PKW, PEUGEOT, 308 (T9), RHC - DCM.6.2
RHC - DCM.6.2 - 0
Steuergerät-Hersteller: Magneti Marelli
Ausrüstungsnummer: 98 09 44 79 80
Softwareversion: FF FF
Edition calibration: FF FF
Software-Referenz: --
Zusatznummer: 96 65 66 23 80
Motortyp: AHX
Modell: Unbekannt
Erweiterte Identifikation
Ersatzteilnummer: 98 09 44 79 80
Lieferant: Nicht verfügbar
Download date: FF FF FF
EOBD: eex ef
P00BA: Fuel pressure low pressure
P0215: Main relay control circuit malfunction
U1213: Lost communication with ABS/ESP control module
P1199: Kraftstoffstand zu niedrig
P12B4: Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve position incorrect (too closed)
U1109: Kommunikation mit Getriebesteuergerät gestört
U1113: Kommunikation mit dem Steuergerät für Antiblockiersystem (ABS) gestört
U1118: Lost communication with the BSI data invalid
U1105: Lost communication with steering wheel angle sensor module
Fehlercode löschen
Motordrehzahl: 0 UpM
Fahrgeschwindigkeit: 170.2 km/h
Fahrgeschwindigkeit: 170.2 km/h
Main brake switch: Gedrückt
Geber für Fahrpedal 1: 1024.0 mV
Geber für Fahrpedal 2: 988.0 mV
Accelerator pedal point of resistance sensor: Tight spot crossed
Engine coolant temperature reference: -39 °C
Internal combustion engine status: Self-powered restarting
Außenlufttemperatur : 200 °C
Geber für Kühlmitteltemperatur: 60 °C
Additional heater 1: Inaktiv
Additional heater 2: Inaktiv
Camshaft and cranckshaft synchronization: Ja
Geber für Ölstand: 0.0 mV
Geber für Kraftstoffdruck: 18.0 Bar
A/C circuit pressure: 577.4 Bar
Öldruck: 0.000 Bar
Geber für Kraftstofftemperatur: 259.4 °C
Relais 1 für Kühlgebläse: Aktiviert
Relais 2 für Kühlgebläse: Aktiviert
Fan assembly: Niedrig
Engine oil pressure regulator control duty cycle: 0.0 %
Reference fuel pressure: 274 Bar
Fuel pressure measured in the high pressure rail: -983 Bar
Fuel flow regulator: 83.8 %
Position Drosselklappe: 53.8 %
Air metering valve position setting: -99.0 %
Verbrennungsluftverhältnis: 100.0 %
Secondary brake switch: Gedrückt
Oil pressure reference: 0.0 Bar
Luftdrucksensor: 249.0 mbar
Geber für Gaspedalstellung: 36.6 %
Sensor Kupplungspedalposition: 16.1 %
Low pressure fuel pump control duty cycle: 99.9 %
Turbo position reference value: 43.7 %
Öltemperatur: -50.0 °C
Turbocharging pressure measured: 4.4 Bar
Intake air temperature (turbo): 224 °C
Sensor Position Drosselklappe: 2.38 V
Turbo position signal: 9.00 V
Luftmassenmesser: 256 mg/strk
Turbocharger boost control solenoid valve duty cycle: 1.0 %
Turbocharging pressure reference value: 33.1 Bar
Air flow reference: 16.0 mg/strk
Geber für Fahrpedal 1: 36.0 %
Geber für Fahrpedal 2: 0.0 %
Coolant outlet housing position reference value: 70.3 %
Controlled air inlet module: Nicht definiert
Kühlgebläse-Drehzahl: 100.1 %
Getriebe: Unavailable
Turbo position repeat: 2.5 %
Movement of the piloted air inlet module: Shutdown
Coolant outlet housing position reference value: 75.6 %
Coolant outlet housing control duty cycle: 100.2 %
Position AGR-Ventil: 16.1 %
Position of the coolant outlet housing: 0.0 %
Position AGR-Ventil: 48.6 %
Distance remaining before filling the urea tank: 272 km
Authorisation of injection of the urea fluid based on the pressure: Ja
Authorisation of injection of the urea fluid based on the temperature: Autorisiert
Volume of urea fluid remaining in the urea tank: 1.062 L
Estimated rate of dilution of the engine oil: 0.0 %
Estimated carbon content of the engine oil: 0.0 %
Condition of the engine oil anti-dilution protection: Inaktiv
Wasser im Kraftstoff: Nicht definiert
Next oil change: 0 km
EGR exchanger bypass position reference value: 54.0 %
Sensor Position AGR-Ventil: 2.71 V
EGR exchanger bypass position reference value: 1.04 V
Urea heated pipe heating power: 100 %
NOx content downstream of the deNOx catalytic converter: 204.8 ppm
Urea fluid pressure: 68.9 Bar
