PKW, GEELY, Atlas Pro , Azkarra, Karosserie-Steuergerät (BCM)
Karosserie-Steuergerät - Karosserie-Steuergerät (BCM) - 0
Calibration software version number: --
Right rear side window hardware version number: 00
Right rear side window software version number: 00
Left rear side window hardware version number: 00
Left rear side window software version number: 00
Front passenger side window hardware version number: 00
Front passenger side window software version number: 00
Driver side window hardware version number: 00
Driver side window software version number: 00
Roller blind part number: 00
Roller blind software version number: 00
Sunroof part number: 00
Schiebedach Seriennummer: 00
Rain light sensor ECU part number: 00
Rain light sensor ECU serial number: 32
ECU installation date: 55444241
Programmierdatum: 47474731
Repair shop code or tester serial number: GGG10p
Softwarenummer: 8mg10p3p41245678
Hardwarenummer: @@@AAABBBCCCDDDE
FIN: LV2DB24H0MD084764
ECU serial number: 123454578@AB89@U
Herstellungsdatum: 31233435
Lieferantennummer: 456789@BEF
Ersatzteilnummer: --
Software version bootloader: 3534565656DHHEFH
Fahrzeugname: 12345678
U010000: Unbekannter Fehlercode
Fehlercode löschen
Unlock source history - record last unlocking source: Flameout unlocking
Unlock source history - record the last but one unlocking source: Automatic unlocking
Unlock source history - record the last but two unlocking source: Automatic unlocking
Unlock source history - record the last but three unlocking source: Crash unlock
Immobilizer alarm trigger source - the latest immobilizer alarm trigger source: Status of ignition on KL1.5L and not detect the legal key 1.5 sec later
Immobilizer alarm trigger source - the latest second immobilizer alarm trigger source: Unbekannt
Record last but two theft deterrent alarm trigger source: Anfangswert
Record last but three theft deterrent alarm trigger source: --
Lockout source history - record last lockout source: Fernbedienung
Lockout source history - record the last but one lockout source: Anfangswert
Lockout source history - record the last but two lockout source: Anfangswert
Lockout source history - record the last but three lockout source: Anfangswert
Lock feedback: AUS
Terminal 15 status: AUS
Rückwärtsgang-Schalter: Offen
Turn signal fault detection input 4: Fault - high resistance
Turn signal fault detection input 6: < 0.7 V (normal)
Front wiper park position: Stopp
Hupenschalter: Offen
Left front door switch: AUS
Outside mirror fold-in/out switch: Offen
Schalter für Tür vorne rechts: AUS
Gepäckraum-Schalter: Offen
Front compartment cover switch input: Offen
Windshield wiper low speed switch: AUS
Left rear door switch: AUS
Rear screen wiper parked position: Stopp
Right rear door switch: Offen
Turn signal fault detection input 1: < 0.7 V (normal)
Turn signal fault detection input 3: < 0.7 V (normal)
Cruise control switch (1): N/A
Cruise control switch (2): 470 Ohm -> autocancel
Crash hardwired input duty cycle: 255
Crash hardwired input frequency: 65.53 kHz
Bremslichtfehlererkennung Eingang 2: Fault - high resistance
Bremslichtfehlererkennung Eingang 1: Fault - high resistance
Schalter für Zentralverriegelung: AUS
Central unlock door switch: AUS
Front turn lamp fault detection input 2: Fault - high resistance
Turn signal fault detection input 5: < 0.7 V (normal)
Bremspedal-Schalter: AUS
Sensor Umgebungshelligkeit: EIN
Central locking
Trunk unlock switch
Central unlocking and fuel tank cap unlocking
Test Verriegelung: Tankdeckel
Hohe Geschwindigkeit des Frontscheibenwischers
Niedrige Geschwindigkeit des Frontscheibenwischers
Head light switch (High beam)
Beheizbare Frontscheibe
Door mirror fold out
Door mirror fold in
Read windshield and mirror defogging
Relais Batteriesparschaltung
Daytime running light(s)
Reverse lamp relay
Door illumination power saving relay
Left turn signal lights
Right turn signal lights
Hazard warning lights
Position light
N gear switch power supply
Window enable bit
Power window function, close all windows
Power window function, open all windows
Wiper switch status information
Wiper location information
Indicated rain sensor sensitivity adjustment
Sunroof system enable bit
Sunroof self learning
Sunroof system EOL learning command
Vehicle Name Writing
VIN ändern
Edit ECU installation date