Bil, MERCEDES, Sprinter 910, 910.643 411 CDI, 414 CDI, OM651 - CDID3 S2 (CDI)

OM651 - CDID3 S2 (CDI) - 0


Diagnose version: 00 32 02

Boot software number: 11.7.0

Hardwareversion: 13.4.0

Softwareversion: 14.3.0

Software version 1: 14.3.0

Software version 2: 14.3.0

Supplier: Johnson Controls

Hardware vare nummer: 1769012301

Software part number (customer): 1729023505

Software part number (code): 1729023605

Software part number (data): 1729023705

Serie nummer: --

Stel nr.:

VIN stored:



Clear DTC

Levende Data

Batteri spænding: 0.00 V

Ignition: Ja

Control module is initialized: Nej

Control module is personalized: Nej

Control module is activated: Nej

Start enable immobilizer: Ja

Transmission in park position: Nej

Start enable transmission: Nej

Input circuit 50: Nej

Output circuit 50: Nej

Fuel tank level: 0 L

Motor Hastighed: 0 Omdr.

Fuel pump activation: Ikke aktiveret

Brændstofpumpe: Sluk

Fuel pump duty cycle: 0.00 %

Low fuel pressure: 0.00 bar

Camshaft and crankshaft synchronization: Nej

Tryk i brændstoffordelerrør: 393 bar

Pressure control solenoid valve: 0.000 A

Fuel quantity control valve: 0.000 A

Injection quantity: 48.3 mg/hub

Temperature down stream of charged air cooler: 491 °C

Engine stop request: No engine stop

Kølemiddeltemperatur: 196 °C

Oil temperature: -40 °C

Accelerator pedal position sensor: 0 %

Throttle valve actuator: -35 %

Intake air temperature sensor: -50 °C

Brændstoftemperaturføler: -50 °C

Barometrisk tryk føler: 0 hPa

Ladetrykføler: 0 hPa

Rail pressure regulation status: Pressure regulator valve

Total torque (after calculation): -2000 N·m

Luft masse måler: 0 mg/hub

Air filter dirty: 0 %

Exhaust back pressure: 0 hPa

Kickdown recognition: Nej

Gear engaged: N

Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) differential pressure: -1000 hPa

Water in fuel filter: Ja

Rail pressure fluctuations: -5000 bar

Adaptation value of cylinder 1 for calibration point 300 bar: 20 µs

Adaptation value of cylinder 1 for calibration point 500 bar: 1 µs

Adaptation value of cylinder 1 for calibration point 800 bar: 2 µs

Adaptation value of cylinder 1 for calibration point 1100 bar: 3 µs

Adaptation value of cylinder 1 for calibration point 1400 bar: 4 µs

Adaptation value of cylinder 1 for calibration point 1800 bar: 21 µs

Adaptation value of cylinder 2 for calibration point 300 bar: 22 µs

Adaptation value of cylinder 2 for calibration point 500 bar: 5 µs

Adaptation value of cylinder 2 for calibration point 800 bar: 6 µs

Adaptation value of cylinder 2 for calibration point 1100 bar: 7 µs

Adaptation value of cylinder 2 for calibration point 1400 bar: 8 °el

Adaptation value of cylinder 2 for calibration point 1800 bar: 23 °el

Adaptation value of cylinder 3 for calibration point 300 bar: 24 µs

Adaptation value of cylinder 3 for calibration point 500 bar: 9 µs

Adaptation value of cylinder 3 for calibration point 800 bar: 10 µs

Adaptation value of cylinder 3 for calibration point 1100 bar: 11 µs

Adaptation value of cylinder 3 for calibration point 1400 bar: 12 °el

Adaptation value of cylinder 3 for calibration point 1800 bar: 25 °el

Adaptation value of cylinder 4 for calibration point 300 bar: 26 µs

Adaptation value of cylinder 4 for calibration point 500 bar: 13 µs

Adaptation value of cylinder 4 for calibration point 800 bar: 14 µs

Adaptation value of cylinder 4 for calibration point 1100 bar: 15 µs

Adaptation value of cylinder 4 for calibration point 1400 bar: 16 °el

Adaptation value of cylinder 4 for calibration point 1800 bar: 27 °el

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 1 for calibration point 300bar: 132