DeNOx system: Urea gauge - pump module stopped with urea solution
Estimate of the thermal ageing of the deNOx catalytic converter: 7.1 %
DeNOx catalytic converter: 125.2 °C
NOx sensor exhaust gas estimated pressure: 273 Bar
Correction flow cylinder 1 injector: 0.065
Correction flow cylinder 2 injector: 1.333
Correction flow cylinder 3 injector: 0.049
Correction flow cylinder 4 injector: 0.017
Air flow sensor air temperature: 123 °C
Reference value for the quantity of urea fluid to be injected: 1024.0 mg/s
EGR exchanger bypass position reference value: Offen
NOx sensor heater: Aktiviert
DeNOx system bleed: Heizung
DeNOx catalytic converter urea load: 32.8 g
Fuel flow regulator: 3.4 A
Calculated injected flow: 15.3 mg/strk
Quantity of urea solution injected: 4.0 mg/s
Fuel tank level minimum: Minimum level reached
Urea tank temperature: 302 °C
Kupplungspedal: Gelöst
Injector classification
Cylinder 1 injector code: GHJKLMNPRSTUWXYZ5786
Cylinder 2 injector code: GHJKLMNPRSTUWXYZ5787
Cylinder 3 injector code: GHJKLMNPRSTUWXYZ5788
Cylinder 4 injector code: GHJKLMNPRSTUWXYZ5789
Difference engine speed cylinder 1: 64.3 UpM
Difference engine speed cylinder 2: 1088.1 UpM
Difference engine speed cylinder 3: 4.5 UpM
Difference engine speed cylinder 4: 110.9 UpM
DPF information
Motordrehzahl: 0 UpM
Intake air temperature (turbo): 224 °C
Offsetting of reference value of DPF differential pressure sensor: -2500.0 mV
Fahrstrecke seit letzter Regeneration Partikelfilter: 111.9 km
Dieselpartikelfilter (DPF), Differenzdruck: 16.390 Bar
Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) regeneration status: None requested
Durchschnittlicher Abstand zwischen den letzten 10 Regenerationen: 15.9 km
Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) soot mass: 0.000 g
Menge des Zusatzstoffs, die im Filter abgelagert wird: 125.0 g
Genehmigung der Regeneration: Not authorised
Dieselpartikelfilter (DPF), Differenzdrucksensor: 0.00 V
Abgastemperatur vor Katalysator, Bank 1: 974.4 °C
Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) clogging degree: 24.9 %
Abstand vor DPF-Ersatz: 32784.0 km
Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) distance since last changed: 83960.0 km
DPF-Schätzung der thermischen Alterung: 46.0 %
Distance since last oil change under arduous driving conditions: 4095.0 km
Short term regeneration capacity: 100 %
Long term regeneration capacity: 100 %
Air flow sensor air temperature: 123 °C
First additive status: Nicht definiert
Richness calculated by oxygen sensor: 1
Im Vorratsbehälter verbleibende Menge an Zusatzstoff: 1750.0 ml
Electrical information
Motordrehzahl: 0 UpM
Engine management ECU: 0.00 V
Supply voltage 5V N1: No fault
Supply voltage 5V N2: No fault
Supply voltage 5V N3: No fault
Supply voltage 5V N4: No fault
Steuergerät Temperatur: -40 °C
Batteriestrom: -1500.0 A
Generatorlast: 0 %
Starter control: Nein
Reversible generator: -30.0 °C
Reversible generator: 10.60 V
Generator-Drehzahl: 0.0 UpM
Reversible generator status: Nullstellung
Batteriespannung: 5.00 V
Vehicle speed curbing value: 128 km/h
Cruise control reference speed: 16 km/h
Speed limit reference speed: 18 km/h
Cruise control status (RVV): Fehler
Cruise control status (LVV): Fehler
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (last cause): 8000 UpM
Cruise control cause of last deactivation: Deactivation by a press on the brake pedal
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (last cause): Nullstellung
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (last cause): 100 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (last cause): 100 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (last cause): 50 km/h
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (before last cause): 8000 UpM
Cruise control cause of before last deactivation: Deactivation due to a change of gear
