Легковой транспорт, AUDI, A6 2011-, 2014 (E), Avant, CRDB 4,0l TFSI , 412kW, 55 - Автоматический контроль угла наклона фар (55 LWR)
Leuchtweiten- regelung - 55 - Автоматический контроль угла наклона фар (55 LWR) - 0
ASAM/ODX file identification: EV_AdvanFrontSyste
ASAM/ODX file version: 005001
Ersatzteilnummer: xxxxxxxxx
Ausrüstungsnummer: 0
Importer number: 0
Werkstattcode: 0
FIN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Softwareversion: xxxx
Hardware-Teilenummer: xxxxxxxxx
System designation: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hardware-Version: xxx
Programmierbarkeit: Programmierbar
Program consistency: Program present
System abbreviation: xxxx
Motor: CJTA
Erweiterte Identifikation
ASAM/ODX file identification: EV_AdvanFrontSyste
ASAM/ODX file version: 005001
Softwareversion: xxxx
Motor: CJTA
Programmability status: error in flash memory: Nein
Programmability status: flash memory faulty: Nein
Programmability status: communication error: Nein
Programmability status: flash memory not programmable: Nein
Number of programming attempts: data block 0: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 1: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 2: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 3: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 4: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 5: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 6: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 7: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 8: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 9: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 0: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 1: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 2: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 3: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 4: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 5: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 6: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 7: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 8: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 9: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 0: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 1: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 2: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 3: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 4: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 5: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 6: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 7: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 8: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 9: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 0: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 1: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 2: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 3: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 4: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 5: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 6: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 7: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 8: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 9: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 0: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 1: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 2: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 3: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 4: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 5: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 6: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 7: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 8: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 9: 12336
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, date: 2000-00-00
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, device number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, importer number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, dealership number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, programming status: Gültig
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, date: 2000-00-00
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, device number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, importer number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, dealership number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, programming status: Gültig
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, date: 2000-00-00
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, device number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, importer number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, dealership number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, programming status: Gültig
Ausrüstungsnummer: 0
Importer number: 0
Werkstattcode: 0
FAZIT identification: manufacture location index: SME-RBG
FAZIT identification: day of manufacture: 08.01.10
FAZIT identification: manufacturer test stand number: 0393
FAZIT identification: running manufacturer number: 0079
Manufacturer modification status: control module family: -
Manufacturer modification status: decoration variant: -
Manufacturer modification status: construction version: ---
Manufacturer modification status: manufacture version: ---
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0: High Speed network management
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, primary version number: 01
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, secondary version number: 06
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, revision number: 00
Diagnosemodus: VW diagnostic
Adaptation workshop code: device number: 0
Adaptation workshop code: importer number: 0
Adaptation workshop code: dealership number: 0
Hardware-Teilenummer: xxxxxxxxx
Hardware-Version: xxx
Versions of software module: data block 0: 0007
Versions of software module: data block 1: 0003
Versions of software module: data block 2: 0005
Ersatzteilnummer: xxxxxxxxx
System designation: xxxxxxxxxxxx
System abbreviation: xxxx
Programmability status: programmability: Programmierbar
Programmability status: program consistency: Program present
Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Fehlercode lessen (Normaler Modus)
Fehlercode löschen
Fehlercode lessen (Aggressiver Modus)
Fehlercode löschen
Security access: number of invalid keys, counter: 0
Terminal 15: 4.8 V
Motor status: engine status signal:
Status of brake signals: breaking signal:
ECU acceleration calculated development: 38
LWR time constant index, development: time constant index: 48
Coding fail reason, development: calculated headlamp power module varinat coding value: 30
Coding fail reason, development: variant coding status: In Ordnung
Coding fail reason, development: country variant: In Ordnung
Coding fail reason, development: vehicle type: In Ordnung
Coding fail reason, development: vehicle variant: In Ordnung
Coding fail reason, development: sensor: Nicht unterstützt
Coding fail reason, development: start-stop: Nicht unterstützt
Coding fail reason, development: PSD: In Ordnung
Coding fail reason, development: light actuator: In Ordnung
Coding fail reason, development: light function: In Ordnung
Coding fail reason, development: tester repairshop code: In Ordnung
Coding fail reason, development: SUBCAN: In Ordnung
Coding fail reason, development: ECU: In Ordnung
Static curve light dimming left target value, development: 48 %
Static curve light dimming right target value, development: 48 %
Variable front ligthing target value, development: test program right headlamp GLW actuator light distribution: 48
Variable front ligthing target value, development: left right hand traffic:
Variable front ligthing target value, development: test program left headlamp GLW light index: 616.80 %
Variable front ligthing target value, development: left headlamp GLW actuator step:
Variable front ligthing target value, development: test program left headlamp GLW actuator light distribution: 48
Variable front ligthing target value, development: test program right headlamp GLW light index: 616.80 %
Variable front ligthing target value, development: right headlamp GLW actuator step:
High beam: high beam signal:
Status reverse gear: CAN signal gear status:
Yaw rate value text program: 123.36 °/sec
Blinkleuchte links:
Blinkerleuchte rechts:
Supply voltage for external components: 4.8 V
Windshield wiper: wiper status signal:
Audi drive select: charisma status signal:
Fahrgeschwindigkeit: 1233.6 km/h
Geber für Lenkwinkel: 433.6 °
Gaspedalposition: 48.0 %
Fog light signal status: front fog light:
Rear fog light signal status: rear fog light status:
Front jounce travel: -79 mm
Rear jounce travel, test program: -79 mm
Left headlight beam adjusting motor:
Right headlight beam adjusting motor:
Left dynamic AFS light motor, target value: 152.75
Right dynamic AFS light motor, target value: 152.75
Left dynamic AFS light motor:
Right dynamic AFS light motor:
Adjusting motor for variable left front lighting:
Adjusting motor for variable right front lighting:
Left headlight beam adjusting motor, target value: 11312 mm
Right headlight beam adjusting motor, target value: 11312 mm
Left/right hand driving switch-over: BCM signal tourist mode:
Left front level control system sensor: 24 %
Left rear level control system sensor: 24 %
Light distribution status:
Light functions with route data: crossover light: AUS
Light functions with route data: city light: AUS
Light functions with route data: highway light:
Variable left front lighting target position: GLW actuator step textual:
Variable right front lighting target position: GLW actuator step textual:
Status of basic headlamp setting: ASAM/ODX file identification:
ECU acceleration calculated development:
Static curve light dimming left target value, development: %
Static curve light dimming right target value, development: %
Variable front ligthing target value, development: right headlamp GLW actuator light distribution:
Variable front ligthing target value, development: left headlamp GLW light index:
Variable front ligthing target value, development: left headlamp GLW actuator light distribution:
Variable front ligthing target value, development: right headlamp GLW light index:
Gierratenwert: °/sec
Supply voltage for external components: V
Geber für Lenkwinkel: °
Geber für Gaspedalstellung: %
Front jounce travel: mm
Rear jounce travel: mm
Left dynamic AFS light motor, target value:
Right dynamic AFS light motor, target value:
Left headlight beam adjusting motor, target value:
Right headlight beam adjusting motor, target value:
Left front level control system sensor: %
Left rear level control system sensor: %
Scheinwerfer senkrecht nach links bewegen
Move headlamp vertically to the right
Scheinwerfer waagerecht nach links bewegen
Scheinwerfer waagerecht nach rechts bewegen
Dim static left AFS light
Dim static right AFS light
Lichtverteilung linker Scheinwerfer
Lichtverteilung rechter Scheinwerfer
Move left headlamp vertically in mm, development
Move right headlamp vertically in mm, development
Move left headlamp horizontally in degree, development
Move right headlamp horizontally in degree, development
Dimming left static cornering lighting in %, development
Dimming right static cornering lighting in %, development
Light distribution left headlamp in %, development
Light distribution right headlamp in %, development
Resetting of all adaptations
Grundeinstellung des Scheinwerfers
Bestätigen Sie die Grundeinstellung
Reference run start condition selection, development
LWR control strategy selection, development
LWR vehicle niveau sensor external power supply explicit activation, development
LWR function activation, development
Static curve light control strategy selection, development
Static curve light turn indicator offset activation, development
Strategieauswahl, dynamische Kurvenlichtsteuerung, Entwicklung
Dynamic curve light swivelling model selection, development
Adaptive motorway light control strategy selection, development
Static AFS light
Statisches AFS-Licht beim Rückwärtsfahren
Dynamic AFS light
Presentation run dynamic AFS light
Presentation mode
Variable Frontbeleuchtung
Highway light
Geschwindigkeitsabhängiges Stadtfahrlicht
Intersection light with route data
City light with route data
Highway light with route data
Variable Frontbeleuchtung, Strategie
Intersection light actuator selection
Intersection light strategy
Nebelschlussleuchte Unterschützung
Activate left/right hand drive switch-over