PKW, AUDI, A4 2016-, 2023 (P), Saloon, CVNA 1.4l TFSI , 110kW, 09 - Elektronische Zentralelektrik (09 EZE)
Karosserie-Steuergerät - 09 - Elektronische Zentralelektrik (09 EZE) - 0
ASAM/ODX file identification: EV_BCMCONTI
ASAM/ODX file version: 009001
Ersatzteilnummer: xxxxxxxxx
Ausrüstungsnummer: 0
Importer number: 0
Werkstattcode: 0
FIN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Softwareversion: xxxx
Hardware-Teilenummer: xxxxxxxxx
System designation: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hardware-Version: xxx
Programmierbarkeit: Programmierbar
Program consistency: Program present
System abbreviation: xxxx
Motor: CJTA
Erweiterte Identifikation
ASAM/ODX file identification: EV_BCMCONTI
ASAM/ODX file version: 009001
Softwareversion: xxxx
Motor: CJTA
Programmability status: error in flash memory: Nein
Programmability status: flash memory faulty: Nein
Programmability status: communication error: Nein
Programmability status: flash memory not programmable: Nein
Number of programming attempts: data block 0: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 1: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 2: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 3: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 4: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 5: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 6: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 7: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 8: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 9: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 0: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 1: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 2: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 3: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 4: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 5: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 6: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 7: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 8: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 9: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 0: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 1: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 2: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 3: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 4: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 5: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 6: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 7: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 8: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 9: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 0: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 1: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 2: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 3: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 4: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 5: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 6: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 7: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 8: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 9: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 0: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 1: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 2: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 3: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 4: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 5: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 6: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 7: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 8: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 9: 12336
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, date: 2000-00-00
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, device number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, importer number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, dealership number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, programming status: Gültig
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, date: 2000-00-00
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, device number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, importer number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, dealership number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, programming status: Gültig
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, date: 2000-00-00
