Car, GEELY, Coolray (SX11), Multimedia interface (MMI)
Multimedia - Multimedia interface (MMI) - 0
Vehicle name: 12345678
Boot software identification: 3534565656DHHEFH
Part number: 3589@ABC
Supplier identification: system supplier identifier: 456789
Manufacture date: 31233435
ECU serial number: --
VIN no: LV2DB24H0MD084764
Hardware version for suppliers: system supplier ECU hardware version number: @@@AAABBBCCCDDDE
Supplier ECU software number: 8mg10p3p41245678
Repair shop code or tester serial number: --
Programming date: 47474731
ECU installation date: 55444241
Calibration software version number: --
U007300: CAN-bus off
Clear DTC
Data stream
Power supply: -- V
Vehicle speed sensor: -- km/h
Radio mode: USB
Radio frequency: 1192517 kHz
Audio volume: 85 steps
Bluetooth device name UHV: --
Bluetooth device MAC address: UgUgU
Audio source: 12 54
Brightness level of back-lighting of the display: -- %
Radio signal strength: -- dB
Network status: --
Bass control: -- steps
Alto control: -- steps
High control: -- steps
Balance control: -- steps
Volume decrease control: -- steps
PKI write status: --
MCU soft version: --
Actuators test
Audio source
Media playback volume
Display brightness
Alto scale
High-pitch scale
Balance scale
Damping scale
Backlight on/off
Wi-Fi System Test
Sound mute test
Software reset
Hardware reset
Edit VIN
Vehicle Name Writing
Edit ECU installation date