Bil, AUDI, A6 2018-, 2023 (P), Avant, DKNA 2.0l TFSI , 180kW, 51 - Electric drive (51 ELA)
Motor - 51 - Electric drive (51 ELA) - 0
ASAM/ODX file identifikation: EV_DMCM08530115G0907080E
ASAM/ODX file version: 001001
Dele nummer: xxxxxxxxx
Udstyrs nummer: 0
Importør nummer: 0
Værksteds kode: 0
Stel nr.: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Softwareversion: xxxx
Hardware vare nummer: xxxxxxxxx
System designation: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hardwareversion: xxx
Programmerbarhed: Programmerbare
Program consistency: Program present
System abbreviation: xxxx
Motor: CJTA
Advanceret identifikation
ASAM/ODX file identifikation: EV_DMCM08530115G0907080E
ASAM/ODX file version: 001001
Softwareversion: xxxx
Motor: CJTA
Programmability status: error in flash memory: Nej
Programmability status: flash memory faulty: Nej
Programmability status: communication error: Nej
Programmability status: flash memory not programmable: Nej
Number of programming attempts: data block 0: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 1: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 2: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 3: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 4: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 5: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 6: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 7: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 8: 12336
Number of programming attempts: data block 9: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 0: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 1: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 2: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 3: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 4: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 5: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 6: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 7: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 8: 12336
Number of successful programming attempts: data block 9: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 0: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 1: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 2: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 3: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 4: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 5: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 6: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 7: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 8: 12336
Number of parameterization attempts: data record 9: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 0: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 1: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 2: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 3: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 4: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 5: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 6: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 7: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 8: 12336
Number of successful parameterization attempts: data record 9: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 0: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 1: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 2: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 3: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 4: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 5: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 6: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 7: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 8: 12336
Maximum number of possible update programming: data block 9: 12336
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, date: 2000-00-00
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, device number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, importer number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, dealership number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 0, programming status: Gyldig
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, date: 2000-00-00
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, device number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, importer number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, dealership number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 1, programming status: Gyldig
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, date: 2000-00-00
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, device number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, importer number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, dealership number: 0
Last update programming of SW module: software module 2, programming status: Gyldig
Udstyrs nummer: 0
Importør nummer: 0
Værksteds kode: 0
