PKW, AUDI, A6 2018-, 2023 (P), Allroad, DKWD 2.0l TFSI , 180kW, 74 - Fahrwerkssteuerung (74 STF)

Dämpfungssystem - 74 - Fahrwerkssteuerung (74 STF) - 0


ASAM/ODX file identification: EV_ChassContrContiAU426

ASAM/ODX file version: 001001

Ersatzteilnummer: xxxxxxxxx

Ausrüstungsnummer: 0

Importer number: 0

Werkstattcode: 0

FIN: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Softwareversion: xxxx

Hardware-Teilenummer: xxxxxxxxx

System designation: xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hardware-Version: xxx

Programmierbarkeit: Programmierbar

Program consistency: Program present

System abbreviation: xxxx

Motor: CJTA

Erweiterte Identifikation

ASAM/ODX file identification: EV_ChassContrContiAU426

ASAM/ODX file version: 001001

Softwareversion: xxxx

Motor: CJTA

Programmability status: error in flash memory: Nein

Programmability status: flash memory faulty: Nein

Programmability status: communication error: Nein

Programmability status: flash memory not programmable: Nein

Number of programming attempts: data block 0: 12336

Number of programming attempts: data block 1: 12336

Number of programming attempts: data block 2: 12336

Number of programming attempts: data block 3: 12336

Number of programming attempts: data block 4: 12336

Number of programming attempts: data block 5: 12336

Number of programming attempts: data block 6: 12336

Number of programming attempts: data block 7: 12336

Number of programming attempts: data block 8: 12336

Number of programming attempts: data block 9: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 0: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 1: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 2: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 3: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 4: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 5: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 6: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 7: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 8: 12336

Number of successful programming attempts: data block 9: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 0: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 1: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 2: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 3: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 4: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 5: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 6: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 7: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 8: 12336

Number of parameterization attempts: data record 9: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 0: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 1: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 2: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 3: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 4: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 5: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 6: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 7: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 8: 12336

Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 9: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 0: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 1: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 2: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 3: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 4: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 5: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 6: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 7: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 8: 12336

Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 9: 12336

Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, date: 2000-00-00

Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, device number: 0

Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, importer number: 0

Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, dealership number: 0

Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, programming status: Gültig

Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, date: 2000-00-00

Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, device number: 0

Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, importer number: 0

Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, dealership number: 0

Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, programming status: Gültig

Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, date: 2000-00-00

Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, device number: 0

Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, importer number: 0

Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, dealership number: 0

Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, programming status: Gültig

Ausrüstungsnummer: 0

Importer number: 0

Werkstattcode: 0

FAZIT identification: manufacture location index: SME-RBG

FAZIT identification: day of manufacture: 08.01.10

FAZIT identification: manufacturer test stand number: 0393

FAZIT identification: running manufacturer number: 0079

Manufacturer modification status: control module family: -

Manufacturer modification status: decoration variant: -

Manufacturer modification status: construction version: ---

Manufacturer modification status: manufacture version: ---

Identification of standard software: standard software module 0: High Speed network management

Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, primary version number: 01

Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, secondary version number: 06

Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, revision number: 00

Diagnosemodus: VW diagnostic

Adaptation workshop code: device number: 0

Adaptation workshop code: importer number: 0

Adaptation workshop code: dealership number: 0

Hardware-Teilenummer: xxxxxxxxx

Hardware-Version: xxx

Versions of software module: data block 0: 0007

Versions of software module: data block 1: 0003

Versions of software module: data block 2: 0005

Ersatzteilnummer: xxxxxxxxx

System designation: xxxxxxxxxxxx

System abbreviation: xxxx

Programmability status: programmability: Programmierbar

Programmability status: program consistency: Program present

Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Fehlercode lessen (Normaler Modus)


Fehlercode löschen

Fehlercode lessen (Aggressiver Modus)


