Όχημα, AUDI, A6 2011-, 2014 (E), Allroad, CHJA 2,0l TFSI , 180kW, 53 - Φρένο στάθμευσης (53 BFS)
Bremse system - 53 - Φρένο στάθμευσης (53 BFS) - 0
ASAM/ODX file identifikation: EV_ParkiBrake
ASAM/ODX file version: 001001
Dele nummer: xxxxxxxxx
Udstyrs nummer: 0
Importør nummer: 0
Værksteds kode: 0
Stel nr.: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Softwareversion: xxxx
Hardware vare nummer: xxxxxxxxx
System designation: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hardwareversion: xxx
Programmerbarhed: Programmerbare
Program consistency: Program present
System abbreviation: xxxx
Motor: CJTA
Advanceret identifikation
ASAM/ODX file identifikation: EV_ParkiBrake
ASAM/ODX file version: 001001
Softwareversion: xxxx
Motor: CJTA
Programmability status: error in flash memory: Nej
Programmability status: flash memory faulty: Nej
Programmability status: communication error: Nej
Programmability status: flash memory not programmable: Nej
Number of programming attempts: data block 0: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 1: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 2: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 3: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 4: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 5: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 6: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 7: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 8: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 9: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 0: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 1: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 2: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 3: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 4: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 5: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 6: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 7: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 8: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 9: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 0: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 1: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 2: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 3: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 4: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 5: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 6: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 7: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 8: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 9: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 0: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 1: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 2: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 3: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 4: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 5: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 6: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 7: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 8: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 9: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 0: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 1: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 2: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 3: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 4: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 5: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 6: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 7: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 8: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 9: 12336
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, date: 2000-00-00
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, device number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, importer number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, dealership number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, programming status: Gyldig
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, date: 2000-00-00
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, device number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, importer number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, dealership number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, programming status: Gyldig
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, date: 2000-00-00
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, device number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, importer number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, dealership number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, programming status: Gyldig
Udstyrs nummer: 0
Importør nummer: 0
Værksteds kode: 0
FAZIT identification: manufacture location index: SME-RBG
FAZIT identification: day of manufacture: 08.01.10
FAZIT identification: manufacturer test stand number: 0393
FAZIT identification: running manufacturer number: 0079
Manufacturer modification status: control module family: -
Manufacturer modification status: decoration variant: -
Manufacturer modification status: construction version: ---
Manufacturer modification status: manufacture version: ---
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0: High Speed network management
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, primary version number: 01
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, secondary version number: 06
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, revision number: 00
Diagnostisk tilstand: VW diagnose
Adaptation workshop code: device number: 0
Adaptation workshop code: importer number: 0
Adaptation workshop code: dealership number: 0
Hardware vare nummer: xxxxxxxxx
Hardwareversion: xxx
Versions of software module: data block 0: 0007
Versions of software module: data block 1: 0003
Versions of software module: data block 2: 0005
Dele nummer: xxxxxxxxx
System designation: xxxxxxxxxxxx
System abbreviation: xxxx
Programmability status: programmability: Programmerbare
Programmability status: program consistency: Program present
Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Read DTC (Normal mode)
Clear DTC
Read DTC (Agressive mode)
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Security access: number of invalid keys, counter: 0
Terminal 30 : 4.8 V
Terminal 15:
Roller test bench mode, functional: --
Index parameter table: 48
Apply counter: left brake: 808464432
