Bil, PEUGEOT, 607R, CAN, Climate control
Klima Anlæg - Climate control - 0
Supplier: ZF
Udstyrs nummer: 96 64 05 87 80
Softwareversion: 00 00
Diagnostics e-mail: 00 00 00 00
Messaging index: OR
Service check signal: --
Factory check: --
Number of after sales jobs: --
Additional number: 96 64 05 91 80
F72F: Air blower - circuit malfunction
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Driver side blown air temperature: 33.1 °C
Passenger side blown air temperature: 32.1 °C
Evaporator temperature sensor: 32.4 °C
Driver side sunlight photo sensor: 38 %
Passenger side sunlight photo sensor: 57 %
Front blower reference value repeat: 87 %
Batteri spænding: 14.20 V
Front blower: 12 %
Air recycling motor position: 0 %
Position of the air distribution motor: 12 %
Driver side air mixing motor position: 0 %
Passenger side air mixing motor position: 0 %
Rear windscreen and door mirror de-icing request: Inaktiv
Auto: Inaktiv
Driver temperature decrease request: Inaktiv
De-icing/visibility request: Inaktiv
Driver temperature increase request: Inaktiv
A/C request: Inaktiv
Passenger temperature decrease request: Inaktiv
Blower minus request: Inaktiv
Passenger temperature increase request: Inaktiv
Blower plus request: Inaktiv
Air distribution request on the driver side: Inaktiv
Air distribution request - ventilation passenger side: Inaktiv
Udgangs test
Air intake recycling motor
Air distribution motor
Left front mixing motor
Right front mixing motor
Display switch
Front panel lighting
Front blower motor
Key indicator light