Multimedia - ERA-GLONASS system (ERA) - 0
Type of fuel: Ikke defineret
Number of passengers: 255
Activation status:
Permissible distance radius for self-diagnosis: 65535 m
Automatic activation: Permitted
Biltype: Class N3
Internal SIM card, identification: ICCID: 123456789@ABCDEFGHP
Registration in GSM network: On call
Software version GSM module: --
Vehicle manufacturer spare part number: 31323334353637383940
PDX configuration file name: 123456789@
Supplier identification: system supplier identifier: 123
ECU serial number: 123456789@ABCDEFGHPQ
Stel nr.: XTAGFL110HY058197
Vehicle manufacturer ECU hardware number: 8450008475
Supplier ECU software number: 3332
ECU software version: 3137
Diagnose version: 0F
P1000: Ukendt fejlkode
P202A: Ukendt fejlkode
U1144: Ukendt fejlkode
Clear DTC
Levende Data
SERVICE button: Lav
ACC signal: Lav
SOS Button: Lav
Terminal 15 (ignition): Lav
Digital inputs: input 03: Lav
Digital inputs: input 02: Lav
Terminal 15 (ignition): Sluk
SOS BIP 2 indicator: Sluk
Door lock output: Sluk
SOS BIP 1 indicator: Sluk
Horn output: Sluk
Heater: Sluk
AS button: Sluk
Indicator lamp (red): Sluk
Backup power supply management: Sluk
Indicator lamp (green): Sluk
Backup battery state of charge: Sluk
Mute signal: Tænd
Batteri spænding: 24.00 V
Backup battery state of charge: 53.3 %
Backup battery temperature: 28.0 °C
Airbag system status: Ingen fejl
Resting State: Nej
Airbag system triggering: Nej
Function module status: Operating
In motion: Nej
Vehicle tilt: Exceeded
GSM module operating mode:
Position latitude: -5.784955 °
Position longitude: -95.784955 °
Coordinates reliability: Tænd
Time stamp: 303174162
Time source: Inside timer
Satellites: GPS / GLONASS
Coordinates reliability in memory: Sluk
GLONASS module response time after the ignition off: 65535 sek
Acceleration sensor X value: 3.47 g
Acceleration sensor Y value: 3.5 g
Acceleration sensor Z value: 3.5 g
Inclination angle relative horizon: 136 °C
Vehicle tilt: Exceeded
Minimum data set: version: 255
Registration in GSM network: Ikke defineret
GSM internal error: Ikke defineret
Current registration status in GSM network: Ikke defineret
Registration in GSM network: Ikke defineret
Number of unsent saved minimum data sets: 255
Number of stored minimum data sets in the sending queue: 255
After call automatic answer duration: -30584 min
Emergency call number setting: Ikke defineret
Registration termination time in GSM network: -30584 min
Time period until next registration in GSM network: 26214 min
Manual emergency call: 65535
Time interval between retries to send a minimum data set: 65535 min
Number of attempts to transmit the minimum data set: 65535
Number of emergency call automatic attempts: -30584
Emergency call attempts duration (ECall): 17733 min
Registration time in GSM network after the end of service functions: 30840 sek
SIM profiles number: 255
SIM manufacturer: 5.0
Vehicle calibration tilt angle: 136 °
Vehicle calibration tilting time: 13.6 sek
X-axis accelerometer calibration: 4626
Y-axis accelerometer calibration: 4369
Z-axis accelerometer calibration: 21845
GSM MIDlet state: Ikke defineret
Calibration direction angle: 136 °
Udgangs test
Door lock
Terminal 15 (ignition)
Horn test
Backlight on/off
Indicator lamp (green)
Indicator lamp (red)
Mute switch
SOS BIP 1 indicator
SOS BIP 2 indicator
AS button
Backup battery charge
Internal power supply
ECU Reset
GSM module reset