FAZIT identification: manufacture location index: SME-RBG
FAZIT identification: day of manufacture: 08.01.10
FAZIT identification: manufacturer test stand number: 0393
FAZIT identification: running manufacturer number: 0079
Manufacturer modification status: control module family: -
Manufacturer modification status: decoration variant: -
Manufacturer modification status: construction version: ---
Manufacturer modification status: manufacture version: ---
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0: High Speed network management
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, primary version number: 01
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, secondary version number: 06
Identification of standard software: standard software module 0, revision number: 00
Diagnostisk tilstand: VW diagnose
Adaptation workshop code: device number: 0
Adaptation workshop code: importer number: 0
Adaptation workshop code: dealership number: 0
Hardware vare nummer: xxxxxxxxx
Hardwareversion: xxx
Versions of software module: data block 0: 0007
Versions of software module: data block 1: 0003
Versions of software module: data block 2: 0005
Dele nummer: xxxxxxxxx
System designation: xxxxxxxxxxxx
System abbreviation: xxxx
Programmability status: programmability: Programmerbare
Programmability status: program consistency: Program present
Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Slave systems identification: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Read DTC (Normal mode)
Clear DTC
Read DTC (Agressive mode)
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Security access: number of invalid keys, counter: 0
Condition interm. circuit discharge circuit:
Condition interm. circuit discharge circuit, test program: 48
Terminal 15: 48
Terminal 30 : 24.094 V
Calculated actual torque of electric machine: 771.00 N·m
Internal supply voltage 15 inverter IGBT: -- V
Periodic time gate driver: 154.20 ms
Operation mode DCDC actual state:
Operation mode DCDC actual state, test program: 11
Internal sum error itemization: --
HV-circuit operation mode:
HV-circuit operation mode, test program: 11
IGBT temperature characteristic curve state: 48
Load moment auxiliaries: -- N·m
MCT Temp Rtr: -- °C
Rec rbe Com Drv Can 10ms t Oil Gbx Smp: -10 °C
Maximum power limit: 197376 W
Minimum power limit: 197376 W
Maximum torque derating reason:
Maximum torque derating reason, test program: 48
Minimum torque derating reason, test program: 48
Minimum torque derating reason:
Field weakening active: 48
Rbe Asw Invr Isc t Lnk Cap: 192.75 °C
Current in D-direction: 771.00 A
Current in Q-direction: 771.00 A
Desired current in D-direction: 771.00 A
Desired current in Q-direction: 771.00 A
ISC t Dbc Invr Snsr Max: 192.75 °C
Maximal torque hybrid controller: 771.00 N·m
Minimal torque hybrid controller: 771.00 N·m
Desired torque: 2047.94 N·m
Maximal DC-link voltage: -- V
Minimum DC-link voltage: -- V
Inverter state: 0
Failure inverter shut-off: 0
Failure inverter limited performance: 0
Failure emergency shut off: 255
Failure free wheeling: 255
Electric drive cooling activated: Cooling active
Electric drive cooling activated, test program: 0
Necessary generator torque: -- N·m
DCDC derating due to overtemperature: 255
Effective value stator current: -- A
Stator frequency: -- Hz
Current DC-link power: 0 W
Mechanical angular speed: 771.00 rad/s
Drive control condition:
Drive control condition, test program: 48
Unlearning counter according OBD: 255
DC/DC converter intermediate circuit voltage: 385.50 V
Intermediate circuit voltage: 385.50 V
Electric machine temperature: 192.75 °C
Power electronics heat sink temperature: 192.75 °C
Electric machine speed: 12336 1/min
Intermediate circuit current: 771.00 A
Regulation due to excessive temperature: 48
Offset angle of rotor positions: 67.764 °el
Availability of high voltage: 48
Intermediate circuit current maximum limit: 771.00 A
Intermediate circuit current minimum threshold: 771.00 A
Torque: 771.00 N·m
Maximum torque of electric machine: 771.00 N·m
Minimum torque of electric machine: 771.00 N·m
Target RPM of electric machine: 12336 1/min
Target value of intermediate circuit voltage: 385.50 V
Test voltage for insulation measurement for power electronics: 385.50 V
Test voltage for insulation measurement for e-machine: 385.50 V
Output current of DC/DC converter: 771.00 A
Buck converter operation due to current limit being exceeded: 48
Boost converter operation due to current limit being exceeded: 48
Buck converter operation due to voltage limit being exceeded: 48
Boost converter operation due to voltage limit being exceeded: 48
Phase current phase U: 771.00 A
Phase current phase V: 771.00 A
Phase current phase W: 771.00 A
Adaptation of magnetic flow, status: 48
Offset angle adaptation, test program: 48
Offset angle adaptation:
Rotor position sensor 2 sine offset: 24.094 V
Rotor position sensor 2 cosine offset: 24.094 V
Status of voltage freedom: 48
