Car, MERCEDES, Sprinter 2, 901.661, OM647 - CDI3 (CDI)
OM647 - CDI3 (CDI) - 0
Production date: 04 03 22
Hardware number: 32.03
Software number: 11.03
Diagnostic version: 69.144
MB number for hardware: 63 95 45 01 08
Supplier: Marquardt
Identifier: 45 90
VIN no: WDB2112261A379574
0100: Mass air flow too high
P0100 [4]: Unknown DTC
Clear DTC
Data stream
Engine speed: 1000 rpm
Engine coolant temperature sensor: -3025 °C
Mass air flow (per one stroke): -- mg
Intake air temperature sensor: -- °C
Boost air temperature sensor: -- °C
MAP sensor: -- mbar
Boost pressure sensor: -- mbar
Accelerator pedal position sensor 1: -- %
Accelerator pedal position sensor 2: -- %
Fuel quantity control valve: -- %
Accelerator pedal position sensor: -- %
Injection quantity: -- mm³
Fuel tank level: 20773 L
Fuel temperature sensor: -2927 °C
Fuel rail pressure: 1445 bar
Fuel quantity valve duty cycle: 12 %
Synchronisation status:
Oil level: 1882.3 mm
Oil quality: -75.93
Engine oil temperature sensor: 70 °C
Barometric pressure sensor: 1161 mbar
Voltage terminal 87: 12 V
Fuel rail pressure control valve: 123 %
Gear engaged: 55
Brake switch: No
Stop light switch: No
Rail pressure monitoring: Quantity control valve
Pre-injection 1 duration: -28024 us
Pre-injection 2 duration: 18550 us
Main injection duration: 4498 us
Post-injection 1 duration: 18583 us
Post-injection 2 duration: 1176 us
Fuel rail pressure control valve: 23 %
EGR valve: 14 %
Charge pressure positioner: 13 %
Clutch pedal switch: --
Cruise control "Off" switch: --
Cruise control "Resume" switch: --
Set/accelerate button: --
Set/decelerate button: --
Cruise control safety contact: --
CAN bus-fault: --
CDI no longer sends on the CAN bus: --
"ADR" switch: Not operated
Working speed upper limit (max): 884 rpm
Working speed lower limit (min): 72 rpm
Quantity correction values of smooth-running control
Smooth running of cylinder 1: 182.63 mm³/hub
Smooth running of cylinder 2: 134.47 mm³/hub
Smooth running of cylinder 3: 95.75 mm³/hub
Smooth running of cylinder 4: -265.69 mm³/hub
Smooth running of cylinder 5: 174.93 mm³/hub
Smooth running of cylinder 6: 262.31 mm³/hub
Engine speed: 258 rpm
Injection quantity: 8 mm³/hub
Engine coolant temperature sensor: -144.5 °C
Fuel rail pressure: 26 bar
Transport protection of control module CDI is detached: No
Control module CDI is personalized: Yes
Control module CDI activated: Yes
Start enable: Yes
Synchronization of engine control module and EIS(ESZ): No
Test counter of control module WSP: 30343
Actuators test
Fuel pump
Boost pressure valve
EGR valve
Edit VIN
Injectors replacement