PKW, GEELY, Atlas Pro , Azkarra, Battery management system (BMS)
Stromversorgungs- steuerung - Battery management system (BMS) - 0
Fahrzeugname: 12345678
Software version bootloader: 3534565656DHHEFH
Ersatzteilnummer: --
Lieferantennummer: 456789
Herstellungsdatum: 31233435
ECU serial number: --
FIN: LV2DB24H0MD084764
Hardwarenummer: @@@AAABBBCCCDDDE
Softwarenummer: 8mg10p3p41245678
Programmierdatum: 47474731
ECU installation date: 55444241
Repairshop or tester serial number: --
Software calibration number (SCN): 2345 C12345C1234
Fehlercode löschen
Main relay status: Reserviert
Main relay off request: Nicht definiert
Seriennummer: --
Battery cell voltage 1: 12.85 V
Battery cell voltage 2: 13.37 V
Battery cell voltage 3: 0.07 V
Battery cell voltage 4: 12.61 V
Battery cell voltage 5: 12.59 V
Battery cell voltage 6: 13.11 V
Battery cell voltage 7: -- V
Battery cell voltage 8: -- V
Battery cell voltage 9: -- V
Battery cell voltage 10: -- V
Battery cell voltage 11: -- V
Battery cell voltage 12: -- V
Battery cell voltage 13: -- V
Battery cell voltage 14: -- V
Monomer balance command: Nicht definiert
Electric quantity: 50 %
State of health of battery (AMS): 50 %
Battery Total voltage: 12.85 V
High voltage battery temperature sensor 2: 1245.1 °C
High voltage battery temperature sensor 1: 1245.1 °C
Batteriestrom: 842216.50 A
48V loop voltage (outside battery pack relay): 12.85 V
Software reset
Hardware reset
VIN ändern
Vehicle Name Writing
Edit ECU installation date