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, device number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, importer number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, dealership number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, programming status: Gültig
Ausrüstungsnummer: 0
Importer number: 0
Werkstattcode: 0
FAZIT identification: manufacture location index: SME-RBG
FAZIT identification: day of manufacture: 08.01.10
FAZIT identification: manufacturer test stand number: 0393
FAZIT identification: running manufacturer number: 0079
Manufacturer modification status: control module family: -
Manufacturer modification status: decoration variant: -
Manufacturer modification status: construction version: ---
Manufacturer modification status: manufacture version: ---
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0: High Speed network management
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, primary version number: 01
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, secondary version number: 06
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, revision number: 00
Diagnosemodus: VW diagnostic
Adaptation workshop code: device number: 0
Adaptation workshop code: importer number: 0
Adaptation workshop code: dealership number: 0
Hardware-Teilenummer: xxxxxxxxx
Hardware-Version: xxx
Versions of software module: data block 0: 0007
Versions of software module: data block 1: 0003
Versions of software module: data block 2: 0005
Ersatzteilnummer: xxxxxxxxx
System designation: xxxxxxxxxxxx
System abbreviation: xxxx
Programmability status: programmability: Programmierbar
Programmability status: program consistency: Program present
Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Fehlercode lessen (Normaler Modus)
Fehlercode löschen
Fehlercode lessen (Aggressiver Modus)
Fehlercode löschen
Actuator test: input/output control status: Nicht aktiv
Status of basic setting: Nicht gestartet
Security access: number of invalid keys, counter: 0
Data logger triggering:
Counter of component protection malfunctions: 12336
ECU internal measurement values: Anzahl Resets: --
ECU internal measurement values: letzte Resetursache Conti: --
ECU internal measurement values: letzte Resetursache Bosch: --
ECU internal measurement values 2: hours of operation at low beam: 12336 Stunden
ECU internal measurement values 2: hours of operation front window wiper: 12336
ECU internal measurement values 2: number of the wisp cycles front window wiper: 12336
ECU internal measurement values 2: number of the wisp cycles rear window wiper: 12336
ECU internal measurement values 2: hours of operation: 12336 Stunden
LIN activity: LIN 1: Nicht aktiv
LIN activity: LIN 2:
LIN activity: LIN 3: Nicht aktiv
LIN activity: LIN 4:
LIN activity: LIN 5: Nicht aktiv
LIN activity: LIN 6:
LIN activity: sunroof communication request:
Supply voltage history: highest voltage ever measured: 13.4 V
Supply voltage history: highest measured voltage in the last cycle: -- V
Supply voltage history: voltage measurement, internal: -- V
Supply voltage history: odometer reading: -- km
External temperature: -26.0 °C
Temperatures: ambient temperature: -26.0 °C
Temperatures: left heated seat: -26.0 °C
Temperatures: right heated seat: -26.0 °C
Monitor 1: message: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Monitor 2: message: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Monitor 3: message: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Monitor 4: message: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Monitor 5: message: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Monitor 6: message: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Monitor 7: message: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Monitor 8: message: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Monitor 9: message: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Monitor 10: message: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Control unit internal measured value (supplier): --
Cycle protection counter: central locking cycle protection counter: 127
Cycle protection counter: general cycle protection counter: --
Cycle protection counter: general cycle protection trigger: --
Parameter monitor 1: --
Parameter monitor 2: --
Parameter monitor 3: wiper: --
Parameter monitor 3: climatic: --
Parameter monitor 4: --
Parameter monitor 5: --
Parameter monitor 6: --
Parameter monitor 7: --
Parameter monitor FF: --
Values motor loads: wiper thermo model status: --
Values motor loads: wiper energy model load: --
