Bil, PEUGEOT, 206, AMF
Multimedia - AMF - 0
Supplier: Sagem/JCAE
Udstyrs nummer: 96 46 00 53 77
Softwareversion: 24 22
Diagnostics e-mail: 00 00 00 00
Messaging index: OR
Service check signal: --
Factory check: --
Number of after sales jobs: --
Additional number: 96 47 40 97 77
: No +ve permanent on the display
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Date format: MM/DD/YY
Display: Positive
Temperature display unit: °F
Volume and distance unit: Miles/gallon
Auto equipment with automatic volume control: Ja
Audio system option: Tilstede
External temperature display: Absent
CD changer: Absent
Overspeed warning: Inaktiv
Driver language: Ingen
VOLUME button + on the under steering wheel audio control: Ikke aktiveret
VOLUME button - on the under steering wheel audio control: Ikke aktiveret
Under steering wheel radio downwards search button (SEARCH +): Ikke aktiveret
Under steering wheel downwards search button (SEARCH -): Ikke aktiveret
Udgangs test
Screen on
Screen off
Redigere konfiguration
Edit configuration of options
Edit customer language configuration