Bil, MERCEDES, SLK 170, 170.449 SLK 230 Compressor, M111 - SIM4 (ME)
M111 - SIM4 (ME) - 0
Production date: 02 05 28
Hardware number: 02.01
Software nummer: 33.01
Diagnose version: 2.34
MB number for hardware: 11 11 53 35 79
Supplier: Siemens
Diagnose version: 02 22.33 01
Stel nr.: WDB2304671F071262
P2002-002 (P0123): Accelerator pedal position sensor 1/A/single - circuit open or short to ground
P2002-008 (P0222): Accelerator pedal position sensor 2/B - circuit open or short to ground
P2006-001 (P0113): Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 1/A/single - circuit open or short to battery
P2024-001 (P0108): Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor - circuit open or short to battery
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Motor kølevæske temperatur føler: 80 °C
Batteri spænding: 11.42 V
Motorolietemperaturføler: 72 °C
Safety fuel cut-off: Sluk
Fuel tank level: 112 L
Oil level: 35.28 mm
Oil quality: 3.20
Intake air temperature sensor: 36 °C
Motor Hastighed: 0 Omdr.
Idle speed: Sluk
Tændings vinkel: 18 °
Camshaft adjustment: Sluk
Coolant temperature at engine start: 36 °C
Catalyst heating: Tænd
Air pump switchover valve: Tænd
Post-start enrichment: Tænd
EGR valve: 735 °
Koblingspedalkontakt: betjenes
Air conditioner: Sluk
Barometrisk tryk føler: 2379.77 hPa
Gearvælgerstilling: Not P,N
Luft masse måler: 896.01 kg/h
Indsprøjtnings tid B1: 114.69 ms
Gasspjælds positions føler: 735 °
Canister purge control: Sluk
Tank luft ventil: 44 %
Engine speed (specified): 28672 Omdr.
Clutch pedal start enable switch (only USA): Not operated
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 loop control: -43.01 %
Beregnet katalysatortemperatur række 1: -- °C
Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 1, bank 1: 139.9194 V
Lambda control: Sluk
O2 sensor 1, bank 1 heater: Heating capacity DROPPING
Lambda sonde / O2 sensor 2, bank 1: 179.8963 V
O2 sensor / Lambda sonde 2, bank 1 Varme element: Heating capacity CONTROLLED
MAP føler: 3056 hPa
Engine full load: Tænd
Belastning Motor: 88 %
Knock control (B1): Sluk
Motordrejningsmoment: 895.97 N·m
Inertia fuel cut-off: Sluk
Kickdown-kontakt: Not operated
Knock sensor: 2.18400 V
Knock retard angle cylinder 1: -6.00 °
Knock retard angle cylinder 2: 6.00 °
Knock retard angle cylinder 3: -6.00 °
Knock retard angle cylinder 4: 6.00 °
Misfire cylinder 1: 256
Misfire cylinder 2: 512
Misfire cylinder 3: 768
Misfire cylinder 4: 1024
Self-adaptation enabled: Ja
Self-adaptation in idle speed range: 114.69 ms
Self-adaptation in part range: 43 %
Throttle valve stop learned: Ja
Speeder pedal positions føler N1: 140 V
Speeder pedal position N2: 180 V
Gasspjældpositionsføler 1: 140 V
Gasspjældpositionsføler 2: 180 V
Vehicle speed at front axle: 896 km/h
Vehicle speed at rear axle: 896 km/h
Stop light switch: Sluk
Fan capacity effective: 44 %
Fan capacity request by engine: 44 %
Fan capacity request by air conditioning (working load): 44 %
Fan capacity request by air conditioning (basic load): 44 %
Sensor rotor adaptation is completed: Ja
Sensor rotor adaptation: Ikke aktiv
Fuel tank pressure difference: 35.84 hPa
Electric air pump: Tænd
Serie nummer: 32 21 60 22 20 41 32 01
Engine control module: initialization: Ja
Engine control module: transport protection detached: Ja
Engine control module: personalized: Ja
Engine control module: activated: Ja
Engine control module: start enabled: Nej
Udgangs test
Secondary air injection system injection
Electronic throttle control (ETC)
EGR Control
Canister purge valve
Engine/AC electric suction fan
Fuel pump
Canister purge cut-off valve
indsprøjtnings dyser
Air/fuel correction
Secondary air injection system solenoid valve
Air pump
Octan correction
Fuel quantity correction
Correction programming of specified idle speed in selector lever position P or N
Correction programming of specified idle speed with gear range engaged
CO korrigering
Engine/AC electric suction fan
Desensitizing the smooth running detection
Rediger stel nr.
Learn Immobilizer
Closed throttle position learn
Closed EGR position learn
Crankshaft sensor adaptation
Adaptive values (total) reset
Redigere konfiguration