PKW, PEUGEOT, BOXER 3 Euro 5 , Euro 6, DCM7.1_F

Motor - DCM7.1_F - 0


Ausrüstungsnummer: 9831731680

ECU version: OR

ECU reference 1: 9824601180

Software-Referenz: 9693792280

Softwareversion: 00 00

Approval reference: 298278

Steuergerät-Hersteller: --

ISO reference: 00 01 50 64 18

Erweiterte Identifikation


ISO reference: 00 01 50 64 18

Ausrüstungsnummer: 9831731680

Software-Referenz: 9693792280

PSA part number: 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 44 33 33


P0670 [19]: Glow plug control module - current above threshold


Fehlercode löschen


Motordrehzahl: 0 UpM

Kühlmitteltemperatur: 80 °C

Camshaft and cranckshaft synchronization: Ja

Raildruck: 127 Bar

Fuel pressure measured in the high pressure rail: 1735 Bar

Fuel flow regulator: 2816 mA

Fuel pressure regulator control duty cycle: 16 %

Calculated injected flow: 2048.94 mg/strk

Fuel tank level minimum: Minimum level reached

Geber für Kraftstofftemperatur: 80 °C

Geber für Kraftstoffdruck: 510.0 Bar

Low pressure fuel pump: 100 %

Wasser im Kraftstoff: Nein

Injector opening correction strategies activation status: Condition active

Correction flow cylinder 1 injector: 0.085

Correction flow cylinder 2 injector: 0.006

Correction flow cylinder 3 injector: 0.008

Correction flow cylinder 4 injector: 1.007

Distance travelled since the last reset of the diesel injectors - zone 0: 1 km

Distance travelled since the last reset of the diesel injectors - zone 1: 2 km

Distance travelled since the last reset of the diesel injectors - zone 2: 3 km

Distance travelled since the last reset of the diesel injectors - zone 3: 4 km

Cylinder 1 injector code: HH1110101001100100HH

Cylinder 2 injector code: 222220200000000030BB

Cylinder 3 injector code: 330000000000000000AA

Cylinder 4 injector code: H0000H0000000000000H

Luftdrucksensor: 2.275 Bar

Luftmassenmesser: 4 mg/strk

Luftmassenmesser: 15 mg/strk

Air flow reference: 3294 mg/strk

Turbo position reference value: 0.354 Bar

Turbocharging pressure measured: 2.048 Bar

Turbo position reference value: 484 %

Turbo position repeat: 350 %

Turbocharger raw position repeat: 256 %

Turbocharger boost control solenoid valve duty cycle: 128 %

Air metering valve position setting: 22 %

Position Drosselklappe: 257 %

Air flow valve duty cycle: -68 %

EGR valve position instructions: 20 %

Position AGR-Ventil: 1 %

AGR-Ventil - Ausgang Tastverhältnis: 412 %

EGR exchanger bypass position reference value: 512 %

EGR exchanger bypass position reference value: Offen

EGR exchanger bypass regulation duty cycle: -98 %

Außenlufttemperatur : 135 °C

Intake air temperature at the air flow sensor: 205 °C

Turbocharger compressor intake air: -25 °C

Temperature upstream of turbine: 4046 °C

Sensor Position Drosselklappe: 0.10 V

Turbo position signal: 2.00 V

Sensor Position AGR-Ventil: 4.47 V

EGR exchanger bypass position signal: 11260 mV

Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) regeneration status: Angefordert

Genehmigung der Regeneration: Angefordert

Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) soot mass: 0.000 g

Menge des Zusatzstoffs, die im Filter abgelagert wird: 2.075 g

Verstopfungsrate des DPF durch Asche: 32.00

DPF-Schätzung der thermischen Alterung: 64.00

Estimate of the ageing of the pre-catalyst: 64.00

Additive tank: 500000 mm³

Short term regeneration capacity: 17 %

Long term regeneration capacity: 12 %

Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) soot load estimated by closed loop: 2.000 g/l

Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) soot load estimated by open loop: 63.995 g/l

Zurückgelegte Strecke seit letzter DPF-Regeneration: 2048 km

Durchschnittlicher Abstand zwischen den letzten 10 Regenerationen: 128.00 km

Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) distance since last changed: 21576 km

