Легковой транспорт, AUDI, A5 2017-, 2017 (H), Coupe, CYRC 2.0l TFSI , 183kW, 3D - Специальная функция (3D SOF)

Multifunktions Steuergerät - 3D - Специальная функция (3D SOF) - 0


ASAM/ODX file identification: EV_SpeciFunctAPAGAU370

ASAM/ODX file version: 001001

Ersatzteilnummer: xxxxxxxxx

Ausrüstungsnummer: 0

Importer number: 0

Werkstattcode: 0

FIN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Softwareversion: xxxx

Hardware-Teilenummer: xxxxxxxxx

System designation: xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hardware-Version: xxx

Programmierbarkeit: Programmierbar

Program consistency: Program present

System abbreviation: xxxx

Motor: CJTA

Erweiterte Identifikation

ASAM/ODX file identification: EV_SpeciFunctAPAGAU370

ASAM/ODX file version: 001001

Softwareversion: xxxx

Motor: CJTA

Programmability status: error in flash memory: Nein

Programmability status: flash memory faulty: Nein

Programmability status: communication error: Nein

Programmability status: flash memory not programmable: Nein

Number of programming attempts: data block 0: 12336

Number of programming attempts: data block 1: 12336

Number of programming attempts: data block 2: 12336

Number of programming attempts: data block 3: 12336

Number of programming attempts: data block 4: 12336

Number of programming attempts: data block 5: 12336

Number of programming attempts: data block 6: 12336

Number of programming attempts: data block 7: 12336

Number of programming attempts: data block 8: 12336

Number of programming attempts: data block 9: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 0: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 1: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 2: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 3: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 4: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 5: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 6: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 7: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 8: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 9: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 0: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 1: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 2: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 3: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 4: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 5: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 6: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 7: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 8: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 9: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 0: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 1: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 2: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 3: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 4: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 5: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 6: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 7: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 8: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 9: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 0: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 1: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 2: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 3: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 4: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 5: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 6: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 7: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 8: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 9: 12336

Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, date: 2000-00-00

Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, device number: 0

Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, importer number: 0

Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, dealership number: 0

Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, programming status: Gültig

Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, date: 2000-00-00

Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, device number: 0

Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, importer number: 0

Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, dealership number: 0

Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, programming status: Gültig

Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, date: 2000-00-00

Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, device number: 0

Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, importer number: 0

Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, dealership number: 0

Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, programming status: Gültig

Ausrüstungsnummer: 0

Importer number: 0

Werkstattcode: 0

FAZIT identification: manufacture location index: SME-RBG

FAZIT identification: day of manufacture: 08.01.10

FAZIT identification: manufacturer test stand number: 0393

FAZIT identification: running manufacturer number: 0079

Manufacturer modification status: control module family: -

Manufacturer modification status: decoration variant: -

Manufacturer modification status: construction version: ---

Manufacturer modification status: manufacture version: ---

Identification of standard software: standard software module 0: High Speed network management

Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, primary version number: 01

Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, secondary version number: 06

Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, revision number: 00

Diagnosemodus: VW diagnostic

Adaptation workshop code: device number: 0

Adaptation workshop code: importer number: 0

Adaptation workshop code: dealership number: 0

Hardware-Teilenummer: xxxxxxxxx

Hardware-Version: xxx

Versions of software module: data block 0: 0007

Versions of software module: data block 1: 0003

Versions of software module: data block 2: 0005

Ersatzteilnummer: xxxxxxxxx

System designation: xxxxxxxxxxxx

System abbreviation: xxxx

Programmability status: programmability: Programmierbar

Programmability status: program consistency: Program present

Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Fehlercode lessen (Normaler Modus)


Fehlercode löschen

Fehlercode lessen (Aggressiver Modus)


Fehlercode löschen


Security access: number of invalid keys, counter: 0

Terminal 30, test program: 4.8 V

ECU temperature, test program: -2 °C

Stop process prevented: switching for engine after-run: Aktiv

Stop process prevented: blue light: Aktiv

Stop process prevented: energy management special vehicle battery: Aktiv

Start process requested: switching for engine after-run: Aktiv

Start process requested: blue light: Aktiv

Start process requested: energy management special vehicle battery: Aktiv

Start-stop function, coding information: Start-stop function in control module active

Standard - ambient data 1: hours: 3

Standard - ambient data 1: day: 24

Standard - ambient data 1: minutes: 0

Standard - ambient data 1: seconds: 48

Standard - ambient data 1: unlearning counter: 48

Standard - ambient data 1: odometer reading: 3158064 km

Standard - ambient data 1: year: 2012

Standard - ambient data 1: month: 0

Transport mode: Aktiv

Taximeter: For hire

Control of roof sign via CIA: switch for roof sign: Operated

Control of roof sign via CIA: activation 1 for roof sign: Activated (high)

