Commercial, VW, Amarok (2H, S1) 2010-, 2015 (F), Amarok, CFPA 2.0L TSI , 118kW, 32 - Differential lock electronics (32 SPR)
4WD - 32 - Differential lock electronics (32 SPR) - 0
ASAM/ODX file identifikation: EV_TVDCQSP22
ASAM/ODX file version: 001001
Dele nummer: xxxxxxxxx
Udstyrs nummer: 0
Importør nummer: 0
Værksteds kode: 0
Stel nr.: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Softwareversion: xxxx
Hardware vare nummer: xxxxxxxxx
System designation: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hardwareversion: xxx
Programmerbarhed: Programmerbare
Program consistency: Program present
System abbreviation: xxxx
Motor: CJTA
Advanceret identifikation
ASAM/ODX file identifikation: EV_TVDCQSP22
ASAM/ODX file version: 001001
Softwareversion: xxxx
Motor: CJTA
Programmability status: error in flash memory: Nej
Programmability status: flash memory faulty: Nej
Programmability status: communication error: Nej
Programmability status: flash memory not programmable: Nej
Number of programming attempts: data block 0: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 1: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 2: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 3: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 4: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 5: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 6: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 7: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 8: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 9: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 0: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 1: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 2: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 3: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 4: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 5: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 6: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 7: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 8: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 9: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 0: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 1: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 2: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 3: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 4: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 5: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 6: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 7: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 8: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 9: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 0: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 1: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 2: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 3: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 4: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 5: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 6: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 7: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 8: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 9: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 0: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 1: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 2: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 3: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 4: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 5: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 6: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 7: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 8: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 9: 12336
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, date: 2000-00-00
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, device number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, importer number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, dealership number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, programming status: Gyldig
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, date: 2000-00-00
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, device number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, importer number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, dealership number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, programming status: Gyldig
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, date: 2000-00-00
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, device number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, importer number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, dealership number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, programming status: Gyldig
Udstyrs nummer: 0
Importør nummer: 0
Værksteds kode: 0
FAZIT identification: manufacture location index: SME-RBG
FAZIT identification: day of manufacture: 08.01.10
FAZIT identification: manufacturer test stand number: 0393
FAZIT identification: running manufacturer number: 0079
Manufacturer modification status: control module family: -
Manufacturer modification status: decoration variant: -
Manufacturer modification status: construction version: ---
Manufacturer modification status: manufacture version: ---
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0: High Speed network management
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, primary version number: 01
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, secondary version number: 06