Fehlercode löschen


Actuator test: status: Nicht aktiv

Security access: number of invalid keys, counter: 0

Terminal 15: 4.80 V

Klemme 30: 4.80 V

Stop process prevented: regulation active: Nicht aktiv

Number of prevented stop processes: regulation active: 12336

Number of requested start processes: regulation active: 12336

Roller test bench mode: activation stages: --

Roller test bench mode: malfunction status: --

Immobilizer challenge: 808464432.0

VW FAZIT id string CRC: version number: 48.0

VW FAZIT id string CRC: checksum: 808464432.0

Counter of component protection malfunctions: 12336.0

Status, special functions: showroom mode: AUS

Status, special functions: debug functions: AUS

Component protection: generation: 48.0

Component protection: data version: 48.0

Component protection: standard software main version number: 48.0

Component protection: standard software secondary version number: 48.0

Component protection: standard software correct number: 48.0

Component protection: role: KS master

Component protection: secure hardware extension (SHE): Nicht benutzt

Component protection: master ECU key: Not administered by component protection

Component protection: GFA key: Used

Component protection: SSW RND generation: Used

Component protection: individual key generation: Nicht benutzt

Component protection: SHE secure boot: Nicht benutzt

Component protection properties: IKA start key: Nicht aktiv

Component protection: GFA key: Gültig

Component protection: master ECU key: Gespeichert

Input signals ESP: brake pressure: -- Bar

Input signals ESP: ESP request distribution of rolling moment: -0.10

Input signals ESP: ESP standstill flag: --

Input signals ESP: ESP coding ADS: --

Input signals ESP: ESP HBA active: --

Input signals ESP: ESP prefill triggered: --

Input signals ESP: ESP system state: --

Input signals engine: MO brake light switch: Not braking

Input signals engine: MO driver brakes: Not braking

Input signals engine: momentum factor: Factor 2

Current fuel volume: delta weight to no load: -- kg

Current fuel volume: KBI_Inhalt_Tank: 5 L

Current fuel volume: load empty front axle: -- kg

Current fuel volume: load empty rear axle 2: -- kg

Damper valve status: Act_ValHdlGetError_VR: 2

Damper valve status: Act_ValHdlGetError_HL: --

Damper valve status: Act_ValHdlGetError_VL: 0

Damper valve status: Act_ValHdlGetError_HR: --

Damper valve status: ESE_GetInternalSensorError_VL: --

Damper valve status: ESE_GetInternalSensorError_VR: --

Damper valve status: ESE_GetInternalSensorError_HL: --

Damper valve status: ESE_GetInternalSensorError_HR: --

Analysis data, status: analysis 21: 12336 Counts

Analysis data, status: analysis 22: 12336 Counts

Analysis data, status: analysis 23: 12336 Counts

Analysis data, status: analysis 24: 12336 Counts

Analysis data, status: analysis 31: 12336 Counts

Analysis data, status: analysis 32: 12336 Counts

Analysis data, status: analysis 33: -- Counts

Analysis data, status: analysis 34: -- Counts

Analysis data, status: analysis 41: -- Counts

Analysis data, status: analysis 42: -- Counts

Analysis data, status: analysis 43: -- Counts

Analysis data, status: analysis 44: -- Counts

Analysis data, status: analysis 11: 12336 Counts

Analysis data, status: analysis 12: 12336 Counts

Analysis data, status: analysis 13: 12336 Counts

Analysis data, status: analysis 14: 12336 Counts

FIBEX implementation: --

Initialization status: right rear level control system sensor value range, deflected: 0

Initialization status: left rear level control system sensor value range, deflected: 0

Initialization status: right front level control system sensor value range, deflected: 0

Initialization status: left front level control system sensor value range, deflected: 0

Initialization status: right rear level control system sensor: 1

Initialization status: left rear level control system sensor: 1

Initialization status: right front level control sensor: 0

Initialization status: left front level control system sensor: 0

Initialization status: function enabling, deflected: 0

Initialization status: right rear level control system sensor value range, decompressed: 1

Initialiaation status: left rear level control system sensor value range, decompressed: 1

Initialization status: right front level control system sensor value range, decompressed: 0

Initialization status: left front level control system sensor value range, decompressed: 0

Status, driving profile selection for sport differential: actual value: 0

Status, driving profile selection for sport differential: target value: 3

Status, driving profile selection for sport differential: driving profile switchover: Keine Anforderung

Status, driving profile selection for sport differential: compatibility:

Status, driving profile selection for sport differential: system status: Initialisierung