Values motor loads: wiper energy model status: --
Values motor loads: wiper power supply PWM: --
Misc wiper values 1: wiper counter block: --
Misc wiper values 1: wiper counter cycles: 97000
Misc wiper values 1: wiper counter operating h: -- Stunden
Misc wiper values 1: wiper errors: --
Misc wiper values 1: wiper speed real: --
Misc wiper values 2: wiper angle: 0.00 °
Misc wiper values 2: wiper angle corr OWL: -- °
Misc wiper values 2: wiper angle corr UWL: -- °
Misc wiper values 2: wiper power supply ubat: -- V
Shadow error table: wiper error 1 data ec5: --
Shadow error table: wiper error 2 code: --
Shadow error table: wiper error 2 count: --
Shadow error table: wiper error 2 timestamp: -- min
Shadow error table: wiper error 2 power supply: -- V
Shadow error table: wiper error 2 data ec4: --
Shadow error table: wiper error 2 data ec5: --
Shadow error table: wiper error 3 code: --
Shadow error table: wiper error 3 count: --
Shadow error table: wiper error 3 timestamp: -- min
Shadow error table: wiper error 3 power supply: -- V
Shadow error table: wiper error 3 data ec4: --
Shadow error table: wiper error 3 data ec5: --
Shadow error table: wiper error 4 code: --
Shadow error table: wiper error 4 count: --
Shadow error table: wiper error 4 timestamp: -- min
Shadow error table: wiper error 4 power supply: -- V
Shadow error table: wiper error 4 data ec4: --
Shadow error table: wiper error 4 data ec5: --
Shadow error table: wiper error 5 code: --
Shadow error table: wiper error 5 count: --
Shadow error table: wiper error 5 timestamp: -- min
Shadow error table: wiper error 1 code: 0
Shadow error table: wiper error 5 power supply: -- V
Shadow error table: wiper error 5 data ec4: --
Shadow error table: wiper error 5 data ec5: --
Shadow error table: wiper error 1 count: 102
Shadow error table: wiper error 1 timestamp: -- min
Shadow error table: wiper error 1 power supply: -- V
Shadow error table: wiper error 1 data ec4: --
RLS incidence counter: counter rain: 0
RLS incidence counter: counter light: 3
RLS incidence counter: counter program sequence: 0
RLS incidence counter: counter memory: 3
RLS incidence counter: counter voltage supply: 0
RLS incidence counter: counter wdg: 3
RLS incidence counter: counter asic: 0
RLS incidence counter: counter cpu: 3
RLS incidence counter: counter temp: 0
RLS incidence counter: counter hum: 3
RLS incidence counter: counter dew: 0
RLS incidence counter: counter dew com: 3
RLS rain sensor off justage: interval pause: 16 sec
RLS rain sensor off justage: slope: -0.05 sec
RLS rain sensor off justage: axis segment: 19 sec
Light sensor parameter: rw_Amb_Day_Threshold_g: 96
Light sensor parameter: rw_FW_Day_Threshold_g: 96
Light sensor parameter: rb_IR_Day_Threshold_g: 96
Light sensor parameter: rb_Amb_Night_Threshold_g: 48
Light sensor parameter: rb_FW_Night_Threshold_g: 48
Light sensor parameter: rb_IR_Night_Threshold_g: 48
Light sensor parameter: rw_dayCounter_mg: 48
Light sensor parameter: rw_nightCounter_mg: 48
Light sensor parameter: rb_LIN_BIT_ERROR_COUNTER_g: 48
Light sensor parameter: rb_LIN_OVER_THEADERMAX_COUNTER_g: 48
Light sensor parameter: rb_LIN_CHECKSUMERROR_COUNTER_g: 48
Light sensor parameter: rb_LIN_OVER_TFRAMEMAX_COUNTER_g: 48
Light sensor parameter: rb_LIN_BIT_NORESPONSE_COUNTER_g: 48
Light sensor parameter: rb_LIN_FRAMING_BIT_ERROR_COUNTER_g: --
Light sensor parameter: BRGC6: --
Light sensor parameter: 1_rb_E2_Sensor_Error1_g: --
Light sensor parameter: 2_rb_E2_Sensor_Error2_g: --
Light sensor parameter: 3_rb_E2_Sensor_Error3_g: --
Light sensor parameter: 4_rb_E2_Sensor_Error4_g: --
Light sensor parameter: rw_FW_light16bit_g: 12336
Light sensor parameter: rw_IR_light16bit_g: 12336
Light sensor parameter: rw_Amb_light16bit_g: 12336
Light sensor parameter: darkstart mode: Nicht aktiv
Light sensor parameter: night mode: Nicht aktiv
Light sensor parameter: tunnel mode: Nicht aktiv
Light sensor parameter: rain mode: Aktiv
Light sensor parameter: night sensitivity: Aktiv
Rain sensor parameter: rub_LengthCounter: 48
Rain sensor parameter: rub_PulseCounter: 48
Rain sensor parameter: rub_SignalIntegral_g: 48
Rain sensor parameter: rb_CloseTypeStandby_g: 48
Rain sensor parameter: rw_TempTicks_g: 83.36 °C
Rain sensor parameter: rw_HumiTicks_g: 12336
Rain sensor parameter: rb_HumTemp_ErrorCode_g: 48
Rain sensor parameter: rb_StaticNoCommunicationCounter: 48
Rain sensor parameter: rb_NoCommunicationCounter: 48
Rain sensor parameter: rb_SupplyVoltage_mg: 48
Rain sensor parameter: rb_Min_WDGFastTaskCounter_g: 48
Rain sensor parameter: rb_Max_WDGFastTaskCounter_g: --
Rain sensor parameter: rb_Errorflags_g: --
