PKW, MERCEDES, C 206, 206.004 C 220 d Sedan, Getriebe (VGS)
Transaxle - Getriebe (VGS) - 0
Diagnoseversion: 00 9B 17
Boot software number: 0.0.0
Hardware-Version: 0.0.0
Softwareversion: --
Software version 1: --
Software version 2: --
Lieferant: --
Software part number (customer): --
Software part number (code): --
Software part number (data): --
Seriennummer: --
VIN stored: WDD2120011A907454
P060C00: Internal control unit fault in central processing unit
Fehlercode löschen
Automatikgetriebe-Öltemperatur: 35 °C
Eingestellter Gang: P
Sollgang: Gear N
Output speed: 5411 UpM
Torque converter slip speed: 354 UpM
Transmission mode: Initialization value
Wählhebel-Stellung: D
Motordrehmoment: 2.066 kNm
Steering wheel shift button 'MINUS': Not actuated
Steering wheel shift button 'PLUS': Not actuated
Zustand der Wandler-Überbrückungskupplung: Offen
Current error codes: Nein
Motordrehzahl: 500 UpM
Turbine speed: 0 UpM
Internal transmission speed: 0 UpM
Offset of shift point:
Working pressure sensor: 0.00 Bar
Batteriespannung: 0.00 V
Operation mode: Normalmodus
Park pawl position sensor: 0.00 mm
Auxiliary oil pump speed: 0 UpM
Auxiliary oil pump current: 0.00 A
Drive authorization
FIN (ursprünglich): WDD2120011A907454
Teach-in process COMPLETED: Ja
Control unit initialized: Ja
Control unit personalized: Ja
Control unit activated: Nein
Startfreigabe: Ja
Seriennummer: A1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B2
TCU mode
Teach-in of position sensor of park pawl
Adaptation procedure for torque converter lockup clutch
Variant coding
Variant coding Dev_Reset
Exhaust regulation or type approval number (EROTAN)