PKW, PEUGEOT, 3008, MED17 4 4
Motor - MED17 4 4 - 0
Steuergerät-Hersteller: Bosch
Ausrüstungsnummer: 98 06 46 04 80
Softwareversion: FF FF
Edition calibration: FF FF
Software-Referenz: 92 52 13
Zusatznummer: 98 06 46 04 80
Erweiterte Identifikation
Fehlercode löschen
Motordrehzahl: 0 UpM
Batteriespannung: 0.0 V
Geber für Kühlmitteltemperatur: 23 °C
Coolant temperature (raw): 143.25 °C
Einspritzdauer Zyl.1: 10000.0 ms
Einspritzdauer Zyl.2: 20000.0 ms
Einspritzdauer Zyl.3: 30000.0 ms
Einspritzdauer Zyl.4: 40000.0 ms
Lambdasonde 1, Bank 1: Fett
Lambdasonde 1, Bank 1 Regelkreis: Geschlossene Schleife
Lambdasonde 1, Bank 1: 4.9 mV
Lambdasonde 2, Bank 1: Fett
O2 sensor loop control B1S2: Offene Schleife
Lambdasonde 2, Bank 1: 512.0 mV
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 heater duty cycle: 128 %
O2 sensor 2, bank 1 heater duty cycle: 100 %
Canister load estimation: 100 %
Richness reference: 15.94
Canister electrovalve duty cycle: 7 %
Maximum ignition angle: 12 °
Minimum ignition angle: 12 °
Zündwinkel Zylinder 1: -36 °
Zündwinkel Zylinder 2: 12 °
Zündwinkel Zylinder 3: -36 °
Zündwinkel Zylinder 4: -32 °
Klopfzündwinkel, Zylinder 1: 253 °
Klopfzündwinkel, Zylinder 2: -24576 °
Klopfzündwinkel, Zylinder 3: -24576 °
Klopfzündwinkel, Zylinder 4: 130 °
Generator: 18 %
Supply voltage 5V N1: Nicht OK
Spannungsversorgung für Sensor 2: 19995 mV
Supply voltage 5V N3: In Ordnung
Inlet air temperature at manifold: 48 °C
Reference air quantity corrected: 4.00
Measured air quantity corrected: 4.00
Luftmassenmesser: 0.1 kg/h
Air flow reference: 3599.9 kg/h
Geber für Saugrohr-Absolutdruck (MAP): 0.08 mbar
Intake pressure: 20.9 mbar
Drosselklappen-Positionssensor - Bezugswert: 50 °
Throttle position sensor measured value: -531 °
Drosselklappen-Positionssensor (Haupt): 156.3 mV
Throttle position sensor (sub): 156.3 mV
Geber für Gaspedalstellung: 34 %
Motoröltemperatur: 204.9 °C
Inlet camshaft dephaser position reference value: -86 °
Position of the inlet camshaft dephaser: -171 °
Exhaust camshaft dephaser solenoid valve duty cycle: 50 %
Camshaft and cranckshaft synchronization: 45.0 °
Learning limp home position 1: 211 mV
Learning limp home position 2: 166 mV
Learning of throttle minimum limit position 1: 79999 mV
Learning of throttle minimum limit position 2: 3137 mV
Klopf-Anpassung Zyl 1: 12 °
Klopf-Anpassung Zyll 2: 12 °
Klopf-Anpassung Zyl3: 12 °
Klopf-Anpassung Zyl 4: 12 °
Inlet camshaft dephaser: Learning error
Mixture at idle adaptive values: -0.8 %
Upstream mixture correction factor: 4359.0 %
Driver requirement torque: 33 %
Engine torque obtained by managing air flow (setting): 13 N·m
Engine torque obtained by managing ignition angle (setting): 16 N·m
Battery service: 16.0 V
Turbocharging pressure reference value: 0.164 Bar
Luftdrucksensor: 17 mbar
Turbocharger boost control solenoid valve duty cycle: 50 %
Befehl Magnetventil Turbolader-Bypass: Nicht definiert
Turbo additional coolant pump control status: Not control
Reference fuel pressure: 205 Bar
Raildruck: 205 Bar
Low pressure fuel pump control duty cycle: 56 %
Luftdrucksensor: 35.0 V
Turbocharging pressure measured: 5.243 Bar
Hochdruck-Kraftstoffpumpe: 204.8 °
Fahrgeschwindigkeit: 511.99 km/h
Geber für Fahrpedal 1: 24 mV
Geber für Fahrpedal 2: 4 mV
Presence of + ignition on: Zündung ein
Sensor Kupplungspedalposition: 17 %
Kupplungsschalter: Gelöst
Displayed fuel level: 58 L
Engine stopping time: 712623 sec
Cruise control reference speed: 255 km/h
Geschwindigkeitsregelanlage: Fehler
Speed limit reference speed: 250 km/h
Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzer: Initialisation
Main brake switch: Gelöst
Secondary brake switch: Gelöst
Accelerator pedal point of resistance sensor: Tight spot not crossed
Intake air temperature (turbo): 80 °C
Kühlgebläserelais (Hohe Geschwindigkeit): Aktiviert
Kühlgebläserelais (niedrige Geschwindigkeit): Aktiviert
Fan assembly: Nicht definiert
A/C compressor load reduction: Declutched
