Bil, PEUGEOT, 607, Climat control
Klima Anlæg - Climat control - 0
Supplier: Valeo
Udstyrs nummer: 96 33 07 13 80
Softwareversion: 00 1D
Diagnostics e-mail: 00 00 00 00
Messaging index: OR
Service check signal: --
Factory check: --
Number of after sales jobs: --
Additional number: 4E 07 01 10 02
: Coolant temperature sensor van network incorrect value received
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Passenger compartment air temperature: 24.0 °C
Evaporator temperature sensor: 6550.4 °C
Blower control voltage: 25.50 V
Sun thermistor day/night: 655350 Lux
Power supply: 0.00 V
Left side sun thermistor: 655350 Lux
Right side sun thermistor: 655350 Lux
Air recycling motor position: 100 %
Recirculation status:
Left front distribution motor position : 97 %
Right front distribution motor position: 4 %
Left hot air flap motor position: 188 %
Right hot air flap motor position: 255 %
Setting recirculation: Ikke aktiv
Other buttons: Sluk
Fan unit speed setting: Ikke aktiv
Indicator left: Inaktiv
Distribution setting right: Inaktiv
Distribution setting left: Inaktiv
Indicator right: Inaktiv
Udgangs test
Air intake recycling motor
Air distribution motor, driver side
Air distribution motor, passenger side
Left front mixing motor
Right front mixing motor
Display switch
Lighting level of the air conditioning panel
Heater blower motor