Bil, MERCEDES, B 247, 247.003 B 180 d, Panoramic sliding roof (PSD)
Body kontrol modul - Panoramic sliding roof (PSD) - 0
Diagnose version: 00 85 01
Boot software number: --
Hardwareversion: --
Softwareversion: --
Software version 1: --
Software version 2: --
Supplier: --
Hardware vare nummer:
Software part number (customer): --
Software part number (code): --
Software part number (data): --
Serie nummer: --
Stel nr.:
VIN stored:
B220687: Current vehicle identification number is incorrect or not present. Message is missing
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Panoramic sliding sunroof in motion: Nej
Panoramic sliding sunroof closed: Nej
Panoramic sliding sunroof open: Nej
Panoramic sliding sunroof fully open: Nej
Tilting roof open: Nej
Tilting roof fully open: Nej
Panoramic sliding sunroof blocked: Nej
Panoramic sliding sunroof drive unit maximum operating time has been exceeded: Nej
Overheating protection of panoramic sliding roof motor: Ikke aktiv
Reference value teach-in process: Ugyldig
Panoramic sliding sunroof normalized: Nej
Panoramic sliding sunroof (teach-in process of anti-pinch protection was completed successfully): Nej
Roller sun blind in motion: Nej
Roller sun blind closed: Nej
Roller sun blind open: Nej
Roller sun blind fully open: Nej
Roller sun blind motor is blocked: Nej
Panoramic sliding sunroof drive unit maximum operating time has been exceeded: Nej
Overheating protection of roller sun blind motor: Ikke aktiv
Roller sun blind is normalized: Nej
Roller sun blind (teach-in process of anti-pinch protection was completed successfully): Nej
Parameter set status: Gyldig
Transport mode: Not available
Run-on time: Ikke aktiv
PCB temperature: 22.0 °C
Circuit 30T power supply: 0.00 V
Udgangs test
Panoramic sliding sunroof
Roller sun blind
Teach-in process of anti-pinch protection