Rain sensor parameter: rub_Ovr_Speicher: 48
Rain sensor parameter: rub_Int_Speicher: 48
Rain sensor parameter: rub_Empf_Faktor: 48
Rain sensor parameter: rb_PotiStageFromBox_g: 48
Rain sensor parameter: rb_PWM_Voltage_g: 48
Rain sensor parameter: rub_Nachwisch_Count: 48
Rain sensor parameter: ruw_StX_Speicher: 48
Identification of parameterization: parameter set version: 12336.0
UGDO output: value LED: 16
UGDO output: function: 1
UGDO output: UGDO BAP function 01: 0
UGDO output: error: Nicht aktiv
Garage door opener operating unit: button 1: Nicht aktiviert
Garage door opener operating unit: button 2:
Garage door opener operating unit: button 3: Nicht aktiviert
UGDO developer measuring values: status: 0
UGDO developer measuring values: country code: 48
Windshield defogger button: Nicht aktiviert
Windshield defogger activation:
Windshield defogger indicator lamp: AUS
Rear window defogger button: Nicht aktiviert
Rear window defogger activation:
Rear window defogger indicator lamp: AUS
Alarm horn for anti-theft warning system: Nicht aktiviert
Supply voltage terminal 30: battery voltage BEM: 7.40 V
Supply voltage terminal 30: test voltage rear window defogger: 0.96 V
Supply voltage terminal 30: test voltage windshield defogger: 0.96 V
Supply voltage terminal 30: terminal 30 left: 7.40 V
Supply voltage terminal 30: terminal 30 right: 7.40 V
Supply voltage terminal 30: terminal 30: 7.40 V
Supply voltage terminal 30: supply voltage for central locking: 7.40 V
Supply voltage terminal 30: supply voltage for anti-theft alarm system: 7.40 V
Supply voltage terminal 30: supply voltage for seat heater: 7.40 V
Supply voltage terminal 30: battery voltage: 7.40 V
Left front heated seat status: stage: AUS
Left front heated seat status: test program, temperature: -26.00 °C
Right front heated seat status: stage: AUS
Right front heated seat status: test program, temperature: -26.00 °C
Reversing light switch discrete wire: Nicht aktiv
Reversing light switch via CAN:
Interior lighting: supply voltage: 24.0 %
Interior lighting: interior light: 48 %
Interior lighting: instrument panel and switch illumination dimmer switch: 48 %
Interior lighting: terminal 58xt dimmer: 24.0 %
Interior lighting: terminal 58xs dimmer: 24.0 %
Interior lighting: terminal 58xd dimmer: 24.0 %
Emergency flasher button: actuation condition: Not operated
Emergency flasher button: emergency flasher indicator lamp:
Emergency flasher button: duty cycle: 24.0 %
Rear window wiper: Nicht aktiv
Front windshield wiper module: wiper active: Nicht aktiv
Front windshield wiper module: position: Service position
Front windshield wiper module: malfunction left: Kein Fehler
Front windshield wiper module: malfunction right: Overload
Front windshield wiper module: wipe speed: 48
Front windshield wiper module: number of wiper cycles: 1233600
Window washer system: steering column switch position: Nicht aktiviert
Window washer system: front washing: Not operated
Window washer system: windshield washer system:
Window washer system: rear window washer system: Nicht aktiv
Window washer system: rear dual washer pump:
Window washer system: headlamp washer system: AUS
Window washer system: spray nozzle heater:
Light switch position: OFF: Nicht aktiviert
Light switch position: parking light:
Light switch position: automatic high beam assist: Nicht aktiviert
Light switch position: low beam:
Light switch position: fog light: Nicht aktiviert
Light switch position: rear fog light:
Light switch position: redundant signal line: AUS
Driver door status: central locking button: Door lock
Driver door status: rotary latch:
Driver door status: door lock: Signal from door lock: engaged
Driver door status: key switch in door lock:
Door status, passenger side front: central locking button: Door lock
Front passenger side door status: rotary latch status:
Front passenger side door status: status door lock: Signal from door lock: engaged
Front passenger side door status: key switch in door lock:
Rear driver side door status: central locking button: Door lock
Rear driver side door status: rotary latch status:
Rear driver side door status: status door lock:
Rear passenger side door status: central locking button: Door lock
Rear passenger side door status: rotary latch status:
Rear passenger side door status: status door lock: Signal from door lock: engaged
Rain recognition sensor: rain quantity: 0
Rain recognition sensor: splash:
Rain recognition sensor: wipe speed: 0
Rain recognition sensor: park position:
Light recognition sensor: signal state: Nicht aktiv
Light recognition sensor: request for light activation:
Light recognition sensor: darkness: AUS
Light recognition sensor: freeway:
Light recognition sensor: rain: AUS
Light recognition sensor: brightness infrared: 19200 lx
Light recognition sensor: brightness: 288 lx
BCM1 LIN1 humidity sensor: dew point: -20.4 °C
BCM1 LIN1 humidity sensor: windshield temperature: -20.4 °C
BCM1 LIN1 humidity sensor: sensor temperature: -15.5 °C
BCM1 LIN1 humidity sensor: relative humidity: 24.0 %
Heckklappe erweitert: parted trunk lid latch: Geschlossen
Heckklappe erweitert: status of closing assist: In motion
Heckklappe erweitert: Status Thermoschutz Zuziehhilfe: Nicht aktiv
Heckklappe erweitert: lid connection left cycle protection: Nicht aktiv
Heckklappe erweitert: lid connection right cycle protection:
Heckklappe erweitert: lid connection left:
Heckklappe erweitert: lid connection right: Luggage compartment door small
Tailgate condition: rear lid remote release button: Not operated
Tailgate condition: release button in rear lid handle:
Tailgate condition: main notch contact of rotary latch: Geschlossen
Tailgate condition: pre-engagement contact for rotary latch: Geschlossen
Tailgate condition: status of rear lid lock:
Tailgate condition: rear lid release button enable: Not enabled
Tailgate condition: Status Thermoschutz Zuziehhilfe:
Central locking button: indicator light for central locking: AUS
Taster für Zentralverriegelung: Not operated
Tank cap lock: tank flap: Verriegeln
Tank cap lock: fuel filler door release button:
Tank cap lock: contact switch: Geschlossen
Tank cap lock: overheat protection:
Access and start authorization: awakening wire: Nicht aktiviert
Access and start authorization: duration, last awakening wire actua.: 48 ms
Access and start authorization: signal strength: -48 T
Motorhaube-Schalter: Geschlossen
Engine hood switch: magnetic lock:
Sunroof front closed position switch: sliding switch: Nicht aktiviert
Sunroof front closed position switch: rotary switch position: Position 3
Sunroof front closed position switch: rotary switch activation: Unplausibel
Sunroof comfort function: Nicht aktiv
Position Schiebedach: 48 %
Position Schiebedach: Tilt out posi.
Sunroof norming:
Sunroof adapting: Not adapted
Sunroof reverse:
Sunroof thermal protection: Nicht aktiv
Sunroof release:
Button in center console: button for start/stop operation: Nicht aktiviert
Button in center console: indicator light in the button for start/stop operation:
Button in center console: driving profile selection button: Nicht aktiviert
Button in center console: indicator lamp in the driving profile selection button:
Button in center console: driving profile selection button: Nicht aktiviert
Button in center console: indicator lamp in the driving profile selection button:
Button in center console: park assist button: Nicht aktiviert
Button in center console: parking aid indicator light:
Sunroof shade switches: Nicht aktiviert
Sunroof shade comfort function: Nicht aktiv
Sunroof shade position: 48 %
Sunroof shade norming: Not normed
Sunroof shade adapting:
Sunroof shade reverse: Nicht aktiv
Sunroof shade thermal protection:
Sunroof shade release: Nicht aktiv
DWA number of alarms triggered in anti-theft warning system sensor: 48
Vehicle key with remote control: key number: 48
Vehicle key with remote control: pressing a button: Door lock
Vehicle key with remote control: number of transmitters adapted: 3
Vehicle key with remote control: fixed code: Nicht OK
Vehicle key with remote control: code in detection area:
Vehicle key with remote control: battery charge condition: Nicht OK
Vehicle key with remote control: immobilizer:
Smart light sensor: Licht AUS
Smart light sensor: 4.8 V
Smart light sensor: brightness: 4320 lx
DWA history data for alarm triggering: cause for last alarm activation: Kein Alarm
DWA history data for alarm triggering: cause for second-to-last alarm activation: Kein Alarm
DWA history data for alarm triggering: cause for third-to-last alarm activation: Kein Alarm
DWA history data for alarm triggering: cause for fourth-to-last alarm activation: Kein Alarm
DWA history data for alarm triggering: number of alarm activations: 48
Rear spoiler position: Retracted
Rear spoiler cycle protection:
Rear spoiler button: Nicht aktiviert
Rear indication light:
Rear spoiler position: 12336
Terminal signals and start release: terminal 15_1: Nicht aktiv
Terminal signals and start release: terminal 15_2:
Terminal signals and start release: status terminal 15 BCM: Nicht aktiv
Terminal signals and start release: terminal 15 status via CAN:
Terminal signals and start release: terminal 75: AUS