Control of roof sign via CIA: activation 2 for roof sign: Fehler

Pedal button SoSi-SFA: For hire

Muting of radio/radio navigation system via control wire: free text, front: Aktiv

Analysis 1: 0

Analysis 2: 0

Analysis 3: Aktiv

Analysis 4: Aktiv

Analysis 5: output 17: --

Analysis 5: output 18: --

Analysis 5: output 19: --

Analysis 5: output 20: --

Analysis 5: output 21: --

Analysis 5: output 22: --

Analysis 5: output 23: --

Analysis 5: output pullup 24: --

Analysis 5: input 01: Aktiv

Analysis 5: input 02: Aktiv

Analysis 5: input 03: Aktiv

Analysis 5: input 04: Aktiv

Analysis 5: input 05: Aktiv

Analysis 5: input 06: Aktiv

Analysis 5: input 07: Aktiv

Analysis 5: input 08: Aktiv

Analysis 5: input 09: --

Analysis 5: input 10: --

Analysis 5: input 11: --

Analysis 5: input 12: --

Analysis 5: input 13: --

Analysis 5: input 14: --

Analysis 5: input 15: --

Analysis 5: input 16: --

Analysis 5: input 17: --

Analysis 5: input 18: --

Analysis 5: output 01: --

Analysis 5: output 02: --

Analysis 5: output 03: --

Analysis 5: output 04: --

Analysis 5: output 05: --

Analysis 5: output 06: --

Analysis 5: output 07: --

Analysis 5: output 08: --

Analysis 5: output 09: --

Analysis 5: output 10: --

Analysis 5: output 11: --

Analysis 5: output 12: --

Analysis 5: output 13: --

Analysis 5: output 14: --

Analysis 5: output 15: --

Analysis 5: output 16: --

Analysis 6: Aktiv

Analysis 7: Aktiv

Analysis OS task status: prio: --

Analysis OS task status: size: --

Analysis OS task status: free: --

Analysis OS task status: used: --

Analysis OS task status: used percent: -- %

Analysis CAN to CANopen router status: size: 12336

Analysis CAN to CANopen router status: messages into current: 12336

Analysis CAN to CANopen router status: messages into maximum: 12336

Analysis CAN to CANopen router status: overflow (messages lost): 12336

Analysis CAN to CANopen router status: CAN messages received functional: 12336

Analysis CAN to CANopen router status: CAN messages received physical SFA: --

Analysis CAN to CANopen router status: CAN messages received physical BESA: --

Analysis CAN to CANopen router status: CAN messages transmitted: --

Analysis CAN to CANopen router status: CANopen messages received SFA: --

Analysis CAN to CANopen router status: CANopen messages received BESA: --

Analysis CAN to CANopen router status: CANopen messages transmitted: --

Analysis CAN to CANopen router status: CANopen object 2117h received: --

Analysis CAN to CANopen router status: CANopen object 2118h received: --

Analysis CAN to CANopen router status: nodeID SFA: 48

Analysis CAN to CANopen router status: nodeID BESA: 48

Taxi alarm: call for help function: Aktiv

Taxi alarm: button for silent taxi alarm: Operated

Taxi alarm: button for taxi alarm:

Taxi alarm: taxi alarm off button: Operated

Taxi alarm: remote control for taxi alarm: Operated

Roof sign for taxi: switch for roof sign: Operated

Roof sign for taxi: roof beacon indicator lamp: Aktiv

Roof sign for taxi: activation 1 for roof sign: Fehler

Roof sign for taxi: activation 2 for roof sign: Activated (high)

Hands-free radio communication: hands-free button: Operated

Special signal system: activation for front strobe lights: Aktiv

Special signal system: tone sequence readiness: Aktiv

Special signal system: tone sequence switch (city/country):

Special signal system: tone sequence switchover (city/country): Aktiv

Switching for engine after-run: blue light: Operated

Switching for engine after-run: button for engine after-run: Operated

Switching for engine after-run: indicator lamp for engine after-run:

Switching for engine after-run: activation: Aktiv

Switching for engine after-run: terminal 15 status: Aktiv

Switching for engine after-run: authorized keys:

Switching for engine after-run: parking brake: Operated

Switching for engine after-run: test program, engine speed: 12336 1/min

Switching for engine after-run: status of brakes: Operated

Switching for engine after-run: selector lever in position P: Aktiv

Switching for engine after-run: clutch pedal switch:

Switching for engine after-run: start-stop status: Operated

Switching for engine after-run: parking brake status: Aktiv

Rear door unlock button: Operated

Radio: button for two-way radio supply voltage: Operated

Radio: indicator lamp: Aktiv

Radio: supply voltage 1 for radio: Fehler

Radio: supply voltage 2 for radio: Activated (high)

