Transaxle - CVT Jatco JF015E (TCM) - 0
Spare part number: ABCSF
Diagnostic ID: 47
Lieferantennummer: 111
Hardwarenummer: 211E1
Softwarenummer: 3131
Nummer Ausgabe: 3331
Kalibrierungsnummer: 3131
FIN: 12345678901223456
Typenzulassungsnummer: --
Special software, name: ABCSFG1112
Last service date: FFFFFF
Supplier code:
Product line number:
Production number:
DF067 [DEF]: Lever position switch circuit
Fehlercode löschen
Versorgungsspannung: 3.92 V
Geber für Kühlmitteltemperatur: 10 °C
Motordrehzahl: 0 UpM
Automatikgetriebeöl-Temperatursensor: 0.00 V
Zündspannung: 5.41 V
Geber für Fahrgeschwindigkeit: 49 km/h
Automatikgetriebe-Öltemperatur: 10 °C
Drosselklappenpotentiometer: 16 °
Primary pulley speed: 1632 UpM
Secondary pulley speed: 0 UpM
Output speed: 0 UpM
Input speed: 0 UpM
Drehmomentwandlerschlupf: 0 UpM
Turbine speed: 1568 UpM
Secondary pulley speed: 0 UpM
Primary pulley speed: 2272 UpM
Soll-Getriebeübersetzung: 1.96
Pulley ratio: 1.96
Target input pulley speed: 1600 UpM
Übersetzungsverhältnis : 2.00
Target pulley gear ratio: 2.00
Target line pressure: 12.5 Bar
Wählhebel-Stellung: s
Ganghebelposition: 3
Line pressure control status: Nicht definiert
Gear shifting mode: Ersparnis
Lock-up condition: On (30h)
Lock-up inhibition condition: Ja
Smooth lock status: Nein
Secondary pulley pressure sensor: 0.00 V
Secondary pulley pressure sensor: 12.5 Bar
Geber für Beschleunigung: 0.96 V
Geber für Beschleunigung: 128 %
Geber für Beschleunigung: 1.550 g
Accelerator opening degree (APO) for shift control: 15.7 °
Beschleunigungssensor-Kalibrierung: Beendet
Target intermediate gear ratio: 2.0
Intermediate gear phase data: Drehmoment
Intermediate gears mode: Up (power OFF)
Target intermediate gear position: 2
Current intermediate gear: 1
Pressure control solenoid A (Primary Pulley): 12593 mA
Current measured high/reverse clutch solenoid: 17713 mA
Low and reverse brake solenoid valve: 12593 mA
Line pressure solenoid: 12594 mA
Lock-up solenoid: 12593 mA
Low and reverse brake solenoid current setpoint: 17991 mA
Current setpoint high/reverse clutch solenoid: 17235 mA
Pressure control solenoid A (Primary Pulley) current setpoint: 16706 mA
Target current line pressure control solenoid: 12850 mA
Lock-up solenoid target current: 12850 mA
Target SLCT pressure: 12.5 Bar
Target high/reverse clutch solenoid pressure: 12.5 Bar
Primary pulley target pressure: 12.5 Bar
Secondary pulley target pressure: 12.5 Bar
Lock-up difference pressure: 5.0 Bar
MEX switch: ECO mode
Bremspedal-Schalter: EIN
Wahlhebel: Nicht definiert
Selector lever position switch: Nicht definiert
Manual mode switch: AUS
MEX switch status: AT-2 (normal)
Range indicator: Nicht definiert
CVT lamp: AUS
Manual mode indicator: EIN
ECO mode: AUS
CAN auto-configuration status (MEX): Auto without MEX
CAN auto-configuration status (AEBS): With AEBS
ABS fail signal: Nein
ABS Signal: No operation
TCS signal: No operation
VDC fail signal: Nein
VDC signal: No operation
TCS signal 1: Ja
Enlüftung der elektrischen Ölpumpe : 49
Engine brake level: EIN
N Idle status: Nein
NILS learning status: Wird durchgeführt
Elektrische Ölpumpe: 69 %
Service learning pressure (Low/Brake): 0.8 Bar
Service learning pressure (High/Clutch): 0.8 Bar
Service learning pressure (Reverse/Brake): 0.8 Bar
Service learning pressure count (Low/Brake): 50
Service learning pressure count (High/Clutch): 50
Service learning pressure count (Reverse/Brake): 50
Low brake (LB) study gain value: 1
Low brake (LB) zero point learning value: 12.5 Bar
Oil temperature (low brake (LB) zero point learning value): 10 °C
High clutch (HC) study gain value: 1
High clutch (HC) zero point learning value: 12.5 Bar
Oil temperature (high clutch (HC) zero point learning value): 10 °C
High clutch (HC) study precharge: 0
Torque restriction level 1: 66
Torque restriction level 2: 67
Torque restriction level 3: 83
Neutral target total ratio: 2.80
CVT oil degradation level: 0 Count
Löschung Lernwerte
Shift lock solenoid test
Lock-up solenoid valve
Line pressure solenoid
Primary pressure regulation solenoid valve
Low and reverse brake solenoid valve
High clutch solenoid
Ölwechselzähler zurücksetzen
ECU Reset
Write date of last after sales operation
G-Sensor initialization