Bil, PEUGEOT, 206, Electric retractable roof
Body kontrol modul - Electric retractable roof - 0
Supplier: HPI
Udstyrs nummer: 11 33 01 11 80
Softwareversion: 11 12
Diagnostics e-mail: FF FF FF FF
Messaging index: Q
Service check signal: --
Factory check: --
Number of after sales jobs: --
Additional number: AB 70 81 FF 0B
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Vehicle speed information: Less than 5 km/h
Engine running status: Missing
Driver front door window lifter button on driver door: Rest
Retractable roof switch: Not control
Passenger front door window lifter button: Rest
Luggage compartment: Åben
Locking handle, right side: Låst
Tray: Not pulled
Locking handle, left side: Låst
Boot locked switch right and left: Ulåst
Close roof control switch: Ja
Boot switch: Åben
Sun roof down/Open: Ja
Rear parcel shelf: Afslut
Left front door window lifter power: Rest
Left rear door window lifter: Rest
Right front door window lifter power: Rest
Right rear door window lifter: Rest
Hydraulic unit 1 relay: No request
Hydraulic unit 2 relay: No request
Valve relay: No request
Relay floating mass: Request
Udgangs test
Generation of a bleep
Noise with a continuous sound