A/C circuit pressure: 39.3 Bar
Öldruck: 16.0 Bar
Starter control: Aktiv
Außenlufttemperatur : 50 °C
Signal Klopfsensor: 2501.4 mV
Eingelegter Gang: Nullstellung
Internal combustion engine status: --
Control unit condition: Not locked
Wegfahrsperre-Zustand: After-sales status
Status Wegfahrsperre: Nicht definiert
Start/stop information
Motordrehzahl: 0 UpM
Fahrgeschwindigkeit: 511.99 km/h
Battery service: 16.0 V
Engine coolant temperature reference: -- °C
Batterietemperatur: -- °C
Ladung der Zusatzbatterie: -- %
Condition of neutral sensor: --
ECO mode: --
Driver present: --
Rückwärtsgang-Schalter: --
Engine start/stop switch: --
Inhibiting of starting or restarting by the engine management ECU: --
Return of the starter restarting control: --
Return of the starter starting control: --
Return of the starter starting restarting control: --
Starter motor activation counter: --
Number of activations of the starter during the first start-ups: --
Internal combustion engine status: --
Stop/start: --
Starter control interface unit: --
Stop authorised by the electromotor sub-assembly ECU: --
Stop authorised by the engine subsystem: --
Stop authorised by the BSI ECU: --
Stop authorised by the transaxle ECU: --
Stop authorised by the power steering ECU: --
Stop authorised by the ECUs for the suspension and wheels: --
Request for restarting sent by the electric motor sub-assembly ECU: --
Request restart engine ECU: --
Request for restarting sent by the BSI ECU: --
Request for restarting sent by transaxle ECU: --
Request for restarting sent by the power steering ECU: --
Request for restarting sent by the ECUs for the suspension and wheels: --
Restarting authorised by the transaxle ECU: --
Suspension and wheels ECUs restart authorisation: --
Vacuum in the vacuum circuit: -- mbar
Electrical cause of the electromotor sub-assembly not stopping: --
Latest cause of engine cut-off: --
Aktuelle Fahrweise (auf den letzten 20 Kilometern)
Driver present: 14
Keine Fahrzeugstoppberechtigung: 27
Keine Stoppberechtigung für die Servolenkung: 25
Keine Fahrwerksstopp-Berechtigung: 34
Unzureichende Bremsunterstützung: 40
Keine Motorstoppberechtigung: 45
Keine Berechtigung zum Stoppen der Elektromotorbaugruppe: 60
Keine Wiederanlauf-Drehmoment-Stopp-Berechtigung: 70
Keine Getriebestoppberechtigung: 80
Ancillaries battery performance conditions: --
Ancillaries battery protection conditions: --
Ancillaries battery conditions uncertain: --
Starter protection conditions: --
Fahrt zwischen den letzten 20 und 40 Kilometern
Driver present: 14
Keine Fahrzeugstoppberechtigung: 27
Keine Stoppberechtigung für die Servolenkung: 25
Keine Fahrwerksstopp-Berechtigung: 34
Unzureichende Bremsunterstützung: 40
Keine Motorstoppberechtigung: 45
Keine Berechtigung zum Stoppen der Elektromotorbaugruppe: 60
Keine Wiederanlauf-Drehmoment-Stopp-Berechtigung: 70
Keine Getriebestoppberechtigung: 80
Ancillaries battery performance conditions: --
Ancillaries battery protection conditions: --
Ancillaries battery conditions uncertain: --
Starter protection conditions: --
Fahrt zwischen den letzten 40 und 60 Kilometern
Driver present: 14
Keine Fahrzeugstoppberechtigung: 27
Keine Stoppberechtigung für die Servolenkung: 25
Keine Fahrwerksstopp-Berechtigung: 34
Unzureichende Bremsunterstützung: 40
Keine Motorstoppberechtigung: 45
Keine Berechtigung zum Stoppen der Elektromotorbaugruppe: 60
Keine Wiederanlauf-Drehmoment-Stopp-Berechtigung: 70
Keine Getriebestoppberechtigung: 80
Ancillaries battery performance conditions: --
Ancillaries battery protection conditions: --
Ancillaries battery conditions uncertain: --
Starter protection conditions: --
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (last cause): 3710 UpM
Cruise control cause of last deactivation: Nicht definiert
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (last cause): Nullstellung
