Bil, PEUGEOT, 405, NFU (TU5JP4) - J35

NFU (TU5JP4) - J35 - 0


PSA reference: 00 00 00 00 00

ECU manufacturer: Siemens

Additional number: 96 57 99 97 80

Diagnose version: FF

Calibration version: FF FF

Softwareversion: 2A 01

Udslip: Ikke defineret

ECU production date: --

Software reference: 00 00 00


P0481: Engine cooling fan control 2 low speed - circuit short to ground and to battery


Clear DTC

Levende Data

Motor Hastighed: 933888.0 Omdr.

Køretøjets hastighed sensor: 114 km/h

Koblingspedalkontakt: Inaktiv

Speeder pedal positions føler N1: 0.00 V

Speeder pedal position N2: 2.66 V

Motor status:

Intake air temperature sensor: -40 °C

Motor kølevæske temperatur føler: 215 °C

Køleventilatorhastighed: 51.6 %

Cooling fan high speed:

Cooling fan low speed:

A/C request:

A/C pressure sensor: 30.3 bar

Batteri spænding: 18.50 V

Følerreferencespænding 1: 2.71 V

Sensor reference voltage 2: 2.71 V

Power relay: Inaktiv

Optimum ignition angle: 60.0 °

Maximum ignition angle: -25.8 °

Minimum ignition angle: 60.0 °

Ignition angle cylinder 1: -64.0 °

Ignition angle cylinder 2: 63.5 °

Ignition angle cylinder 3: 63.5 °

Ignition angle cylinder 4: 63.5 °

Knock retard angle cylinder 1: 96.0 °

Knock retard angle cylinder 2: 96.0 °

Knock retard angle cylinder 3: 96.0 °

Knock retard angle cylinder 4: 96.0 °

Injection time cylinder 1: 208.9 ms

Injection time cylinder 2: 208.9 ms

Ignition coil 3 dwell time: 151.6 ms

Injection time cylinder 4: 208.9 ms

Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 1, bank 1: Fed

Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 2, bank 1: Fed

Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 1, bank 1: 3.07 V

Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 2, bank 1: 4.98 V

O2 sensor 1, bank 1 loop control: Lukket sløjfe

O2 sensor 2, bank 1 loop control:

Tank luft ventil: 99.0 %

Indsprøjtnings fase: 771.0 °

Throttle position sensor reference value: 221 °

Gasspjælds positions føler: 247 °

Gasspjældpositionsføler 1: 4.98 V

Gasspjældpositionsføler 2: 2.50 V

Programming throttle limits: Not learnt

Operating mode: Natural gas

Engine operating status - engine stop: Petrol

Gas flow reference value: 122 g/h

Pressure relief valve solenoid valve control: Aktiv

Tank solenoid valve command: Aktiv

Injection rail solenoid valve control: Aktiv

Gas pressure injection rail (low pressure): 0.0 bar

Gas pressure tank (high pressure): 121.3 bar

Gas temperature injection rail (low pressure): -40 °

Gas temperature tank (high pressure): 215 °

Injection time cylinder 1: 209.0 °

Injection time cylinder 2: 187.7 °

Injection time cylinder 3: 191.8 °

Injection time cylinder 4: 98.4 °

Composition gas: Unspecified

Gas quantity: 98.0 %

Udgangs test


Ignition coil cylinder 1+4

Ignition coil cylinder 2+3

Power supply relay

Indsprøjtnings dyse 1

Indsprøjtnings dyse 2

Indsprøjtnings dyse 3

Indsprøjtnings dyse 4

Gas injector 1

Gas injector 2

Gas injector 3

Gas injector 4


Evaporative emission (EVAP) system, canister purge valve

O2 sensor 1, bank 1 heater

O2 sensor / Lambda sonde 2, bank 1 Varme element

Electronic throttle control (ETC)

Cooling fan high speed

Cooling fan low speed

Coolant temperature telltale

Gas injector rail valve

Pressure reducer solenoid valve

Power supply relay of gas injectors (Peak and Hold relay)

EOBD fault warning telltale

Gas fault warning telltale and button LED

Gas tank solenid valve

Gas gauge display

A/C relay



ECU learn reset