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (before last cause): Nullstellung
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (before last cause): 100 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (before last cause): 100 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (before last cause): 50 km/h
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -2): 8000 UpM
Cruise control cause (-2) of deactivation: Deactivation due to a change of gear
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -2): Nullstellung
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -2): 100 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -2): 100 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -2): 50 km/h
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -3): 8000 UpM
Cruise control cause (-3) of deactivation: Deactivation due to a change of gear
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -3): Nullstellung
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -3): 100 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -3): 100 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -3): 50 km/h
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -4): 8000 UpM
Cruise control cause (-4) of deactivation: Deactivation due to a change of gear
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -4): Nullstellung
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -4): 100 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -4): 100 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -4): 50 km/h
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -5): 33 UpM
Cruise control cause (-5) of deactivation: Nicht definiert
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -5): Gang 5
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -5): 100 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -5): 56 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -5): 82 km/h
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -6): 33 UpM
Cruise control cause (-6) of deactivation: Nicht definiert
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -6): Gang 5
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -6): 100 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -6): 56 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -6): 82 km/h
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -7): 33 UpM
Cruise control cause (-7) of deactivation: Nicht definiert
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -7): Gang 5
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -7): 100 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -7): 56 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -7): 82 km/h
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -8): 33 UpM
Cruise control cause (-8) of deactivation: Nicht definiert
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -8): Gang 5
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -8): 100 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -8): 56 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -8): 82 km/h
Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -9): 33 UpM
Cruise control cause (-9) of deactivation: Nicht definiert
Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -9): Gang 5
Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -9): 100 %
Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -9): 56 km/h
Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -9): 82 km/h
Motordrehzahl: 0 UpM
Geber für Kühlmitteltemperatur: 60 °C
Camshaft and cranckshaft synchronization: Ja
Starting authorisation coming from the gearbox ECU: Prohibited
Kurbelwellendrehzahl: 4000 UpM
Minimum voltage of the battery during starting: 32.74 V
Motordrehzahl (Nockenwelle): 7999.9 UpM
Starter control: Nein
Starting inhibiting control (information by wire): Ja
Control unit condition: Not locked