Terminal signals and start release: terminal 50:
Terminal signals and start release: terminal S: Nicht aktiv
Terminal signals and start release: terminal S status via CAN:
DWA sirens / alarm horn for anti-theft warning system: Nicht aktiv
DWA sirens / alarm horn for anti-theft warning system: alarm detected: Nein
DWA sirens / alarm horn for anti-theft warning system: alarm activated: Nein
DWA Fahrzeugneigungsgeber : Nicht aktiv
DWA Fahrzeugneigungsgeber: Alarm festgestellt :
DWA Innenraumüberwachung : Nicht aktiv
DWA interior monitoring: alarm detected:
DWA interior monitoring/vehicle inclination sensor button: indicator light in switch: AUS
DWA interior monitoring/vehicle inclination sensor button:
Driver info: brake pad wear: Nicht aktiv
Driver info: insufficient brake fluid:
Driver info: insufficient coolant: Nicht aktiv
Driver info: insufficient washer fluid:
Driver info: crash signal: Nicht aktiv
Energy management: switch-off priority with vehicle crash: 48
Energy management: current negative charge balance: 48 %
Energy management: emergency shut-down: 48
Energy management: shutoff: 12336
Energy management: maximum switch-off priority while driving: 48
Energy management: short distance drive: 48
Energy management: switch-off priority with engine off: 48
Energy management: Nicht aktiv
Energy management: rear window defogger:
Energy management: auxiliary air heater: Not enabled
Energy management: left front seat ventilation:
Energy management: left front heated seat: Not enabled
Energy management: display consumer switch-off:
Energy management: windshield defogger: Not enabled
Energy management: mirror heater:
Energy management: steering wheel heater: Not enabled
Energy management: rear seat heater:
Energy management: switch-off priority while driving: 48
Energy management: switch-off with voltage drops: 48
Activation for signal horn: Nicht aktiv
Energy management, last critical state: odometer reading: 3158064 km
Energy management, last critical state: critical operating cycles at short-distance driving: 48 %
Energy management, last critical state: number of critical operation cycles: 12336
Energy management, last critical state: time stamp: 808464432
Vehicle positioning system: signal horn: Nicht aktiv
Vehicle positioning system: parking light:
Vehicle positioning system: daytime running lights: Nicht aktiv
Vehicle positioning system: emergency signal flashing:
Vehicle positioning system: starter lock: Nicht aktiv
Activation current: spray nozzle heater: 0.48 A
Activation current: search lights: 0.48 A
Activation current: interior light: 0.48 A
Activation current: daytime running lamp: 0.48 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 7: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 8: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 9: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 10: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 11: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 12: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 13: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 14: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 15: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 16: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 17: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 18: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 19: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 20: -- A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 21: -- A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 22: -- A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 23: -- A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 24: -- A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 25: -- A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 26: -- A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 27: -- A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 28: -- A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 29: -- A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 30: -- A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 31: -- A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 32: -- A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 33: -- A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 34: -- A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 0: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 1: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 2: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 3: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 4: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 5: 4.8 A
