Bil, MERCEDES, S 223, 223.961 Mercedes Maybach S 450 4MATIC , Mercedes Maybach S 480 4MATIC, Powertrain control unit (PTCU)
Motor - Powertrain control unit (PTCU) - 0
Diagnose version: 00 CB 1D
Boot software number: 0.0.0
Hardwareversion: 0.0.0
Softwareversion: --
Software version 1: --
Software version 2: --
Supplier: --
Hardware vare nummer:
Software part number (customer): --
Software part number (code): --
Software part number (data): --
Serie nummer: --
VIN stored:
P0C4600: Hybrid battery pack coolant temperature sensor - circuit intermittent/erratic
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Motor Hastighed: 10
Circuit 15: Tænd
Circuit 87: Tænd
Feedback circuit 87: 11.99 V
Batteri spænding: 11.88 V
Low temperature coolant circuit 1 temperature sensor: 299 °C
Low temperature coolant circuit 1 temperature sensor (raw value): 27.05 V
Gearshift lever neutral position: Ja
Adaptation value: Transmission neutral position: Ja
Adaptation value: Gear 6: Ja
Adaptation value: Reverse gear: Ja
Koblingspedalkontakt: Tænd
Adaptation value: Clutch pedal operated: Ja
Adaptation value: Clutch pedal not operated: Ja
Abort of adaptation: Nej
In horizontal direction: fault in adaptation (unsteady state): Nej
In vertical direction: fault in adaptation (unsteady state): Nej
In horizontal direction: value is outside permissible range: Nej
In vertical direction: value is outside permissible range: Nej
In horizontal direction: fault in adaptation (electrical): Nej
In vertical direction: fault in adaptation (electrical): Nej
Gear selection: 4.00
Manual transmission main shifter shaft position sensor (voltage U3) in horizontal direction: 0.11 V
Horizontal position of gearshift lever: 0.27 %
Manual transmission main shifter shaft position sensor (voltage U1 ) in vertical direction: 1.71 V
Manual transmission main shifter shaft position sensor (voltage U2 ) in vertical direction: 2.92 V
Vertical position of gearshift lever: 6.52 %
Coolant pump bypass: Ikke installeret
Coolant pump gear: Ikke installeret
Coolant pump KMP2_Lade: Ikke installeret
M43/10 (Electric coolant pump): Ikke installeret
M75/2 (Electric coolant pump): Ikke installeret
M75/12 (Electric coolant pump): Ikke installeret
Coolant pump OBC: Ikke installeret
Coolant pump SplitCool: Ikke installeret
Valve gear: Ikke installeret
Low-temperature circuit switchover valve: Ikke installeret
Valve bypass: Ikke installeret
Speeder pedal positions føler N1: 8.2 %
Speeder pedal position N2: 2.9 %
Gaspedalposition: 4.3 %
Kickdown recognition: Ikke aktiv
Udgangs test
Terminal 87
Fan motor
Activate SAR data storage
Variant coding