Bil, PORSCHE, Cayenne 958 2011-2015, All wheel drive

4WD - All wheel drive - 0


Stel nr.: WAUZZZ8K89N045787

Dele nummer: 7P0959655A

Udstyrs nummer: 1

Importør nummer: 1

Værksteds kode: 4940

Softwareversion: --

Hardware vare nummer: --

Hardware version nummer: --

System beskrivelse: --

Programmerbarhed: Programmerbare

Program consistency: Program present

System abbreviation: J623

ASAM/ODX file identifikation: EV_ESPMK25A00700

ASAM/ODX file version: 001001

Advanceret identifikation

Supplier HW number 2: --

Production change number: --------

FAZIT identification string: SME-RBG08.01.1003930079

Dato for sidste kodning: 2011-03-12

Fremstillings dato: 2012-04-15

Programming date: 2001-02-03

Date of last adaptation: 2012-04-15

Version of software module: 1234


1: Terminal 30 - circuit open

2: Oil temperature sensor - electrical malfunction

10: Solenoid coil - electrical malfunction


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