Lighting system working currents: conn. pin 6: 4.8 A
Fahrgeschwindigkeit: 31580.64 km/h
Bremslichtschalter: Bremslichtsignal über HW: AUS
Bremslichtschalter: Bremslichtsignal über CAN: Nicht verfügbar
Values motor loads: mod temp slow: 48 °C
Values motor loads: mod temp fast: 51 °C
Values motor loads: temperature pcb:
Shadow error table: wiper error 2 temp:
Shadow error table: wiper error 3 temp:
Shadow error table: wiper error 4 temp:
Shadow error table: wiper error 5 temp:
Shadow error table: wiper error 1 temp:
Left front heated seat status: temperature: °C
Right front heated seat status: temperature: °C
DWA Fahrzeugneigungsgeber Winkel: Winkeldifferenz, Z-Achse: -5.2 °
DWA vehicle inclination sensor angle: reference angle, X-axis:
DWA vehicle inclination sensor angle: angle difference, X-axis: -5.2 °
DWA vehicle inclination sensor angle: reference angle, Y-axis:
DWA vehicle inclination sensor angle: angle difference, Y-axis: -5.2 °
DWA Fahrzeugneigungsgeber Winkel: Referenzwinkel, Z-Achse:
Parking light
Parking light
Back-up light
Daytime running lights
Daytime running lights
Static AFS light
Rear entry light
Luggage compartment light
Ambience lighting
Windshield washer system
Headlamp washer system
Rear window wiper
Rear window washer system
Schließeinheit für Zentralverriegelung in Heckklappe
Tank flap
Activate closing assistance
Rear lid connection
Alarm horn for anti-theft warning system
Windshield defogger
Rear window defogger
Sitzheizung aktivieren
Beheizbarer Sitz vorne rechts
Beheizbarer Sitz vorne links
Spray nozzle heater
Indicator light in switch
Windshield defogger indicator lamp
DWA Anzeigeleuchte Innenraumüberwachung
Central locking indicator light test
Anzeigeleuchte Warnblinkanlage
Rear window defogger indicator lamp
Remote start terminal 15: request by FFB activation (HIGH level)
Component protection
Activation terminal 30G
Aktivierung Signalhupe
Front windshield wiper module
Front windshield wiper test
Rear window wiper module
Rear spoiler display
Rear spoiler
Search lights
Sonnendach Beschattung
Zentralverriegelung hinten
Ambient lighting
Rücksetzen aller Lernwerte
Automatischer Prüfablauf
Rear window defogger
Windshield defogger
Sonnendach Beschattung
GFA key
IKA key
Transport mode
Parameteradresse lessen
Energy management
Parameter schreiben
Deactivate production mode
A/C Heizungsfunktion über Fernbedienung
Zusätzliche Funktionen
Zugang Steuerung 2
Access control
Steuerung Blinklicht
Fahrt- und Parklicht
Production mode
Light configuration
Daytime running lights
Lamp 0, BLK VL B36
Lamp 1, BLK VR B20
Lamp 2, SL VL B10
Lamp 3, SL VR B21
Lamp 4, TFL L B4
Lamp 5, TFL R B32
Lamp 6, ABL L C5
Lamp 7, ABL R B1
Lamp 8, FL L B39
Lamp 9, FL R B2
Lamp 10, SHUTTER LB23
Lamp 11, SHUTTER RB22
Lamp 12, NL LB45
Lamp 13, NL RB5
Lamp 14, AL L B6
Lamp 15, AL R B44
Lamp 16, BLK SL B35, BLK SL K C9
Lamp 18, BLK HL A60
Lamp 19, BLK HR C31
Lamp 20, BR L A71
Lampe 21, BR R C8
Lamp 22, BR M A57
Lamp 23, SL HL C10
Lamp 24, SL HR A65
Lamp 25, KZL H A59
Lamp 26, NSL L A72
Lamp 27, NSL R C6
Lamp 28, RFL L C11
Lamp 29, RFL R A64
Lamp 30, FR L C72
Lamp 31, AMBL 1 C61
Lamp 32, AMBL 2 C35
Lamp 33, AMBL 3 C36
Lamp 34, AMBL 4 C37
DWA Innenraumüberwachung
DWA Fahrzeugneigungsgeber
DWA Parametersatz Innenraumüberwachung
Innenbeleuchtung Terminal 58xs max
Innenbeleuchtung Terminal 58xt min
Innenbeleuchtung Terminal 58xt max
Innenbeleuchtung Terminal 58xd log bus
Innenbeleuchtung Terminal 58xd max
Innenbeleuchtung Terminal 58xs PWM
Innenbeleuchtung Terminal 58xd PWM
Innenbeleuchtung Terminal 58xt PWM
Rear window wiper
Country coding
RLS wiper position parking
RLS close glazing
RLS LIN communication
RLS tunel gateway recognize
RLS lights on at rain
RLS night sensitivity
Oberer Anschlag
Unterer Anschlag
Wischer, unterer Wendepunkt
Wiper, upper return position
Geschwindigkeit Scheibenwischer
Dimmtaste Innenbeleuchtung
Dimmung oben, Innenbeleuchtung
optischer Sensor Innenbeleuchtung
Innenbeleuchtung Terminal 58xd min
Dimmung unten, Innenbeleuchtung
Static AFS light
Funktionen Zusatzlicht
Ambient lighting
RLS washer front
RLS lights for autobahn
Waschfunktion vorn
Roller test bench mode, functional
Offset illumination
LuB Lichtrouter Kennlinie 1
Activating and deactivating all development messages
Dimming characteristic search illumination
Networking diagnostic functions
Innenbeleuchtung Terminal 58xs min
Seat heater level current consumption allocation
Stellung während des Intervallmodus
Fehlertabelle löschen
DWA Entwicklung Datensatz Innenraumüberwachung