Apply counter: right brake: 808464432
Maximum brake temperature, development: temperature: 12336 °C
Maximum brake temperature, development: month: 0
Maximum brake temperature, development: day: 6
Maximum brake temperature, development: year: 2048
Maximum brake temperature, development: hours: 48 Timer
Maximum brake temperature, development: minutes: 48 min
Maximum brake temperature, development: odometer reading: 808464432 km
Auto adjust counter: 12336
Last auto adjust information: month: 0
Last auto adjust information: day: 6
Last auto adjust information: year: 2048
Last auto adjust information: hour: 48 Timer
Last auto adjust information: minutes: 48 min
Last auto adjust information: distance: 808464432 km
Network management state: Nulstil
Internal parking brake state: No enabling
Software version second microncontroller: 0000
High temparature reclamp counter: 12336
External eeprom one of eight: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
External eeprom two of eight: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
External eeprom three of eight: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
External eeprom four of eight: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
External eeprom five of eight: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
External eeprom six of eight: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
External eeprom seven of eight: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
External eeprom eight of eight: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Internal eeprom one of eight: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Internal eeprom two of eight: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Internal eeprom three of eight: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Internal eeprom four of eight: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Internal eeprom five of eight: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Internal eeprom six of eight: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Internal eeprom seven of eight: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Internal eeprom eight of eight: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Motordrejningsmoment: 12336 N·m
Torque transmitting function: 4.8
Driver seat buckle switch: Ikke tilsluttet
Køretøjs hastighed : 123.4 km/h
Bremsetrykføler: 1233.6 bar
Accelerator pedal position sensor: 1233.6 %
Incline angle of parking brake: -80
Status of parking brake button: Not operated
Reversing light switch: Tænd
System condition of parking brake: transmission: Manuel gearkasse
System condition of parking brake: seatbelt buckle scan: Ikke aktiv
System condition of parking brake: type of braking: Front og bag
System condition of parking brake: hill-start assistant: Aktiv
System condition of parking brake: adaptive cruise control: Ikke kodet / ikke installeret
System condition of parking brake: monitoring VIN: Ikke aktiveret
System condition of parking brake: automatic closing with engine off: Ikke aktiv
System condition of parking brake: automatic closing at button malfunction: Ikke aktiv
System condition of parking brake: gradual release of brake: Ikke aktiv
System condition of parking brake: release of brake without gas pedal actuation: Aktiveret
System condition of parking brake: brake release: Early
System condition of parking brake: parking brake off: with button
System condition of parking brake: braking intensity: 0
System condition of parking brake: reduced tensioning force, parking brake, automatic transmission: Aktiveret
System condition of parking brake: reduced tensioning force, parking brake, manual transmission: Ikke aktiveret
System condition of parking brake: reduced tensioning force during start/stop: Ikke aktiveret
System condition of parking brake: reduced tensioning force, threshold with vehicle inclination: 48 %
System condition of parking brake: close if ignition off, automatic transmission: Ikke aktiveret
System condition of parking brake: close if ignition off, manual transmission: Ikke aktiveret
System condition of parking brake: shift P to EPB: Ikke aktiveret
System condition of parking brake: driver out apply: Ikke aktiveret
System condition of parking brake: brake pedal evaluation: Aktiveret
System condition of parking brake: evaluation of seatbelt: Aktiveret
System condition of parking brake: velocity for reset: 123.4 km/h
Parking brake status: left: Indstil
Parking brake status: right: Åben
Calculated brake temperature: 12336 °C
Cut-off current for parking brake motors: left: 1233.6 A
Cut-off current for parking brake motors: right: 1233.6 A
Warnings: yellow warning light: Sluk
Warnings: tone sensor: Sluk
Warnings: warning text: 3
Warnings: red warning light: Sluk
Warnings: red operating lamp: Sluk
Warnings: green operating lamp:
Warnings: indicator light in switch: Sluk
Deceleration, setpoint: deceleration: -5.664 m/s²
Transmission range gear recognition switch: Frigear
Highest brake temperature reached: temperature: 12336 °C
Highest brake temperature reached: month: 0
Highest brake temperature reached: day: 6
Highest brake temperature reached: year: 2048
Highest brake temperature reached: hours: 48 Timer
Highest brake temperature reached: minutes: 48 min
Highest brake temperature reached: odometer reading: 808464432 km
Motor Hastighed: 12336 1/min
Brake light switch: Ikke aktiveret
Type of fuel: --
Clutch position sensor:
Udgangs test
Attaching brake pads
Apply brakes
Open right brake
Open left brake
Open both brakes
Short closing pulse, left side
Short closing pulse, right side
Reduce clearance brake pads
Yellow warning lamp
Red warning lamp
Green operating lamp
Red operating lamp
Function light in parking brake button
Tone sensor
All lamps
Basic setting
End lining change mode
Start lining change mode
Maximum brake temperature reset development
Reset highest brake temperature reached
Start of operations
Force auto adjust
EEPROM reset
EOL reset
Reset actuation counter left brake
Reset actuation counter right brake
Emergency braking
Drive away assist
Manual release
Emergency braking intensity
Auto apply due to switch failure
Seatbelt buckle detection
Auto apply due to engine stall
Automatic parking brake
Automatic parking brake for selector lever position P
Drive away assist sensitivity
Reduced clampforce
Activating and deactivating all development messages
VIN check
Drive away assist without gas
Driver out apply
Shift P to EPB
Roller test bench mode, functional
Activation of P-mode
Deactivation of P-mode
Production mode
Transport mode
Manual mode