dephaser position measurement: 46.0 °
Inlet camshaft dephaser electrovalve duty cycle: 23 %
Inlet camshaft dephaser: Phasenverschoben
Target mass air flow: 17.0 kg/h
Throttle control duty cycle: 86 %
Direction of control of the throttle: Öffnet gerade
Geber für Ansauglufttemperatur: 50 °C
Geber für Motoröltemperatur: 25.0 °C
Accelerator pedal min position learning 1: 0.9 mV
Accelerator pedal min position learning 2: 9.2 mV
Learning of the accelerator pedal max position 1: 65.6 mV
Learning of the accelerator pedal max position 2: 65.9 mV
Operating zones initialised: 99 %
Adaptation of crankshaft target under deceleration: Fertig
Friction torque adaptive values in relation to the coolant temperature: -97.3 %
Programming throttle limits: Fertig
Need for throttle limits learning: Nein
Learning limp home position 1: 0.030 V
Learning limp home position 2: 4.065 V
Learning of throttle minimum limit position 1: 0.615 V
Learning of throttle minimum limit position 2: 4.479 V
Indicated engine torque adaptive values: 18 %
Mixture at idle adaptive values: -5.0 %
Transitory mixture adaptive values: 9.9 %
Downstream sensor mixture adaptive values: 5.9 %
Klopf-Anpassung Zyl 4: 15 °
Klopf-Anpassung Zyl3: 15 °
Klopf-Anpassung Zyll 2: 31 °
Klopf-Anpassung Zyl 1: 34 °
Inlet camshaft dephaser: Programmiert
Value for initialising the lower limit of the inlet camshaft dephaser: 91 °
Engine torque obtained by managing ignition angle (setting): 83
Engine torque obtained by managing air flow (setting): 10
Engine torque obtained by managing ignition angle (actual): 8
Engine torque obtained by managing air flow (actual): 7 %
Estimated resistive torque: 17 %
Driver requirement torque: 18 %
Turbocharging pressure reference value: 970 mbar
Luftdrucksensor: 1050 mbar
Wastegate electrovalve duty cycle: 51 %
Dump valve duty cycle: 18 %
Turbo additional coolant pump control status: Controlled
Fuel rail pressure reference value: 100.0 Bar
Raildrucksensor: 1120.0 Bar
Fuel pressure regulator control duty cycle: 29 %
Angle of phasing at the first injection on cylinder 1: 74 °
Angle of phasing at the second injection on cylinder 1: 20 %
Angle of phasing at the first injection on cylinder 2: 95 °
Angle of phasing at the second injection on cylinder 2: 11 °
Angle of phasing at the first injection on cylinder 3: 83 °
Angle of phasing at the second injection on cylinder 3: 18 °
Angle of phasing at the first injection on cylinder 4: 87 °
Angle of phasing at the second injection on cylinder 4: 16 °
Fuel pressure measured in the high pressure rail: 255 Bar
Turbocharging pressure measured: 1000 mbar
Required engine speed: 962 UpM
Batteriespannung: 12.40 V
Geber für Fahrgeschwindigkeit: 13 km/h
Geber für Fahrpedal 1: 0.420 V
Geber für Fahrpedal 2: 650.490 V
Recalculated accelerator position 1: 6.6 %
Recalculated accelerator position 2: 3.3 %
Status Geschwindigkeitsregelung: Falsch; Falsch; Falsch; Falsch; Falsch; Falsch; Falsch;
Höchstgeschwindigkeit: Falsch; Falsch; Falsch; Falsch; Falsch; Falsch; Falsch;
Bremspedal-Schalter 1: Gedrückt
Bremspedal-Schalter 2: Gedrückt
Accelerator pedal point of resistance sensor: Crossed
Handbremse : Handbrake potentially obstructed
Eingelegter Gang: Parken
Control unit condition: Verriegelt
Motorzustand: Autonomous restarting
Engine operation: Excessive engine speed
ECU wakeup status: Initialisation or becoming dormant
Kupplungspedal: 15 %
Kraftstoffstand: 58 L
Engine stopping time: 3165 sec
Coolant temperature at the last engine stop: 63 °C
Motordrehzahl: 6
Controlled thermostat control setting: 14
Engine coolant temperature reference: 86 °C
Control coolant pump actuator: Aktiv
Cooling fan high speed: Inaktiv
Kühlgebläse niedrige Geschwindigkeit : Inaktiv
Compressor power relief reference: A/C compressor cut
Generator progressive charge reference: 500 ms
Referenzspannung: 11.50 V
Temperature controlled generator: 49 °C
Generator current sensor: 15 A
Generator: 13 %
Refrigerant circuit pressure: 8.0 Bar
Spannungsversorgung: 5.010 mV
Number ECU reset: 22
Measured oil pressure: 1026 mbar
Oil pressure reference: 506 mbar
Oil pump electrovalve control value: 97 %
Power relay: Controlled
Starter relay control: Controlled
Steuergerät Temperatur: -29 °C
Modelled coolant temperature (plausibility): 37 °C
Oil pump operating mode: Einstellung
Noise value measured by the knock detector: 8.3 mV
Knock detection threshold: 4.9 mV
Sperren der ECU: Verriegelt
Wegfahrsperre-Zustand: Programmed 1 times
Problem detected when transmitting the unlock code: The programming status of the engine immobiliser cannot be read
Ansteuerung der elektrischen Drosselklappe
Einspritzventil 1
Einspritzventil 2
Einspritzventil 3
Einspritzventil 4
Zündspule 1
Zündspule 2
Zündspule 3
Zündspule 4
Kühlgebläse hohe Geschwindigkeit
Kühlgebläse niedrige Geschwindigkeit
Additional heating relay
Relais für Spannungsversorgung
Test Thermostat
Steuerung der Ölpumpe
Reset der Lernwerte
Check timing adjustment