Radio: digital radio: Aktiv

Radio: button 1 for hands-free radio comm.: Operated

Radio: button 2 for hands-free radio comm.:

Taximeter: For hire

Weapons box: weapons box button: Operated

Weapons box: activation: Aktiv

Light functions for special-purpose vehicle: indicator light for daytime running lights: Aktiv

Light functions for special-purpose vehicle: indicator light for interior lighting: Aktiv

Light functions for special-purpose vehicle: internal light button:

Light functions for special-purpose vehicle: daytime running lamp deactivation button: Operated

Light functions for special-purpose vehicle: activation for rear strobe lights: Aktiv

Light functions for special-purpose vehicle: auxiliary left signal light: Aktiv

Light functions for special-purpose vehicle: auxiliary right signal light:

Light functions for special-purpose vehicle: luggage compartment light: Aktiv

Battery disconnect relay actuation: Aktiv

Status of doors/lids 1: Aktiv

Additional interior light: internal light button: Operated

Additional interior light: indicator lamp for interior light: Aktiv

Additional interior light: activation:

Additional interior light: luggage compartment light: Aktiv

Vehicle speed signal, test program: 12336 Hz

Signal, vehicle speed: signal adaptation (pull-up output): Aktiv

Window regulator button: window regulator front driver side: Raising of front window regulator

Window regulator button: window regulator front passenger side: Raising of front window regulator

Acoustic warning for driver's education mode: button: Operated

Acoustic warning for driver's education mode: pedal switch for driver's education mode: Operated

Acoustic warning for driver's education mode: indicator lamp:

Acoustic warning for driver's education mode: supply voltage: Aktiv

Footwell light: button: Operated

Footwell light: indicator lamp: Aktiv

Footwell light: supply voltage:

Remote control for driver's education mode: flashing, left: Operated

Remote control for driver's education mode: flashing, right: Operated

Remote control for driver's education mode: high beam:

Remote control for driver's education mode: low beam: Operated

Remote control for driver's education mode: signal horn activation: Operated

Remote control for driver's education mode: left turn signal indicator lamp: Aktiv

Remote control for driver's education mode: right turn signal indicator lamp:

Remote control for driver's education mode: high beam indicator lamp: Aktiv

Remote control for driver's education mode: low beam indicator lamp: Aktiv

Supply for remote control: button: Operated

Supply for remote control: indicator lamp: Indicator light output on A18 active

Supply for remote control: supply voltage:

Terminal 15: Aktiv

Supply voltage with deep discharge protection: Aktiv

Energy management deactivation stage: Deactivation stage 0

Deep discharge protection: Aktiv

Status of starter lock: starter lock: Operated

Remote control for light/signal: parking light: Nicht aktiv

Remote control for light/signal: low beam: Nicht aktiv

Remote control for light/signal: high beam: Keine Anforderung

Remote control for light/signal: headlamp flasher: Nicht aktiv

Remote control for light/signal: left turn signal: Nicht aktiv

Remote control for light/signal: right turn signal: Nicht aktiv

Remote control for light/signal: emergency signal flashing: Keine Anforderung

Remote control for light/signal: signal horn: Nicht aktiv

Window washer system: front wiping: Nicht aktiv

Window washer system: front washing:

Window washer system: rear wiping: Nicht aktiv

Window washer system: flick wipe: Aktiv

Window washer system: rear watching: Nicht aktiv

Remote control for window lift: left front side window: Lower

Remote control for window lift: right front side window: Lower

Remote control for window lift: left rear side window: Keine Anforderung

Remote control for window lift: right rear side window: Lower

Deactivation stage special vehicle elec. control: Nicht codiert

Klemme 30: V

Control module temperature: °C

Switching for engine after-run: engine speed: 1/min

Signal für Fahrgeschwindigkeit: Hz



General input output test

Supply voltage with deep discharge protection

Signal für Fahrgeschwindigkeit

Battery disconnect relay actuation

Roof sign for taxi

Status of doors/lids 1

Taxi alarm

Zusätzliches Innenlicht


Aktivierung für Blinklichter hinten

Auxiliary signal light

Acoustic warning for driver's education mode


Aktivierung für Blinklichter vorn

Daytime running lights


Tone sequence switchover (city/country)

Luggage compartment light


Switching for engine after-run

Activation of tone sequence system via horn control

Fernbedienung aktivieren

Indicator lights for driver education remote control

Supply voltage terminal 15

Starter lock

Muting of radio/radio navigation system via control wire



Resetting of all adaptations



Taxi alarm

Roof sign for taxi

Zusätzliches Innenlicht

Lichtfunktionen für Spezialfahrzeug

Switching for engine after-run




Acoustic warning for driver's education mode

Supply for remote control

Remote control for driver's education mode

General adaptations

Start-stop energy management special vehicle battery

Taxi roof signal shutdown stage CIA






