Bil, MERCEDES, Sprinter 907, 907.131, Direct current charge connection unit (DCCU)

Strøm kilde kontrol - Direct current charge connection unit (DCCU) - 0


Diagnose version: 00 27 10

Boot software number: 0.0.0

Hardwareversion: 0.0.0

Softwareversion: --

Software version 1: --

Software version 2: --

Supplier: --

Hardware vare nummer:

Software part number (customer): --

Software part number (code): --

Software part number (data): --

Serie nummer: --

VIN stored:


P010000: Mass or volume air flow (MAF) sensor 1/A - electrical fault


Clear DTC

Levende Data

Circuit 30: V

Circuit 30c: V

High-voltage on-board electrical system at direct current charge connection unit (DCCU): V

Measured voltage value at input of direct current charge connection unit: V

Temperature value at negative pole contact for direct current: °C

Temperature value at positive pole contact for direct current: °C

Temperature of vehicle socket: °C

Charging station status:

Interlock circuit status:

Electrical connectors status (high voltage):

Insulation monitoring status:

Vehicle socket status:

Charging cable at charging station:

Charging cable at vehicle:

Exterior socket flap of vehicle socket:

Charging cable locking:

S2 signal status:

Pilot function:

Charging interruption pushbutton switch:

Charging interruption pushbutton switch illumination:

Charging interruption pushbutton switch signal:

Charging interruption pushbutton switch: V

Status of contactors:

Status of positive pole contact of contactor:

Status of negative pole contact of contactor:

Udgangs test


High-voltage component lock

Unlocking of exterior socket flap of vehicle socket

Charging cable on DC/AC charging vehicle socket

Charging interruption pushbutton switch illumination

LEDs of vehicle socket

Charge indicator state