PKW, OPEL, Corsa F, 2023, BECB GEN2

Stromversorgungs- steuerung - BECB GEN2 - 0


Zusatznummer: 98 04 83 32 80

Softwareversion: 02 50


Batterietyp: 70 Ah

Battery technology type: Fluid

Name supplier of battery: Exide

Calibration of the wake-up threshold for the battery charge status control unit (BECB) in correlation with the pre-starting information: All models

Motortyp: Unavailable

Batteriespannung: 12.012 V

Batteriestrom: -3.730 A

Batterietemperatur: 5 °C

Battery charge: 67 %

Battery charge status: Normal (<5)%

Minimum standby current: 0.640 A

Ancillaries battery charging and discharging counter: 22 Ah



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