Bil, MERCEDES, Sprinter 2, 901.621, Electronic selector module (ESM)
transakse - Electronic selector module (ESM) - 0
MB number for hardware: 21 05 45 14 32
Diagnose version: 0.7
Hardware number: 39.98
Software nummer: 51.98
Supplier: Delphi
Diagnose version: 07
Stel nr.: --
P1817 [1]: Reversing lamp - control circuit short to ground
P1817 [2]: Reversing lamp - control circuit short to battery
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Terminal 15 (ignition): 12 V
Reversing lamp: Sluk
Button "Positive": Not operated
Button "Negative": Not operated
'Shift lock' function: Aktiv
Status of locking solenoid: Not operated
Transmission mode switch: Standard
Kickdown-kontakt: Not operated
Udgangs test
R/P locking solenoid
Shift lock solenoid
Reverse light