Bil, PEUGEOT, 307, CAN, Autoradio RD4
Multimedia - Autoradio RD4 - 0
Supplier: Siemens
Udstyrs nummer: 00 00 00 00 00
Softwareversion: 30 02
Diagnostics e-mail: 00 00 00 00
Messaging index: D
Service check signal: --
Factory check: --
Number of after sales jobs: --
Additional number: 96 59 13 94 77
2B: Incorrect configuration of the multifunction screen (EMF)
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Stel nr.: Korrekt
Presence of parking assistance: Absent
Geographical area of use: Asia
Auxiliary input 1: Missing
Auxiliary input 2: Missing
Fader function: Aktiveret
AM waveband: Aktiveret
Quality of the signal: 0
Signal level: 14 dBuV
Level of the incoming radio signal from FM1 or AM: 0 dBuV
Number of days of use of the tuner: 218 days
Number of days of use of the CD player: 23070 days
Konfigurations Data
Geographical area of use: Asia
CD changer: Absent
Fader function: Aktiveret
AM waveband: Aktiveret
Volume automatic control: Aktiveret
Hi-Fi amplifier (Standard): Absent
Hi-Fi amplifier (Multiplexed): Absent
Volume level correction pattern: Pattern 5
LO/DX sensitivity curve: Curve 1
Radiotext: Aktiveret
CDtext: Deaktiveret
Parking aid system: Absent
Auxiliary input 1: Absent
Auxiliary input 2: Absent
Steering wheel with fixed central controls: Absent
Detection fault on one or more antennas: Aktiveret
Number of aerials: 1
Antenna 1 type: Aktiv
Antenna 2 type: Passiv
Type of character set used by the radio: Displaying of characters others then Russian
Udgangs test
Search for a radio frequency on the am waveband
Search for a radio frequency on the FM waveband
Forreste venstre højtaler
Højre højtaler fortil
Venstre højtaler bagtil
Højre højtaler bagtil
An amplified beep on the loudspeakers
Illumination front panel
Rediger stel nr.
Redigere konfiguration