Status of doors/lids 1: all doors and rear lid closed: Condition met

Doors/lids 1: right rear door: Geschlossen

Doors/lids 1: left rear door: Geschlossen

Doors/lids 1: front passenger door: Offen

Doors/lids 1: driver door: Offen

Status of doors/lids 1: rear lid, status: Geschlossen

Status of doors/lids 1: activation status anti-theft warning system: Nicht aktiv

Fahrgeschwindigkeit: 123.36 km/h

Subssystem diagnosis classes: DC0 systems: Nein

Subssystem diagnosis classes: DC1 systems: Nein

Subssystem diagnosis classes: DC2/DC2F systems: Nein

Subssystem diagnosis classes: DC3 systems: Nein

System pressure: pressure: 4.80 Bar

System pressure: raw value: 0.96 V

Kompressor-Temperatur: -2 °C

Status MMI operation: lift mode: Aktiv

Status MMI operation: trailer: Nicht aktiv

Status MMI operation: car jack mode: Nicht aktiv

Control position specified value: Normal level

Voltage supply for solenoid valve block: 3.36 V

Supply voltage for right sensor for level control system: 1.44 V

Supply voltage for left sensor for level control system: 1.44 V

Supply voltage for sensor of system pressure: 1.44 V

Accumulator pressure: 4.80 Bar

Pressure test time stamp, current: year: 2024

Pressure test time stamp, current: month: 3

Pressure test time stamp, current: day: 6

Pressure test time stamp, current: hours: 6

Pressure test time stamp, current: minutes: 12

Pressure test time stamp, current: seconds: 12

Microprocessor malfunction type: identification: 48.0

Microprocessor malfunction type: group: 48.0

Microprocessor malfunction type: saving: 808464432.0

Public key for SWaP function: --

Individualization characteristic: 30 30 30 30 30

Status drive profile selection for integral steering: actual value: 0

Status drive profile selection for integral steering: target value: 3

Status drive profile selection for integral steering: driving profile switchover: Keine Anforderung

Status drive profile selection for integral steering: compatibility:

Status drive profile selection for integral steering: system status: Initialisierung

Status drive profile selection for active chassis regulation: actual value: 0

Status drive profile selection for active chassis regulation: target value: 3

Status drive profile selection for active chassis regulation: driving profile switchover: Keine Anforderung

Status drive profile selection for active chassis regulation: compatibility:

Status drive profile selection for active chassis regulation: system status: Initialisierung

Vehicle level sensor, raw value: left front level control system sensor, raw value: -204.32 %

Vehicle level sensor, raw value: right front level control system sensor, raw value: -204.32 %

Vehicle level sensor, raw value: left rear level control system sensor, raw value: -204.32 %

Vehicle level sensor, raw value: right rear level control system sensor, raw value: -204.32 %

Replacement strategy damper: 12336 bit

Damper control status: transport mode: Nicht aktiv

Damper control status: loading mode: Nicht aktiv

Damper control status: control position adapted: Nein

Damper control status: driving program: Profile 6

Damper control status: status configuration: Damper control

Damper valve, actual current: left front shock absorber valve current: 0.96 A

Damper valve, actual current: right front shock absorber valve current: 0.96 A

Damper valve, actual current: left rear shock absorber valve current: 0.96 A

Damper valve, actual current: right rear shock absorber valve current: 0.96 A

Damper valve, PWM value: value of PWM signal left front shock absorber: 123.36 %

Damper valve, PWM value: value of PWM signal right front shock absorber: 123.36 %

Damper valve, PWM value: value of PWM signal left rear shock absorber: 123.36 %

Damper valve, PWM value: value of PWM signal right rear shock absorber: 123.36 %

Damper valve, target current: left front shock absorber valve current: 0.96 A

Damper valve, target current: right front shock absorber valve current: 0.96 A

Damper valve, target current: left rear shock absorber valve current: 0.96 A

Damper valve, target current: right rear shock absorber valve current: 0.96 A

Calculated damper temperature: left front: -2 °C

Calculated damper temperature: right front: -2 °C

Calculated damper temperature: left rear: -2 °C

Calculated damper temperature: right rear: -2 °C

Damper output stage temperature: front axle: -2 °C

Damper output stage temperature: rear axle: -2 °C

Rotation rate: pitch rate sensor, status: Anfangswert

Rotation rate: roll rate sensor, status:

Body acceleration sensor, status:

Redundant sensor system: lateral acceleration sensor 2, status: Anfangswert

Redundant sensor system: yaw rate sensor 2, status:

Internal DTC: 12336

Control prevention detection: limited due to doors/flaps: Nicht aktiv

Control prevention detection: car jack mode: Nicht aktiv

Control prevention detection: hoist: Aktiv

Control prevention detection: locked position wheel change: Aktiv

Control prevention detection: locked position snow wedge: Nicht aktiv

Control prevention detection: locked position diagnosis: Nicht aktiv

Control limitation detection: limited due to system error reaction: Nicht aktiv

Control limitation detection: limited due to vehicle entanglement: Nicht aktiv

Control limitation detection: anti-theft device: Nicht aktiv

Control limitation detection: ABS intervention: Aktiv

Control limitation detection: ESP intervention: Aktiv

Control limitation detection: transverse acceleration: Nicht aktiv

Control limitation detection: longitudinal acceleration: Nicht aktiv

Level control, internal status: control demand: Nicht erkannt

Level control, internal status: lift mode: Nicht aktiv

Level control, internal status: level controller conditions: Drive in low level 2

Level control, internal status: control possible with compressor: Nein

Level control, internal status: control from accumulator possible: Ja

Level control, internal status: control position adapted: Ja

Level control, internal status: level control system: Nicht aktiv

Level control, internal status: extreme level: Nicht erkannt

Level control, external status: transport mode: Nicht aktiv

Level control, external status: loading mode: Nicht aktiv

Level control, external status: car jack mode: Nicht aktiv

Level control, external status: driving program: 6

Level control, external status: locked position: Nicht aktiv

Level control system error reaction: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Last measd pressur in air spring bellows: last measured pressure in left front pneumatic spring bellows: 4.80 Bar

Last measd pressur in air spring bellows: last measured pressure in right front pneumatic spring bellows: 4.80 Bar

Last measd pressur in air spring bellows: last measured pressure in left rear pneumatic spring bellows: 4.80 Bar

Last measd pressur in air spring bellows: last measured pressure in right rear pneumatic spring bellows: 4.80 Bar

Loading function operating condition: load level button, lower: Nicht aktiv

Loading function operating condition: button position neutral: Nicht aktiv

Loading function operating condition: load level button, raise: Nicht aktiv

Loading function operating condition: indicator light in button for load level: Blinken

Loading function operating condition: function status: Aktiv

Loading function operating condition: setting: Automatisch

Loading function operating condition: precondition, no relevant error on the rear axle components: Condition met

Loading function operating condition: precondition, level control active: Condition met

Loading function operating condition: precondition, no ctrl. process active: Condition not met

Loading function operating condition: precondition, tailgate open: Condition not met

Loading function operating condition: precondition, doors closed: Condition met

Loading function operating condition: load level button, redundant signal path: Nicht aktiv

Time of stored pressure test 1: year: 2024

Time of stored pressure test 1: month: 3

Time of stored pressure test 1: day: 6

Time of stored pressure test 1: hours: 6

Time of stored pressure test 1: minutes: 12

Time of stored pressure test 1: seconds: 12

Time of stored pressure test 2: year: 2024

Time of stored pressure test 2: month: 3

Time of stored pressure test 2: day: 6

Time of stored pressure test 2: hours: 6

Time of stored pressure test 2: minutes: 12

Time of stored pressure test 2: seconds: 12

Result of stored pressure test 1: pressure test, saved left front strut pressure: 4.80 Bar

Result of stored pressure test 1: pressure test, saved right front strut pressure: 4.80 Bar

Result of stored pressure test 1: pressure test, saved rear left strut pressure: 4.80 Bar

Result of stored pressure test 1: pressure test, saved rear right strut pressure: 4.80 Bar

Result of stored pressure test 1: pressure test, saved reservoir pressure: 4.80 Bar

Result of stored pressure test 2: pressure test, saved left front strut pressure: 4.80 Bar

Result of stored pressure test 2: pressure test, saved right front strut pressure: 4.80 Bar

Result of stored pressure test 2: pressure test, saved rear left strut pressure: 4.80 Bar

Result of stored pressure test 2: pressure test, saved rear right strut pressure: 4.80 Bar

Result of stored pressure test 2: pressure test, saved reservoir pressure: 4.80 Bar