Discharge current HV intermediate circuit power electronics: 771.00 A
PCB temperature power electronics: 192.75 °C
Target torque of electric machine: 771.00 N·m
Calculated coolant temperature DCDC converter: 192.75 °C
Redundant intermediate circuit voltage power electronics: 385.50 V
Supply voltage terminal 30 - internal: 24.094 V
Low-voltage fuse, voltage: 24.094 V
Low-voltage fuse, current: 24.094 A
Rotor position sensor 2, cosine amplitude: 24.094 V
Rotor position sensor 2, sine amplitude: 24.094 V
Rotor position sensor 2, exciter amplitude: 24.094 V
Power electronics, intermediate circuit current: 771.00 A
DC/DC converter, power section temperature: 192.75 °C
DC/DC converter, traction network current: 24.094 A
DC/DC converter status:
DC/DC converter status, test program: 48
CAN signal, battery management system, high voltage protection, test program: 48
CAN signal, battery management system, high voltage protection:
Position offset calibration, stay: 123.36 sek
Electric motor, idle status:
Electric motor, idle status, test program: 48
Electric motor, electric power: 197376 W
Electric motor, electric rotor frequency: 1542.0 Hz
Electric motor, mechanical power: 197376 W
E-machine speed: 12336 1/min
Power electronics, internal power supply IGBT: 24.094 V
DC/DC converter, output current terminal 30: 771.00 A
DC/DC converter, regulated output current terminal 30: 24.094 V
CAN signal, battery management system, traction network current: 771.00 A
Power electronics, IGBT module temp, phase W: 192.75 °C
Power electronics, IGBT module temp, phase V: 192.75 °C
Power electronics, IGBT module temp, phase U: 192.75 °C
Electric motor, RMS current: 771.00 A
Vehicle switch-off time: 98688 min
Switch-off time, test program: 48
Switch-off time:
Electric motor, magnetic flux reference value: 0.023529 Wb
Magnetic flow calibration status: 48
Position offset calibration, diagnostic status, test program: 48
Position offset calibration, diagnostic status:
Power electronics, internal power supply 2: 24.094 V
CAN signal, battery management system, traction network voltage: 385.50 V
Phase current phase W unrestricted: 771.00 A
Phase current phase V unrestricted: 771.00 A
Phase current phase U unrestricted: 771.00 A
E-machine stator temperature: 192.75 °C
E-machine stator temperature char. curve range: 48
Power electronics, gate driver status, test program: 48
Power electronics, gate driver status:
DC/DC changer, target output voltage terminal 30: 24.094 V
DC/DC changer, high voltage current restriction: 771.00 A
DC/DC changer, target operating mode: 48
Monitoring status since erasing DTC memory: number of emission-relevant DTC memory entries: 0
Monitoring status since erasing DTC memory: malfunction indicator lamp: Sluk
Monitoring status since erasing DTC memory: monitoring of ignition misfires: Aktiveret
Monitoring status since erasing DTC memory: monitoring of fuel system: Aktiveret
Monitoring status since erasing DTC memory: monitoring of entire system: Aktiveret
Monitoring status since DTC cleared: monitoring of compression ignition: Ikke understøttet
Monitoring status since erasing DTC memory: ignition misfire test:
Monitoring status since erasing DTC memory: fuel system test:
Monitoring status since erasing DTC memory: entire system test: Successfully completed
Monitoring status since erasing DTC memory: completion status of non-continuous monitors since DTC memory cleared: 8.0
Calculated load value: 0.0 %
Motorkølevæsketemperatur: -30 °C
Motor Hastighed: 0 1/min
Køretøjets hastighed sensor: 5 km/h
Absolute throttle position: 94.5 %
Tid siden motor start: 0 sek
Monitoring status in current driving cycle: misfire monitoring enabled: Aktiveret
Monitoring status in current driving cycle: fuel system monitoring enabled: Aktiveret
Monitoring status in current driving cycle: comprehensive component monitoring enabled: Aktiveret
Monitoring status in current driving cycle: monitoring of compression ignition: Ikke understøttet
Monitoring status in current driving cycle: misfire monitoring completed:
Monitoring status in current driving cycle: fuel system monitoring completed:
Monitoring status in current driving cycle: comprehensive component monitoring completed: Successfully completed
Monitoring status in current driving cycle: implementation status of intermittent monitoring, all supported monitors:
Terminal 30 : 12.593 V
Absolute load value: 0.0 %
Accelerator pedal position D: 0.0 %
Monitoring status since erasing DTC memory:
Monitoring status since erasing DTC memory: intermittent monitoring: Aktiveret
Monitoring status in current driving cycle: activation status of intermittent monitoring: Aktiveret
Monitoring status in current driving cycle: implementation status of intermittent monitoring:
Udgangs test
Coolant pump for low-temperature circuit
Basic setting
Deactivate production mode
Production mode
Activating and deactivating all development messages
Manual mode