Bil, MERCEDES, S 221, 221.083 S 350 BLUETEC 4MATIC, Electric seat adjustment front left (ESAFL)
Sæde moduler - Electric seat adjustment front left (ESAFL) - 0
MB number for hardware: 2218203526
Diagnose version: 0.5
Hardware number: 05.29
Software nummer: 05.50
Supplier: Temic
Diagnose version: 00 05
9241: Heated cushion is defective or not connected
Clear DTC
Levende Data
Forward/back adjustment: 32872
Seat height adjustment: 33087
Seat cushion depth: 33289
Seat backrest: 32901
Seat inclination adjustment: 32711
Head restraint adjustment: 32620
Lumbar support adjustment: 19.0 %
Normalizing position of forward/back adjustment: 32366
Normalizing position of height adjustment: 32747
Normalizing position of seat cushion depth adjustment: 32768
Normalizing position of backrest adjustment: 32559
Normalizing position of angle adjustment: 32569
Normalizing position of head restraint adjustment: 32599
Normalizing status of forward/back adjustment: Normalized
Normalizing status of height adjustment: Denormalized
Normalizing status of seat cushion depth adjustment: Normalized
Normalizing status of backrest adjustment: Denormalized
Normalizing status of inclination adjustment: Normalized
Normalizing status of head restraint adjustment: Denormalized
Last cause of denormalization Forward/back adjustment: Hall sensor fault. The corresponding seat adjustment motor is not connected
Last cause of denormalization seat height adjustment: The current position has been lost
Last cause of denormalization seat cushion adjustment: The deviation from the normalization point is too high
Last cause of denormalization backrest adjustment: Parameters are beyond the valid range
Last cause of denormalization seat inclination adjustment: Hall sensor fault
Last cause of denormalization head restraint adjustment: Denormalization by denormalization routine
Causes for abort of easy entry/exit when moving toward entry/exit position
Cause of abort no. 1: Seat adjustment switch
Mileage at time of abort no. 1: 153244 km
Cause of abort no. 2: The longitudinal adjustment has reached the rear protection zone
Mileage at time of abort no. 2: 1677722 km
Cause of abort no. 3: The longitudinal adjustment has reached the rear protection zone
Mileage at time of abort no. 3: 153244 km
Cause of abort no. 4: The function was switched off by the vehicle power supply control unit
Mileage at time of abort no. 4: 1677722 km
Causes for abort of easy entry/exit when moving toward drive position
Cause of abort no. 1: Timeout DCM-FL, DCM-FR
Mileage at time of abort no. 1: 153242 km
Cause of abort no. 2: Timeout DCM-FL, DCM-FR
Mileage at time of abort no. 2: 1677721 km
Cause of abort no. 3: Unknown status
Mileage at time of abort no. 3: 153242 km
Cause of abort no. 4: The function was switched off by the vehicle power supply control unit
Mileage at time of abort no. 4: 153242 km
Udgangs test
Seat slide operation
Seat height adjustment
Seat inclination adjustment
Seat cushion depth
Seat backrest
Head restraint adjustment
Seat belt wear convenience
Seat heater
Seat ventilation
Foot light
Lumbar support adjustment
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