F4R - Petrol (INJ) - 0
Electronic version: 82 00 04 44 37
Program number: 00 E1
Software version: 80 00
Calibration number: 2B 01
MPR reference: 77 00 11 35 02
Diagnostic version: 08
Supplier: 001
VIN no: UU1LSD4GH38533072
DF360: Idle regulation - circuit open
DF360: Idle regulation - circuit short to battery
DF360: Idle regulation - circuit short to ground
Clear DTC
Data stream
MAP sensor: 884.1 mbar
Throttle position sensor measured value: 60
O2 sensor 1, bank 1: 2.430 V
O2 sensor 2, bank 1: 1.103 V
Engine coolant temperature sensor: -6.2 °C
Intake air temperature sensor: -12.5 °C
Battery voltage: 10.15 V
Average knock signal: 109
Engine torque: 38.0 N·m
Computer + after ignition: Off
Heated windscreen switches: Off
Throttle position sensor: Load
A/C command: Off
Accelerated idle: No
Brake pedal switch: Off
P/N switch: No
Torque reduction: No
Cylinder 1 recognition: Complete
Double richness loop : Off
Idle rpm control: Off
Richness regulation: Off
Flywheel signal with engine running: On
Immobilizer code programmed: No
Immobilizer: Off
Engine speed: 9690 rpm
Power absorbed by the A/C compressor: 520.0 W
A/C pressure sensor: 25.6 bar
Actuator relay control: Off
Check engine telltale: Off
Cooling fan high speed: Off
Cooling fan low speed: On
Engine coolant temperature telltale (Hot): Off
Fuel pump relay: On
Canister purge state: On
Gear change warning light: Off
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 heater: Off
O2 sensor 2, bank 1 heater: Off
A/C compressor: Off
Camshaft offset control: Off
Evaporative emission (EVAP) system, canister purge valve: 78.0 %
Idle speed actuator: 6.3 %
Target idle speed: 780 rpm
Number of active thermoplungers: 89 N
Vehicle speed sensor: 20 km/h
No load position programming value: 71
Barometric pressure sensor: 665.7 mbar
Knock retard angle: 39.2 °
Richness correction value: 209
Idle richness adaptive: 47
Operating richness adaptive: 19
Injection time bank 1: 0.2 ms
Ignition angle: 19.0 °
Idle speed adaptation: 39.8 %
Misfire: 14.5 %
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 heater: 85 Ohm
O2 sensor 2, bank 1 heater: 27 Ohm
Misfire monitoring: Yes
Sensor fault finding accounted: On
Current misfire, cylinder 1: Yes
Current misfire, cylinder 2: Yes
Current misfire, cylinder 3: Yes
Current misfire, cylinder 4: Yes
Sensor fault finding done: Yes
Air conditioner: Not present
Heated windscreen: Not present
Camshaft offset control: Not present
Check engine telltale: Not present
Fan control, engine running : Not present
O2 sensor 2, bank 1: Not present
Vehicle transmission type: M/T
Fixed displacement compressor: Not present
O2 sensor 1, bank 1: 3 wire
Pencil type ignition coil : Not present
Reduced flow fuel pump: Not present
AC cold loop in the injection: Not present
"DF" terminal: Not present
Gear change warning light: Not present
Gear change warning light: Not present
Passenger compartment heating resistor: Not present
Stop light switch normally open contact: Not present
Thermoplunger management: Not present
Vehicle connection via the CAN: Not present
Immobilizer: Type 2
Vehicle speed connection type: Wire
Actuators test
Coolant temperature telltale
Fuel pump relay
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 heater
O2 sensor 2, bank 1 heater
Idle speed actuator
Evaporative emission (EVAP) system, canister purge valve
Cooling fan low speed
Cooling fan high speed
Camshaft offset
A/C relay
Check engine telltale
Write VIN
ECU Reset
Idle regulation adaptive
Injection time programming
Torque sensor learning