PKW, MERCEDES, S 221, 221.176 S 600 L, 2009-, Electric seat adjustment front left (ESAFL)
Sitzsteuergerät - Electric seat adjustment front left (ESAFL) - 0
MB Hardwarenummer: 2218203526
Diagnoseversion: 0.5
Hardwarenummer: 05.29
Softwarenummer: 05.50
Lieferant: Temic
Diagnoseversion: 00 05
9241: Heated cushion is defective or not connected
Fehlercode löschen
Forward/back adjustment: 32872
Sitzhöhenverstellung: 33087
Seat cushion depth: 33289
Sitzlehne: 32901
Seat inclination adjustment: 32711
Kopfstützenverstellung: 32620
Lordosenverstellung: 19.0 %
Normalizing position of forward/back adjustment: 32366
Normalizing position of height adjustment: 32747
Normalizing position of seat cushion depth adjustment: 32768
Normalizing position of backrest adjustment: 32559
Normalizing position of angle adjustment: 32569
Normalizing position of head restraint adjustment: 32599
Normalizing status of forward/back adjustment: Normierter
Normalizing status of height adjustment: Denormalized
Normalizing status of seat cushion depth adjustment: Normierter
Normalizing status of backrest adjustment: Denormalized
Normalizing status of inclination adjustment: Normierter
Normalizing status of head restraint adjustment: Denormalized
Last cause of denormalization Forward/back adjustment: Hall sensor fault. The corresponding seat adjustment motor is not connected
Last cause of denormalization seat height adjustment: The current position has been lost
Last cause of denormalization seat cushion adjustment: The deviation from the normalization point is too high
Last cause of denormalization backrest adjustment: Parameters are beyond the valid range
Last cause of denormalization seat inclination adjustment: Hall sensor fault
Last cause of denormalization head restraint adjustment: Denormalization by denormalization routine
Causes for abort of easy entry/exit when moving toward entry/exit position
Cause of abort no. 1: Seat adjustment switch
Mileage at time of abort no. 1: 153244 km
Cause of abort no. 2: The longitudinal adjustment has reached the rear protection zone
Mileage at time of abort no. 2: 1677722 km
Cause of abort no. 3: The longitudinal adjustment has reached the rear protection zone
Mileage at time of abort no. 3: 153244 km
Cause of abort no. 4: The function was switched off by the vehicle power supply control unit
Mileage at time of abort no. 4: 1677722 km
Causes for abort of easy entry/exit when moving toward drive position
Cause of abort no. 1: Timeout DCM-FL, DCM-FR
Mileage at time of abort no. 1: 153242 km
Cause of abort no. 2: Timeout DCM-FL, DCM-FR
Mileage at time of abort no. 2: 1677721 km
Cause of abort no. 3: Unbekannter Status
Mileage at time of abort no. 3: 153242 km
Cause of abort no. 4: The function was switched off by the vehicle power supply control unit
Mileage at time of abort no. 4: 153242 km
Seat inclination adjustment
Seat cushion depth
Seat belt wear convenience
Konfiguration ändern