Bil, GEELY, Atlas Pro , Azkarra, Backup door auto lift up (PTG)

Body kontrol modul - Backup door auto lift up (PTG) - 0


Software calibration number (SCN): --

Repairshop or tester serial number: --

ECU installation date: --

Programming date: 12022016

Software nummer: 8mg10p3p41245678

Hardware number: @@@AAABBBCCCDDDE

Stel nr.: LV2DB24H0MD084764

ECU serial number: --

Fremstillings dato: --

Supplier number: 456789

Dele nummer: --

Software version bootloader: --

Vehicle name: --


U007388: Ukendt fejlkode


Clear DTC

Levende Data

Liftgate ajar switch status: --

Left level hall input signal 1: --

Left level hall input signal 2: Ikke defineret

Left level hall signal power output: Åben

Liftgate close switch input signal: Ikke defineret

Liftgate latch and lock actuator (full): Ikke defineret

Liftgate latch and lock actuator (half): Ikke defineret

Mechanical maximum angle of liftgate: -- Pulse

Kilometer tæller: 342973.5 km

Power supply voltage: 12.5 V

Reject reason open: status: --

Reject reason close: status: --

Return-to-zero input signal of liftgate: --

Right level hall input signal 1: --

Right level hall input signal 2: --

Right level hall signal power output: --

Soft stop position of liftgate: --

The last interrupted reason: --

The last start reason: --

Køretøjs hastighed : -- km/h

Strømtilstand: --



Software reset

Hardware reset

Rediger stel nr.

Vehicle Name Writing

Edit ECU installation date