Vehicle trim position: value of PWM signal right front vehicle height: 123.36 %

Vehicle trim position: value of PWM signal left rear vehicle height: 123.36 %

Vehicle trim position: value of PWM signal right rear vehicle height: 123.36 %

Vehicle trim position: left front: 192 mm

Vehicle trim position: right front: 771 mm

Vehicle trim position: left rear: 12 mm

Vehicle trim position: right rear: 48 mm

Vehicle trim position: value of PWM signal left front vehicle height: 123.36 %

Valve status air suspension: electrical switching valve 1: AUS

Valve status air suspension: relief valve: AUS

Valve status air suspension: level control accumulator valve: AUS

Valve status air suspension: right front level control valve: EIN

Valve status air suspension: left front level control valve: EIN

Valve status air suspension: right rear level control valve: AUS

Valve status air suspension: left rear level control valve: AUS

Compressor for air suspension: compressor main status: AUS

Compressor for air suspension: malfunction status: Kein Fehler

Drive profile selec. for damper adjustment: actual value: 0

Drive profile selec. for damper adjustment: target value: 3

Drive profile selec. for damper adjustment: driving profile switchover: Keine Anforderung

Drive profile selec. for damper adjustment: compatibility:

Drive profile selec. for damper adjustment: system status: Initialisierung

Status drive profile for level control system: actual value: 0

Status drive profile for level control system: target value: 3

Status drive profile for level control system: driving profile switchover: Keine Anforderung

Status drive profile for level control system: compatibility:

Status drive profile for level control system: system status: Initialisierung

Inclination display, calculated wrong alignment: estimated installation error in direction of roll angle: 808464432.0

Inclination display, calculated wrong alignment: estimated installation error in direction of pitch angle: 808464432.0

Inclination display, input signals inertial sensors: sensor system status, current: 0.0

Inclination display, input signals inertial sensors: sensor system status, previous: 0.0

Inclination display, input signals inertial sensors: estimated offset error of longitudinal acceleration sensor: 808464432.0

Inclination display, input signals inertial sensors: estimated offset error of yaw rate sensor: 808464432.0

Inclination display, input signals GPS: speed in x-direction: 808464432.0

Inclination display, input signals GPS: speed in y-direction: 808464432.0

Actuator test, release status: switch-on and shut-off conditions: Transport mode

Actuator test, release status: release status: All releases are present

Actuator test, release status 2: valve 4 for aux. vol. of air suspensions: Freigeschaltet

Actuator test, release status 2: valve 3 for aux. vol. of air suspensions: Freigeschaltet

Actuator test, release status 2: valve 2 for aux. vol. of air suspensions: Freigeschaltet

Actuator test, release status 2: valve 1 for aux. vol. of air suspensions: Freigeschaltet

Actuator test, release status 2: lower right rear vehicle: Not enabled

Actuator test, release status 2: lower left rear vehicle: Not enabled

Actuator test, release status 2: lower right front vehicle: Freigeschaltet

Actuator test, release status 2: lower left front vehicle: Freigeschaltet

Actuator test, release status 2: system check for boost function: Freigeschaltet

Actuator test, release status 2: test. press. accumulator and compressor: Freigeschaltet

Calibration of level control for determining axle load, status: function status: Nicht kalibriert

Calibration of level control for determining axle load, status: front axle: -10215 kg

Calibration of level control for determining axle load, status: rear axle: -10215 kg

Valves for add. volume of air suspension, status: right rear: EIN

Valves for add. volume of air suspension, status: left rear: EIN

Valves for add. volume of air suspension, status: right front: AUS

Valves for add. volume of air suspension, status: left front: AUS

Signal processing adapted values: correction factor for right rear wheel: 4.80

Signal processing adapted values: steering wheel angle offset: 4.80 rad

Signal processing adapted values: permissible steering angle offset deviation: 4.80 rad

Signal processing adapted values: travel reinforcement of disc set regulation: 6168 m

Signal processing adapted values: correction factor for left front wheel: 4.80

Signal processing adapted values: correction factor for right front wheel: 4.80

Signal processing adapted values: correction factor for left rear wheel: 4.80

Inclination display, input signals inertial sensors 2: sensor system status, current: 0.0

Inclination display, input signals inertial sensors 2: sensor system status, previous: 0.0

Inclination display, input signals inertial sensors 2: estimated offset error of roll rate sensor: 808464432.0

Inclination display, input signals inertial sensors 2: estimated offset error of vertical acceleration sensor: 808464432.0

Inclination display, calculated values: status of incline angles and speeds: 12.0

Inclination display, calculated values: status of rotation rate filter: 0.0

Inclination display, calculated values: calculation algorithm initialized: 0.0

Inclination display, calculated values: status of calculation algorithm: 0.0

Inclination display, calculated values: status, longitudinal speed, input: 0.0

Inclination display, calculated values: driving situation: 3.0

Inclination display, calculated values: speed in x-direction: 808464432.0

Inclination display, calculated values: speed in y-direction: 808464432.0

Inclination display, input signals, signal processing: status, longitudinal speed, input: 0.0

