Car, GEELY, Atlas, Gateway (GW)

Gateway - Gateway (GW) - 0


Vehicle name: 12345678

Boot software identification: 3534565656DHHEFH

Drawing number: 3589@ABC

ECU software version number: --

Supplier identification: system supplier identifier: 456789@BEF

Manufacture date: 31233435

ECU serial number: 123454578@AB

VIN no: LV2DB24H0MD084764

System supplier ECU hardware number: WX@AEHBCDE45897D

Hardware version for suppliers: system supplier ECU hardware version number: @@@AAABBBCCCDDDE

System ECU software number: --

Supplier ECU software number: 8mg10p3p41245678

Engine type:

Repair shop code or tester serial number: GGG10p

Programming date: 47474731

ECU installation date: 55444241

The times for successfully refreshing ECU: 170

The times for attempting to refresh ECU: 120


U004787: Powerplant CAN bus lost communication with the main CAN bus


Clear DTC