PKW, MERCEDES, Sprinter 2, 690.631, Getriebe (VGS)
Transaxle - Getriebe (VGS) - 0
Herstellungsdatum: 03 03 06
Hardwarenummer: 03.01
Softwarenummer: 24.02
Diagnoseversion: 2.2
MB Hardwarenummer: 03 05 45 46 32
Lieferant: Siemens
Identifikator: 02 02
FIN: WDC1648861A276478
P2000: Steuergerät für elektronische Getriebesteuerung (ETC) defekt
Event P240D: Keine Kommunikation mit Steuergerät Verteilergetriebe
Fehlercode löschen
Drehzahlgeber 2: 34104 UpM
Drehzahlgeber 3: 65535 UpM
Motordrehzahl: 15000 UpM
Turbine speed: 14724 UpM
Fahrgeschwindigkeit an der Vorderachse: 6554 km/h
Fahrgeschwindigkeit an der Hinterachse: 5978 km/h
Getriebeausgangsdrehzahl: 39171 UpM
Motordrehmoment: 360 N·m
Sollgang: R1
Eingestellter Gang: P
Wählhebel-Stellung: D
Notbetrieb: Ja
Transmission mode switch: Winter
Kick-Down-Schalter: Operated
Steering wheel gear shifter PLUS: Not operated
Steering wheel gear shifter MINUS: Operated
Starter lockout contact: Offen
Transmission oil temperature in selector lever position R or D: 80.0 °C
Kupplung für Wandlerüberbrückung: Offen
Speed difference of torque converter lock-up clutch: 750 UpM
Shift valves: 1-2 oder 4-5 und 2-3
Target current modulating pressure control solenoid valve: 25686
Modulating pressure control solenoid valve: 17222 mA
Modulating pressure control solenoid valve: 7700 mbar
Target current shift pressure control solenoid valve: 9814 mA
Shift pressure control solenoid valve: 13954
Shift pressure control solenoid valve: 872 mbar
On/off ratio of torque converter lock-up: 255 1/255
Selector lever position (CAN): D
1-2 adaptation data
Clutch K1 response time (with pull shifting): 128 N·m
Clutch K1 response time (with pull shifting): 34 N·m
Clutch K1 response time (with pull shifting): 9 N·m
Clutch K1 response time (with pull shifting): 66 N·m
Clutch K1 response time (with pull shifting): 255 N·m
Clutch K1 response time (with pull shifting): 85 N·m
Clutch K1 response time (with push shifting): 255 N·m
Clutch K1 response time (with push shifting): 88 N·m
Clutch filling pressure K1: 19 mbar
Filling time of clutch K1 counter: 199 Cycles
Filling time of brake B1 counter: 133 Cycles
2-3 adaptation data
Clutch K2 response time (with pull shifting): 89 N·m
Clutch K2 response time (with pull shifting): 99 N·m
Clutch K2 response time (with pull shifting): 108 N·m
Clutch K2 response time (with pull shifting): 6 N·m
Clutch K2 response time (with pull shifting): 52 N·m
Clutch K2 response time (with pull shifting): 1 N·m
Clutch K2 response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K2 response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch filling pressure K2: 36 mbar
Filling time of clutch K2 counter: 117 Cycles
Filling time of clutch K3 counter: 131 Cycles
3-4 adaptation data
Clutch K3 response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K3 response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K3 response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K3 response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K3 response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K3 response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K3 response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K3 response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch filling pressure K3: 83 mbar
Filling time of clutch K3 counter: 131 Cycles
Filling time of brake B2 counter: 119 Cycles
4-5 adaptation data
Brake B1 [Nm] response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B1 [Nm] response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B1 [Nm] response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B1 [Nm] response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B1 [Nm] response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B1 [Nm] response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B1 [Nm] response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B1 [Nm] response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Filling time of brake B1 counter: 133 Cycles
Filling time of clutch K1 counter: 147 Cycles
5-4 adaptation data
Clutch K1 response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K1 response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K1 response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K1 response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K1 response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K1 response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K1 response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K1 response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Filling time of clutch K1 counter: 199 Cycles
Filling time of brake B1 counter: 133 Cycles
4-3 adaptation data
Brake B2 [Nm] response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B2 [Nm] response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B2 [Nm] response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B2 [Nm] response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B2 [Nm] response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B2 [Nm] response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B2 [Nm] response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B2 [Nm] response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Filling time of brake B2 counter: 119 Cycles
Filling time of clutch K3 counter: 131 Cycles
3-2 adaptation data
Clutch K3 response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K3 response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K3 response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K3 response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K3 response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K3 response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K3 response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Clutch K3 response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Filling time of clutch K3 counter: 131 Cycles
Filling time of clutch K2 counter: 117 Cycles
2-1 adaptation data
Brake B1 [Nm] response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B1 [Nm] response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B1 [Nm] response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B1 [Nm] response time (with pull shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B1 [Nm] response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B1 [Nm] response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B1 [Nm] response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Brake B1 [Nm] response time (with push shifting): 0 N·m
Bremsfülldruck B1: 36 mbar
Filling time of brake B1 counter: 133 Cycles
Filling time of clutch K1 counter: 199 Cycles
VIN ändern
All solenoid test
Performing adaptation (SHIFT 1-2)
Performing adaptation (SHIFT 2-3)
Performing adaptation (SHIFT 3-4)
Performing adaptation (SHIFT 4-5)
Decelerate downshifts from 5 to 4
Decelerate downshifts from 4 to 3
Performing adaptation on vehicles with torque converter lockup clutch engagement as of gear 1
Performing adaptation on vehicles with torque converter lockup clutch engagement as of gear 3
Rücksetzen der Adapationsdaten
Konfiguration ändern