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 1 for calibration point 500bar: 18820

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 1 for calibration point 800bar: 38027

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 1 for calibration point 1100bar: 1155

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 1 for calibration point 1400bar: 17788

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 1 for calibration point 1800bar: 10623

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 2 for calibration point 300bar: 1424

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 2 for calibration point 500bar: 1108

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 2 for calibration point 800bar: 33652

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 2 for calibration point 1100bar: 13428

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 2 for calibration point 1400bar: 14487

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 2 for calibration point 1800bar: 2087

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 3 for calibration point 300bar: 37763

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 3 for calibration point 500bar: 29833

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 3 for calibration point 800bar: 22919

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 3 for calibration point 1100bar: 4483

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 3 for calibration point 1400bar: 4242

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 3 for calibration point 1800bar: 65535

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 4 for calibration point 300bar: 1164

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 4 for calibration point 500bar: 18550

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 4 for calibration point 800bar: 16536

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 4 for calibration point 1100bar: 14409

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 4 for calibration point 1400bar: 13447

Teach-in cycle counter of cylinder 4 for calibration point 1800bar: 1396

EGR-ventil, position: -50.00 %

Exhaust gas recirculation: -100 %

Inlet port shutoff: -50.0 %

Air filter downstream pressure sensor: 500.000 bar

Bypassventil til EGR-køler: Lukket

Fill level of particulate filter: 0 %

Ash content of particulate filter: 0.0 g

Soot content of particulate filter (simulated value): 0.0 g

Soot content of particulate filter (model value): -50.0 g

Temperature sensor upstream of turbocharger: -20 °C

Exhaust gas temperature before catalyst: -20 °C

Temperature sensor upstream of particulate filter: -20 °C

Regeneration status: Ikke aktiv

Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) distance since last regeneration: 0.0 km

Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) distance since last regeneration (Corrected value): 0 km

Ash content (Travel distance): 0.0 g

Ash content (Fuel consumption): 0.0 g

Diesel Particulate filter (DPF) distance since last replacement: 0 km

Reading of main odometer: 0 km

Ratio of regeneration of diesel particulate filter to vehicle operating time: 0.0 %

NOx sensor before SCR catalytic converter, NOx concentration: -32768

NOx sensor after SCR catalytic converter, NOx concentration: -32768

AdBlue metering: Ikke aktiv

Fill level of SCR catalytic converter: -32.0 g

Fill level of AdBlue tank: 0 L

Exhaust gas aftertreatment: 0

Boost pressure positioner - duty cycle: 9 hPa

Correction factor for air mass at idle: -1.00

Correction factor for air mass in load range 1: -1.00

Correction factor for air mass in load range 2: -1.00

Køretøjs hastighed : 0.0 km/h

Torque requested by driver: -2000 N·m

Available torque: -2000 N·m

Torque limitation by component or function: Monitoring

Engine torque intervention by external system: Driver

Type of external engine torque intervention: No engine torque intervention

Serie nummer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Oil level: 0 mm

Lambda value: 0.0

Fuel rail pressure (raw): 0.00 V

Intake air pressure (raw value): 0.00 V

Boost pressure (raw value): 0.00 V

Exhaust back pressure (raw value): 0.00 V

Intake air temperature (raw value): 0.00 V

Charge air temperature sensor (raw value): 0.00 V

Exhaust gas temperature before catalyst (raw value): 0.00 V

Exhaust gas temperature before diesel particulate filter (raw value): 0.00 V

Fuel rail temperature (raw): 0.00 V

Engine oil temperature (raw value): 0.00 V

Coolant temperature (raw): 0.00 V

O2 sensor internal resistance: 0 Ohm

Ambient temperature: -40 °C

Terminal 87/1: 0.0 V

Terminal 87/1: 0.0 V

Coolant thermostat heating element: 0 %

Crankcase ventilation heater: Sluk

Fuel filter heater: Sluk

Engine oil pump valve: 0 %

Oil spray nozzle shutoff valve: 0 %

Fuel pressure regulator valve: 0 %

Fuel quantity control valve otput duty cycle: 0 %

Coolant pump switchover valve: 0 %

MIL lampe (gul motor lampe): Sluk

Calibration verification number (CVN): AA BB CC DD

Factor for adaptation of NOx sensor upstream of SCR catalytic converter (Mean value): 0.00

