Car, RENAULT, KOLEOS II CN, QM6 CN, Electronic parking brake (FRE)

Brake system - Electronic parking brake (FRE) - 0


Referance operational computer: --

Calibration number: --

Part number: --

Configuration file reference link: --

Supplier name: --

Serial number: --

VIN no: --

Hardware number: --

Software number: --

Software version: --

Diagnostic version: 04


DF028 [3.DEF]: Electronic control unit (ECU) - not configured


Clear DTC

Data stream

Engine speed: -- rpm

Engine operating phase: --

Brake switch information: --

Engine stop request via stop button: --

Driver door switch: --

Passenger door switch(es): --

Automatic gearbox lever position: --

+12v after ignition: --

Gear lever position - manual: --

Reverse gear engaged: --

Battery voltage: -- V

System operation mode: --

Measured value of rear right calliper: -- V

Measured value of rear left calliper: -- V

Measured value of rear right calliper: -- A

Measured value of rear left calliper: -- A

Slope value: -- %

Measured application of rear right calliper: -- daN

Measured application of rear left calliper: -- daN

Clutch pedal position: -- %

Manual command: --

Rear left caliper actuator: --

Rear right caliper actuator: --

Rear brakes temperature: -- °C

Maximum temperature: -- °C

Distance travelled since max temperature: -- km

Vehicle speed: -- km/h

Actuators test


Manual control indicator light





V017 Activate maintenance mode

V018 Deactivate maintenance mode

V004 Edit VIN