Wegfahrsperre-Zustand: Programmed 3 Times
Learning status
First initialisation of the turbo: Beendet
Status of first learning of EGR valve: Beendet
First initialisation of the air mixer: Beendet
EGR lower limit learning: Nicht erfolgt
EGR upper limit learning: Beendet
Last learning of the air mixer lower limit: Beendet
Last learning of the air mixer upper limit: Beendet
Last learning of the turbocharger lower limit: Beendet
Last learning of the turbocharger upper limit: Nicht definiert
Injectors programming status
Number of latest successes injector resets - space 0: 1
Number of latest successes injector resets - space 1: 2
Number of latest successes injector resets - space 2: 3
Number of latest successes injector resets - space 3: 5
Start/stop information
Motordrehzahl: 0 UpM
Fahrgeschwindigkeit: 170.2 km/h
Außenlufttemperatur : 200 °C
Geber für Kühlmitteltemperatur: 60 °C
Condition of neutral sensor: Richtig
Rückwärtsgang-Schalter: Reverse gear not engaged
Ladung der Zusatzbatterie: 99.5 %
Sensor Kupplungspedalposition: 16.1 %
Zusatzbatterie: 70.0 °C
Generatorlast: 0 %
Drivetrain: Offen
Getriebe: Unavailable
Vacuum available in the braking circuit: Braking assistance sufficient
Stop authorised by the electromotor sub-assembly ECU: Ja
Stop authorised by the engine subsystem: Ja
Stop authorised by the BSI ECU: Nein
Stop authorised by the transaxle ECU: Ja
Stop authorised by the power steering ECU: Ja
Stopping authorised by the ESP ECU: Ja
Stop authorised by the ECUs for the suspension and wheels: Ja
Request for restarting sent by the electric motor sub-assembly ECU: Requestto switch off
Request restart engine ECU: Ja
Request for restarting sent by the BSI ECU: Requestto switch off
Request for restarting sent by transaxle ECU: Ja
Request for restarting sent by the power steering ECU: Ja
Request for restarting issued by the ESP ECU: Ja
Request for restarting sent by the ECUs for the suspension and wheels: Ja
Reversible generator status: -30.0 °C
Reversible generator reference: 16.98 V
Reversible generator: 10.60 V
Generator-Drehzahl: 0.0 UpM
Actual torque of reversible generator: 128.0 N·m
Reversible generator status: Nullstellung
Reversible generator restart authorisation: Ja
Reversible generator stop authorisation: Ja
Reversible generator restart order: Ja
Inhibiting of starting or restarting by the engine management ECU: Unterbunden
Voltage at terminals of the power accumulator: 6.00 V
Power accumulator temperature: 97.5 °C
State of health of battery: 100 %
Driver present: Vorhanden
ECO mode: Inaktiv
Stop/start: Motor AUS
Engine start/stop switch: Button is pressed
Istwert Motordrehmoment: 48.0 N·m
Spannungserhaltungsgerät ECU-Neustartberechtigung: Passiv
Estimate of total resistance of the voltage retaining device: 18.0 Ohm
Spannungserhaltungsgerät ECU-Neustartberechtigung: 1355.0
Last cause of no stopping of the engine: Nicht definiert
Vacuum in the vacuum circuit: 408 mbar
Spannungserhaltungsgerät ECU-Neustartberechtigung: Ja
Request for restarting sent by the voltage retaining device ECU: Ja
Stop authorised by the voltage retaining device ECU: Ja
Stopping authorised by the 12 V network: Ja
Convergence of state of health of battery: Ja
Power accumulator thermal limitation: Ja
Central voltage retaining device thermal limitation: Ja
Generator deactivation: Nein
Expected identifier of the reversible generator: 01
Expected identifier of power electronics of the reversible generator: 02
Expected identifier of supplier of the reversible generator: 03
Aktuelle Fahrweise (auf den letzten 20 Kilometern)
Keine Fahrzeugstoppberechtigung: 10
Keine Stoppberechtigung für die Servolenkung: 20
Keine Fahrwerksstopp-Berechtigung: 30
Unzureichende Bremsunterstützung: 40
Keine Motorstoppberechtigung: 50
Keine Berechtigung zum Stoppen der Elektromotorbaugruppe: 60