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, revision number: 00
Diagnostisk tilstand: VW diagnose
Adaptation workshop code: device number: 0
Adaptation workshop code: importer number: 0
Adaptation workshop code: dealership number: 0
Hardware vare nummer: xxxxxxxxx
Hardwareversion: xxx
Versions of software module: data block 0: 0007
Versions of software module: data block 1: 0003
Versions of software module: data block 2: 0005
Dele nummer: xxxxxxxxx
System designation: xxxxxxxxxxxx
System abbreviation: xxxx
Programmability status: programmability: Programmerbare
Programmability status: program consistency: Program present
Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Read DTC (Normal mode)
Clear DTC
Read DTC (Agressive mode)
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Security access: number of invalid keys, counter: 0
Terminal 15: 7.68 V
Terminal 30 : 7.68 V
Terminal 15: Terminal 15 off
State KR:
State QCU: 48
State EFP: 48
Software version number: QSP: --
Software version number: KR: 32767
Software version number: BIOS: --
Workshop code 2: device number: --
Workshop code 2: importer number: --
Workshop code 2: dealership number: --
Workshop code 3: device number: --
Workshop code 3: importer number: --
Workshop code 3: dealership number: --
Workshop code 4: device number: --
Workshop code 4: importer number: --
Workshop code 4: dealership number: --
Workshop code 5: device number: --
Workshop code 5: importer number: --
Workshop code 5: dealership number: --
ECU delivery state: Development
FR_FDR_TV_SollRadDiff_Moment: -2997.0 N·m
FR_KBI_Standzeit_02: 808464432 sek
FR_KBI_Reifenumfang: 48 mm
FR_Motor_Code_01: 48
VPS voltage: 7.68 V
Motor pump voltage terminal B: -12.16 V
Valve 1 HS voltage: 7.68 V
Valve 1 LS voltage: 7.68 V
Valve 2 HS voltage: 7.68 V
Valve 2 LS voltage: 7.68 V
End stage temperature: 8 °C
Transmission temperature: 8 °C
ECU temperature load: 48 %
DTS1 direct pressure: 48
DTS2 direct Pressure: 48
DTS2 ATIC pressure: 48
FP-statistic: FP2 sensor 1 error counter history: --
FP-statistic: FP2 sensor 2 error counter: --
FP-statistic: FP2 sensor 2 error counter history: --
FP-statistic: FP2 sensor 3 error counter: --
FP-statistic: FP2 sensor 3 error counter history: --
FP-statistic: FP KL15 cycle counter: --
FP-statistic: FP1 sensor 1 error counter: 255
FP-statistic: FP1 sensor 1 error counter history: 204
FP-statistic: FP1 sensor 2 error counter: --
FP-statistic: FP1 sensor 2 error counter history: --
FP-statistic: FP1 sensor 3 error counter: --
FP-statistic: FP1 sensor 3 error counter history: --
FP-statistic: FP2 sensor 1 error counter: --
Occurrence counter over length of life: 0
CS error bit: No malfunctions in DTC memory
Warnings: Sluk
QSP thermal load clutch: 24.0 %
Engine control unit timeout: Timeout
Instrument cluster ECU timeout: Timeout
ESP control ECU timeout: Timeout
Gateway timeout: Timeout
QCU malfunction source: 12336
Unlearning counter according OBD: 255
Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor supply voltage: 7.68 V
Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor supply voltage 2: 7.68 V
Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor temperature: 8 °C
Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor temperature 2: 8 °C
Oil pressure and oil temperature pressure: 12.00 bar
Oil pressure and oil temperature pressure 2: 12.00 bar
Thermal load of left clutch: 24.0 %
Thermal load of right clutch: 24.0 %
Thermal load of all-wheel drive pump: 24.0 %
Torque distribution: 12336 N·m
Torque distribution target value: 12336 N·m
Pump for all-wheel drive, current: -29.38 A
Motor pump voltage terminal A: -12.16 V
Clutch valve for all-wheel drive: Åben
Clutch valve 2 for all-wheel drive: Åben
Clutch 1 performance loss: 12336 J
Clutch 2 performance loss: 12336 J
Køretøjs hastighed : 123.36 km/h
Venstre forhjulshastighedsføler: 4.8 km/h
Højre forhjulshastighedsføler: 4.8 km/h
Venstre baghjuls hastighedsføler: 4.8 km/h
Højre baghjulshastighedsføler: 4.8 km/h
Speed signal, qualification: Qualified
Engine speed, qualification: Qualified
Lateral acceleration sensor 1 status: 0
Lateral acceleration sensor 1: -408.64000 m/s²
Lateral acceleration sensor 2 status: 0
Lateral acceleration sensor 2: -408.64000 m/s²
Pressure control valve test status:
Left coefficient of friction class: classification gradient left: 48
Left coefficient of friction class: classification offset left: 48
Right coefficient of friction class: classification gradient right: 48
Right coefficient of friction class: classification offset right: 48
Serial number pressure sensor 1: 000000
Serial number pressure sensor 2: 000000
ECU_R: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
ECU_ST: --
Software build user name: 000000000000000
Processor load: 12336.0 %
Motor Hastighed: 0.00 1/min
Fingerprint sensor 1 date: 12336
Status of oil pressure and oil temperature sensor:
Fingerprint sensor 2 date: 12336
Status of oil pressure and oil temperature sensor 2:
Udgangs test
Pressure test
Torque requirement left stage 1
Torque requirement left stage 2
Torque requirement left stage 3
Torque requirement right stage 1
Torque requirement right stage 2
Torque requirement right stage 3
Clutch valve for all-wheel drive
Clutch valve 2 for all-wheel drive
Fill pressure lines
Bleed pressure lines
Pump for all-wheel drive
Basic setting
Import identification of oil pressure and oil temperature sensors
Resetting of all adaptation values
Reset transmission adaptation values
Reset oil aging adaptation values
Activating and deactivating all development messages
Dynamic calibration
Friction classes (end of line)
Friction classes (customer service)
Manual mode