Inclination display, input signals, signal processing: status of tire radius scale factor: 0.0

Inclination display, input signals, signal processing: tire radius scale factor: 808464432.0

Inclination display, input signals, signal processing: longitudinal acceleration, input: 808464432.0

Damper control, input signal from steering: steering wheel angle, sign: Positive

Damper control, input signal from steering: overlay angle, sign: Positive

Damper control, input signal from steering: active steering internal status: Ready for operation

Learned height deviations fully extended: maximum suspension travel front left: -79 mm

Learned height deviations fully extended: maximum suspension travel front right: -79 mm

Learned height deviations fully extended: maximum suspension travel rear left: -79 mm

Learned height deviations fully extended: maximum suspension travel rear right: -79 mm

Learned height deviations: height deviation of empty position, left front: -79 mm

Learned height deviations: height deviation of empty position, right front: -79 mm

Learned height deviations: height deviation of empty position, left rear: -79 mm

Learned height deviations: height deviation of empty position, right rear: -79 mm

Software version for suppliers: block 14: --

Software version for suppliers: block 2: 00000000

Software version for suppliers: block 15: --

Software version for suppliers: block 3: --

Software version for suppliers: block 4: --

Software version for suppliers: block 1: 00000000

Software version for suppliers: block 5: --

Software version for suppliers: block 6: --

Software version for suppliers: block 7: --

Software version for suppliers: block 8: --

Software version for suppliers: block 9: --

Software version for suppliers: block 10: --

Software version for suppliers: block 11: --

Software version for suppliers: block 12: --

Software version for suppliers: block 13: --

Control module switch-off, counter: ECU:

Control module switch-off, counter: data bus:

No. of unscheduled ECU resets: watchdog reset:

No. of unscheduled ECU resets: insufficient voltage:

Input signals engine: engine moment driver command: N·m

Input signals engine: engine speed: 1/min

Input signals: outside air temperature: °C

Transverse acceleration sensor 2, temperature: °C

Body acceleration sensor, temperature: °C

Roll rate sensor, temperature: °C

Pitch rate sensor, temperature: °C

Yaw rate sensor 2, temperature: °C

Release code for a SWaP function: FSC:

Run-time of the level: level 4: km

Run-time of the level: level 5: km

Run-time of the level: level 6: km

Run-time of the level: level 7: km

Run-time of the level: level 1: km

Run-time of the level: level 2: km

Run-time of the level: level 3: km

Rotation rate: roll rate sensor: rad/s

Rotation rate: pitch rate sensor: rad/s

Body acceleration sensor: m/s²

Redundant sensor system: yaw rate sensor 2: rad/s

Redundant sensor system: lateral acceleration sensor 2: m/s²

Driving program running times: lift mode: km

Driving program running times: offroad: km

Driving program running times: efficiency: km

Driving program running times: comfort: km

Driving program running times: auto: km

Driving program running times: dynamic: km

No. activations of level control valves: valve 3 for aux. vol. of air suspensions: Counts

No. activations of level control valves: valve 4 for aux. vol. of air suspensions: Counts

No. activations of level control valves: electrical switching valve 1: Counts

No. activations of level control valves: electrical switching valve 2: Counts

No. activations of level control valves: relief valve: Counts

No. activations of level control valves: valve 1 for aux. vol. of air suspensions: Counts

No. activations of level control valves: valve 2 for aux. vol. of air suspensions: Counts

Number of control cycles: number of manual target level changes when driving: Counts

Number of control cycles: number of automatic target level changes: Counts

Number of control cycles: number of correction controls: Counts

Number of control cycles: number of manual target level changes when standing: Counts

Switch on occurrences of compressor: between time duration 4 and 5: Counts

Switch on occurrences of compressor: longer as time duration 5: Counts

Switch on occurrences of compressor: shorter as time duration 1: Counts

Switch on occurrences of compressor: between time duration 1 and 2: Counts

Switch on occurrences of compressor: between time duration 2 and 3: Counts

Switch on occurrences of compressor: between time duration 3 and 4: Counts

Running times of compressor: counter pressure less than pressure value 1: sec

Running times of compressor: counter pressure between pressure value 1 and 2: sec

Running times of compressor: counter pressure between pressure value 2 and 3: sec

