Bil, CHANGAN, CS75 Plus, Radio Frequency Bluetooth (RFBT)

Multimedia - Radio Frequency Bluetooth (RFBT) - 0


Calibration version: --

Diagnostic defined version info: B123

Function defined version info: B123

Network protocol version information: B123

Serie nummer: --

Fingerprint identification: 3456

Software partnumber: --

Stel nr.: B123456789ABCDEFG

Leverandøridentifikation: B123456

Dele nummer: --

Changan defined ECU software version number: B1234567

Changan defined ECU hardware version number: B1234567



Clear DTC

Levende Data

Bluetooth connectivity test flag bit: Mislykket

MAC address of low-power bluetooth: 42 31 32 33 34 35

PIN of low-power bluetooth: 42 31 32 33 34 35

Security chip TUID number: 42 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46



Hardware reset

ECU Reset