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (last cause): 250 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (last cause): 0 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (last cause): 173 km/h
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (before last cause): 3710 UpM
Cruise control cause of before last deactivation: Nicht definiert
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (before last cause): Nullstellung
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (before last cause): 250 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (before last cause): 0 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (before last cause): 173 km/h
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -2): 3710 UpM
Cruise control cause (-2) of deactivation: Nicht definiert
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -2): Nullstellung
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -2): 250 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -2): 0 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -2): 173 km/h
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -3): 3710 UpM
Cruise control cause (-3) of deactivation: Nicht definiert
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -3): Nullstellung
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -3): 250 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -3): 0 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -3): 173 km/h
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -4): 3710 UpM
Cruise control cause (-4) of deactivation: Nicht definiert
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -4): Nullstellung
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -4): 250 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -4): 0 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -4): 173 km/h
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -5): 3710 UpM
Cruise control cause (-5) of deactivation: Nicht definiert
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -5): Nullstellung
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -5): 250 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -5): 0 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -4): 173 km/h
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -6): 3710 UpM
Cruise control cause (-5) of deactivation: Nicht definiert
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -6): Nullstellung
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -6): 250 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -6): 0 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -6): 173 km/h
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -7): 3710 UpM
Cruise control cause (-5) of deactivation: Nicht definiert
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -7): Nullstellung
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -7): 250 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -7): 0 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -7): 173 km/h
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -8): 3710 UpM
Cruise control cause (-8) of deactivation: Nicht definiert
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -8): Nullstellung
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -8): 250 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -8): 0 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -8): 173 km/h
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -9): 3710 UpM
Cruise control cause (-9) of deactivation: Nicht definiert
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -9): Nullstellung
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -9): 250 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -9): 0 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -9): 173 km/h
Einspritzventil 1
Einspritzventil 2
Einspritzventil 3
Zündspule 1
Zündspule 2
Zündspule 3
Kühlgebläse hohe Geschwindigkeit
Kühlgebläse niedrige Geschwindigkeit
Test Thermostat
Relais für Spannungsversorgung
Additional heating relay
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