Bil, BMW, 7 (E68), Transmission control module (EGS)
transakse - Transmission control module (EGS) - 0
Dele nummer: 07 55 60 39
Hardware number: 13
Variant index: MH
Diagnose version: 02 02
Production date: 05.12.2015
Kodeindeks: 02
Supplier: Bosch
Message catalogue version: 0.16.96
Functional software version: 0.16.96
Operating safety software version: 2.3.10
Chassis: DL93734
Hardware number: 07 52 35 23
4E20: Electronic pressure control valve 1
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Accelerator pedal angle: 8.15 %
Faktisk motordrejningsmoment: 28.0 N/m
Batteri spænding: 5.44 V
Motor Hastighed: 5696.0 Omdr.
Level M gate: Lav
Level on L1 pin: Lav
Level on L2 pin: Lav
Level on L3 pin: Lav
Level on L4 pin: Høj
Level on tip+: Lav
Level on tip-: Lav
Transfer case oil temperature: 54.0 °C
Motorolietemperatur: -9.0 °C
Output speed: 4160.0 Omdr.
Torque converter turbine speed: 1440.0 Omdr.
Pressure actuator/solenoid valves: 8.16 V
Wheel speed: 460.0 km/h
Brake signal: O.K.
Detection, diretion of wheel rotation: O.K.
Venstre forhjulshastighedsføler: O.K.
Højre forhjulshastighedsføler: O.K.
Højre baghjulshastighedsføler: Substitute value / fault
Venstre baghjuls hastighedsføler: O.K.
Accelerator pedal switch: O.K.
Motor Hastighed: Substitute value / fault
Torque interface: Substitute value / fault
Accelerator pedal switch: O.K.
Temperature sensor, mechatronics: O.K.
Temperature sensor, transmission: Substitute value / fault
Torque converter turbine speed: Substitute value / fault
Actual gear: -
Brake depressed: Aktiver
Door CAN signal (CAS): Lukket
Terminal CAN signal 15 (CAS): Sluk
Wake up line (CAS): Høj
Torque converter lock-up clutch status: Åben
Program switch: ACC
Transmission position: -
Clutch adaptations deactivated: Ikke aktiv
3rd or 5th gear electric limp home operation: Aktiv
Torque converter clutch lock up open: Ikke aktiv
Hold gear: Ikke aktiv
5th gear and holding gear limp home program: Ikke aktiv
4th gear and holding gear limp home program: Ikke aktiv
No S/M program: Ikke aktiv
P/N lock deactivated: Ikke aktiv
Substitute value wheel speed output speed: Aktiv
Substitute value output speed wheel speed: Ikke aktiv
Transmission deactivation relay: Ikke aktiv
Maximum main pressure: Ikke aktiv
Mechanical limp - home mode: Ikke aktiv
Idle neutral control: Ikke aktiv
Solenoid valve 3 interlock deactivated: Ikke aktiv
Solenoid valve 4 interlock deactivated: Ikke aktiv
Starting - torque limitation: Ikke aktiv
1st gear electric limp home operation: Ikke aktiv
2nd gear electric limp home operation: Ikke aktiv
4th gear electric limp home operation: Ikke aktiv
3rd gear electric limp home operation: Ikke aktiv
3rd gear and holding gear limp home program: Ikke aktiv
No position, R gear: Ikke aktiv
Interlock: -
Shift lock: Sluk
Solenoid valve 1: Sluk
Solenoid valve 3: -
Solenoid valve 4: Sluk
Filling pressure, clutch A: -33.00 mbar
Filling pressure, clutch B: 22003.66 mbar
Filling pressure, clutch C: 20302.69 mbar
Filling pressure, clutch D: 13300.80 mbar
Filling pressure, clutch E: -154.00 mbar
Rapid filling time, clutch A: -32748.50 ms
Rapid filling time, clutch B: 8948.86 ms
Rapid filling time, clutch C: 24564.63 ms
Rapid filling time, clutch D: -8891.86 ms
Rapid filling time, clutch E: -555.99 ms
Udgangs test
Solenoid valve, shift lock
Solenoid valve, inter lock
Resetting of all adaptation values
Teach in components
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