Abstand vor DPF-Ersatz: 16 km

Distance since last oil change under arduous driving conditions: 15.9 km

First additive status: Terminated

Dieselpartikelfilter (DPF), Differenzdruck: 170 mbar

Offsetting of reference value of DPF differential pressure sensor: 76 mV

Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) exhaust gas flow: 46655.0 L/h


Cruise control reference speed: -- km/h

Speed limit reference speed: -- km/h

Cruise control status (RVV): --

Cruise control status (LVV): --

Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (last cause): -- UpM

Cruise control cause of last deactivation: --

Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (last cause): --

Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (last cause): -- %

Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (last cause): -- km/h

Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (last cause): -- km/h

Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (before last cause): -- UpM

Cruise control cause of before last deactivation: --

Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (before last cause): --

Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (before last cause): -- %

Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (before last cause): -- km/h

Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (before last cause): -- km/h

Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -2): -- UpM

Cruise control cause (-2) of deactivation: --

Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -2): --

Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -2): -- %

Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -2): -- km/h

Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -2): -- km/h

Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -3): -- UpM

Cruise control cause (-3) of deactivation: --

Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -3): --

Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -3): -- %

Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -3): -- km/h

Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -3): -- km/h

Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -4): -- UpM

Cruise control cause (-4) of deactivation: --

Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -4): --

Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -4): -- %

Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -4): -- km/h

Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -4): -- km/h

Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -5): -- UpM

Cruise control cause (-5) of deactivation: --

Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -5): --

Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -5): -- %

Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -5): -- km/h

Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -5): -- km/h

Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -6): -- UpM

Cruise control cause (-6) of deactivation: --

Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -6): --

Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -6): -- %

Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -6): -- km/h

Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -6): -- km/h

Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -7): -- UpM

Cruise control cause (-7) of deactivation: --

Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -7): --

Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -7): -- %

Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -7): -- km/h

Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -7): -- km/h

Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -8): -- UpM

Cruise control cause (-8) of deactivation: --

Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -8): --

Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -8): -- %

Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -8): -- km/h

Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -8): -- km/h

Engine speed on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -9): -- UpM

Cruise control cause (-9) of deactivation: --

Gear on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -9): --

Accelerator pedal position on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -9): -- %

Reference value requested on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -9): -- km/h

Speed of vehicle on deactivation of the cruise control (cause -9): -- km/h

Vehicle speed curbing value: -- km/h


Motordrehzahl: 0 UpM

Camshaft and cranckshaft synchronization: Ja

Kurbelwellendrehzahl: -- UpM

Minimum voltage of the battery during starting: -- V

Motordrehzahl (Nockenwelle): -- UpM

Starter control: --

Starting inhibiting control (information by wire): --

Wegfahrsperre-Zustand: --

Steuergerät Zustand: --

Learning status

First initialisation of the turbo: --

Status of first learning of EGR valve: --

First initialisation of the air mixer: --

EGR lower limit learning: --

EGR upper limit learning: --

Last learning of the air mixer lower limit: --

Last learning of the air mixer upper limit: --

Last learning of the turbocharger lower limit: --

Last learning of the turbocharger upper limit: --




Qualität der Zylinderverbrennung


Motoreinstellung prüfen

Überprüfen des Drucks der in den Motor eintretenden Luft



Ventil für Abgasrückführung

Air mixer

Überprüfung des DeNOx-Systems

Urea injector

Downstream NOx sensor heater

Upstream NOx sensor heater

Urea pipe heating

Urea tank heater


DeNOx system check bleeding

Druckprüfung des DeNOx-Systems


Check of the additive pump flow

Magnetventil Motoröldruckregelung


Motorisiertes Kühlmittelauslassgehäuse

Kühlgebläse niedrige Geschwindigkeit

Kühlgebläse hohe Geschwindigkeit

Preheater unit

Relais für Spannungsversorgung

Relais für Klimakompressor

Fuel high pressure common rail pressure rise and fall test



Engine compressions test (Delphi)


Engine compressions test


Überprüfung des AGR-Kreislaufs

Durchflussprüfung des DeNOx-Systems



Oil parameter reinitialization

Austausch Einspritzventile

Austausch der Hochdruckpumpe

Austausch des DPF

Austausch des Harnstoffinjektors

Austausch Vorkatalysator

Programming air mixer stops

Programming EGR valve stops

DPF Regeneration (stehendes Fahrzeug)

DeNOx system fault reinitialisation

Filling level of urea tank

Kraftstoffadditiv nachfüllen

Draining and filling the tank with urea solution