Running times of compressor: counter pressure larger than pressure value 3: sec

No. of compressor activations: at temperature between temperature value 1 and 2: Counts

No. of compressor activations: at temperature between temperature value 2 and 3: Counts

No. of compressor activations: at temperature higher than temperature value 3: Counts

No. of compressor activations: for control process: Counts

No. of compressor activations: for accumulator filling: Counts

No. of compressor activations: at temperature small temperature value 1: Counts

Height deviation from adapted vehicle height: left front height deviation from adapted vehicle height: mm

Height deviation from adapted vehicle height: right front height deviation from adapted vehicle height: mm

Height deviation from adapted vehicle height: left rear height deviation from adapted vehicle height: mm

Height deviation from adapted vehicle height: right rear height deviation from adapted vehicle height: mm

Height deviation from control pos: height deviation from left front control position: mm

Height deviation from control pos: height deviation from right front control position: mm

Height deviation from control pos: height deviation from left rear control position: mm

Height deviation from control pos: height deviation from right rear control position: mm

Absolute vehicle height: absolute left front vehicle height: mm

Absolute vehicle height: absolute right front vehicle height: mm

Absolute vehicle height: absolute left rear vehicle height: mm

Absolute vehicle height: absolute right rear vehicle height: mm

Number of wake-up processes via level control: Counts

Compressor for air suspension: compressor speed: 1/min

Compressor for air suspension: current: A

Compressor for air suspension: voltage: V

Compressor for air suspension: temperature 1: °C

Compressor for air suspension: temperature 2: °C

Compressor for air suspension: temperature 3: °C

Compressor for air suspension, number of shut-offs: due to excessive temperarature during ctrl. process: Counts

Compressor for air suspension, number of shut-offs: due to excessive temperarature during accumulator filling: Counts

Damper control, input signal from steering: steering wheel angle sensor: °

Damper control, input signal from steering: overlay angle: °



Lower left front vehicle

Lower right front vehicle

Lower left rear vehicle

Lower right rear vehicle

Valve 1 for aux. vol. of air suspensions

Valve 2 for aux. vol. of air suspensions

Valve 3 for aux. vol. of air suspensions

Valve 4 for aux. vol. of air suspensions

Test. press. accumulator and compressor

System check for boost function

Left front shock absorber valve current

Right front shock absorber valve current

Left rear shock absorber valve current

Right rear shock absorber valve current



Clear duration mode and control activities

Clear counter of valve activations

Clear counter and runtime of compressor

Activate level control

Deactivate level control

Permanently deactivate level control

Druckbehälter, Luft ablassen

Vent air shock absorbers for front axle

Vent air shock absorbers for rear axle

Druckbehälter, füllen

Fill air shock absorbers for front axle

Fill air shock absorbers for rear axle

Fill left rear air shock absorber

Fill right rear air shock absorber

Bleed left rear air shock absorber

Bleed right rear air shock absorber

Start up to high level

Start up to high level and deactivate control

Start up to normal level

Start up to normal level and deactivate control

Start up normal level with tight control tolerance

Start up to reference level

Start up preliminary stage for calibrtion production

Start up preliminary stage for calibrtion cust. service

Switch to normal level control function


Pressure test

Calibration of level control for determining axle load

Calibrate installation location

Reset signal processing adapted values

Resetting of all adaptations

Reset auf Werkseinstellung

Adapting high values

Delete calibration for level control

Anpassung der Reifenbreite unter Last

Reset raw values of height sensors when deflected

Activate loading mode

Deactivate loading mode

Testmodus aktivieren

Deactivating development functions

Release of SWaP function

Deletion of a SWaP function



Height offset for preliminary stage, calibration production

Tight level control tolerance

Constant power supply to all dampers

Konstanter Dämpferstrom, vorne links

Konstanter Dämpferstrom, vorne rechts

Konstanter Dämpferstrom, hinten links

Konstanter Dämpferstrom, hinten rechts

Body height left front wheel house edge

Body height right front wheel house edge

Body height left rear wheel house edge

Body height right rear wheel house edge

Calibrated raw values of height sensor system

Raw values, height sensors when deflected

Activating and deactivating all development messages

Speed value for testing mode

Fuel tank volume

Deviation from empty weight in full state

Roller test bench mode, functional

Control module switch-off, switch-off time

IKA key

Component protection SHE key

Production mode

Deactivate production mode

Transfer of release code for a SWaP function

Selection of release codes for a SWaP function