Factor for adaptation of NOx sensor downstream of SCR catalytic converter (Mean value): 0.00

Mean NOx variation between values of NOx sensors upstream and downstream of SCR catalytic converter (normalized): 0.00

Inhibit of engine start by crash event: Nej

Turbocharger: 1-stage turbocharger

Working speed request: 8000 Omdr.

Working speed control switch: Aktiv

Engine speed limit: 7984 Omdr.

Engine speed limit: Aktiv

Engine stop PSM: Aktiv

Engine start PSM: Ikke aktiv

Torque limitation: -1912 N·m

Torque limitation: Aktiv

Speed limit PSM: 500 km/h

Speed limit PSM: Aktiv

Accelerator pedal lock: Aktiv

Maximum vehicle speed limit (Customer request): -360.2 km/h

Torque at transmission input: 2000 N·m

Distance from last ash content correction: 6000000 km

Exhaust gas volume flow rate: 2250.0 m³/h

Regeneration status: 15.0

AdBlue metering quantity: 524280.0 g

AdBlue range estimate: 1110 km

O2 sensor 1 heater: Tænd

O2 sensor heater status: WRAF_INIT

CVN NOX sensor 1: 1234

CVN NOX sensor 2: 4321

Software calibration number (SCN): 1234567898765432

Quantity correction values of smooth-running control

Smooth running of cylinder 1: -500 Omdr.

Smooth running of cylinder 3: -500 Omdr.

Smooth running of cylinder 4: -500 Omdr.

Smooth running of cylinder 2: -500 Omdr.

Correction factor injector cylinder 1: -500.0 µs

Correction factor injector cylinder 3: -500.0 µs

Correction factor injector cylinder 4: -500.0 µs

Correction factor injector cylinder 2: -500.0 µs

Motor Hastighed: 0 Omdr.

Injection quantity: 48.3 mg/hub

Tryk i brændstoffordelerrør: 393 bar

Kølemiddeltemperatur: 196 °C

Injector cylinder 1: W52XX56HEJ5542345432

Injector cylinder 2: W52XX56HEJ5542316325

Injector cylinder 3: W52XX56HEJ5542390512

Injector cylinder 4: W52XX56HEJ5542392E3C

Stel nr.:

Udgangs test


MIL lampe (gul motor lampe)

Fuel pump

Throttle valve

Inlet port shutoff

Crankcase ventilation heater

Coolant thermostat heating element

Boost pressure actuator

Bypassventil til EGR-køler

Coolant pump switchover valve

Fuel filter heater

Injectors (Preinjection and main injection)

Injectors (Preinjection)

Glow output stage


Oil spray nozzle shutoff valve

Engine oil pump valve



DPF regeneration (vehicle stationary)

DPF regeneration (while driving)

Teaching in the diesel particulate filter after replacing the engine control unit

Diesel particulate filter teaching again

Injectors replacement

Throttle valve initialization

Inlet port shutoff initialization

O2 sensor initialization

Boost pressure actuator initialization

Diesel particulate filter (DPF) / Oxidation catalytic converter initialization

Diesel particulate filter (DPF) / SCR catalytic converter (NEW) initialization

Diesel particulate filter (DPF) / SCR catalytic converter (USED) initialization

NOx sensors initializations

Temperature sensor upstream of SCR catalytic converter teaching

Teaching process of AdBlue metering valve

Hot film mass air flow sensor initialization

Reset lambda adaptive value

Fuel pump activate

Quick teach-in of the zero quantity calibration values at idle

Quick teach-in of the zero quantity calibration values while driving

Crash signal function resetting



Implicit coding



Redigere konfiguration