Keine Wiederanlauf-Drehmoment-Stopp-Berechtigung: 70
Keine Getriebestoppberechtigung: 80
Fahrt zwischen den letzten 20 und 40 Kilometern
Keine Fahrzeugstoppberechtigung: 1
Keine Stoppberechtigung für die Servolenkung: 20
Keine Fahrwerksstopp-Berechtigung: 24
Unzureichende Bremsunterstützung: 19
Keine Motorstoppberechtigung: 31
Keine Berechtigung zum Stoppen der Elektromotorbaugruppe: 0
Keine Wiederanlauf-Drehmoment-Stopp-Berechtigung: 0
Keine Getriebestoppberechtigung: 0
Fahrt zwischen den letzten 40 und 60 Kilometern
Keine Fahrzeugstoppberechtigung: 21
Keine Stoppberechtigung für die Servolenkung: 20
Keine Fahrwerksstopp-Berechtigung: 24
Unzureichende Bremsunterstützung: 19
Keine Motorstoppberechtigung: 10
Keine Berechtigung zum Stoppen der Elektromotorbaugruppe: 0
Keine Wiederanlauf-Drehmoment-Stopp-Berechtigung: 0
Keine Getriebestoppberechtigung: 0
Cause of engine cut off and engine restart failures
Latest cause of engine cut-off: Forced restarting
Causes of failure of the first engine restart: No cause of failure of the first restart of the engine detected; Starting time too long; -; -
Causes of failure of the second engine restart: Failure of restarting upon closing of the drivetrain; -; -; Failure of restarting owing to jammed reversible generator rotor
Causes of failure of the third engine restart: Failure of restarting upon closing of the drivetrain; Starting time too long; -; -
Einspritzventil 1
Einspritzventil 2
Einspritzventil 3
Einspritzventil 4
Qualität der Zylinderverbrennung
Druckanstiegs- und -abfalltest
Motoreinstellung prüfen
Überprüfung des AGR-Kreislaufs
Überprüfen des Drucks der in den Motor eintretenden Luft
Ventil für Abgasrückführung
Intake air flow valve motor
Überprüfung des DeNOx-Systems
Urea injector
Heizung NOx Sensor
Urea pipe heating
Urea tank heater
DeNOx system check bleeding
Durchflussprüfung des DeNOx-Systems
Druckprüfung des DeNOx-Systems
Magnetventil Motoröldruckregelung
Motorisiertes Kühlmittelauslassgehäuse
Additional heater relay 1 and 2 test
Additional heater burner control test
Kühlgebläse niedrige Geschwindigkeit
Kühlgebläse hohe Geschwindigkeit
Preheater unit
Relais für Motor-Zündsteuerung
Fuel flow regulator control
Engine compressions test (Delphi)
Injectors return under starter
Injectors return with the engine running
Engine compressions test
Injectors programming reinitialization
Austausch Einspritzventile
Befüllung des Additivreservoirs oder beutels
Priming of the additive adding circuit
Filling level of urea tank
Draining and filling the tank with urea solution
Engine cooling system bleeding
DeNOx system fault reinitialisation
Programming air mixer stops
Programming EGR valve stops
Programming turbocharger stops
EGR valve service cleaning
Reinigung des AGR-Wärmetauscher-Bypasses
Fuel flow regulator replacement
Austausch der Hochdruckpumpe
Fuel High Pressure rail replacement
Austausch der Niederdruck-Kraftstoffpumpe, des Kraftstofffilters oder der Rohre
Austausch des AGR-Ventils oder des AGR-Wärmetauscher-Bypasses
Austausch des Luftmischers
Austausch des Turboladers
Austausch Differenzdrucksensor
Austausch des DPF
Austausch des NOx-Sensors
Austausch Vorkatalysator
Austausch des DeNOx-Katalysators
Austausch des Behälters, des Manometer-Pumpen-Moduls, der Rohre des DeNOx-Systems oder des AdBlue/DEF-Injektors
Austausch des Zylinderblocks
Austausch des Zylinderkopfes
Austausch des Zylinderkopfes mit Luftmassenmesser
Austausch des Auspuffkrümmers
Austausch des Schwungscheibe
Austausch Batterie
Austausch des Anlassers
Austausch der Kupplung
Austausch Luftmassensensor
Engine block without Mass air flow replacement
Engine block with Mass air flow replacement
Austausch des Nockenwellen-Positionssensors
Austausch des Motoröldruck- und Temperatursensors
Reversible generator replacement
Battery or voltage stabilizer replacement
Austausch des Nebenantriebsriemens